Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic and Moral Issues of Our Day.
Support The StreamYouTube Called Out for Abortion Bias

Sixteen Republican attorneys general threatened legal action against YouTube and its parent company Google over their misleading “context” warnings.
“I’m so glad law enforcement is calling out YouTube for its obvious pro-abortion bias against pro-life videos,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. The organization is “no stranger to those blue boxes under our YouTube videos, giving ‘abortion health’ information. Since we often interview pro-life activists, we see those obnoxious boxes frequently.”
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird sent a letter to Google stating that these warning labels spread false information that “minimizes and downplays some of the serious risks of abortion drugs.” She gives an example from a pro-life video by Alliance Defending Freedom, in which a young woman tells the story of her excruciating experience undergoing a chemical abortion. Despite the content of the video and the stance Alliance Defending Freedom takes on the issue, YouTube posted a label on the video downplaying the contents by saying that surgical and chemical abortions are procedures “to end a pregnancy” performed “by a licensed healthcare professional.”
“Obviously, this is false,” Morse said. “Chemical abortions are performed not by a doctor, but by the pregnant woman herself — often at home, alone, and with no idea what’s about to happen to her.
“The same people who have scared us for years over ‘do-it-yourself home abortions’ with coat hangers seem utterly indifferent to the suffering of women from ‘do-it-yourself home abortions’ with minimally regulated pharmaceuticals.”
The pro-life group Live Action has a website called “I Saw My Baby,” where traumatized women share their horrific experiences. Roughly one in every 25 women who take abortion pills wind up at their nearest emergency room with some kind of complication, the attorneys general note.
One woman reported, “I came to that point — of physical danger, emotional anguish, psychological torment — because the doctors and medical professionals at Planned Parenthood lied to me.”
Morse said that woman is not alone.
“She was never warned about the intense bleeding and pain of a chemical abortion but was instead told it was ‘as easy as taking a Tylenol’—a typical pro-abortion lie,” Morse said. “For approving the ‘safety’ of the abortion pill, I hope these attorneys general will go after the FDA next. But in the meantime, I’m grateful for their intervention against YouTube and Google on behalf of these poor women.
“At the very least, women deserve accurate information. These ‘context’ boxes do nothing but muddy the informational waters,” she concluded.
Does ‘Gender Affirmation’ Actually Help Anyone?
“I don’t know how to talk about this without wanting to cry,” said Dr. Jane Anderson, MD, FCP, Vice President of the American College of Pediatricians. “We are mutilating our teenagers … It’s just so beyond anything we ever imagined we would see, these teenagers suffering horribly … It’s mutilation. That’s all it is, mutilation. It’s horrible. It has no benefits.”
Anderson — the principal author of a paper examining more than 60 transgender studies — concluded that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and so-called “social transitioning” methods, such as using a person’s preferred pronouns, do not help adolescents.
“I have no hesitancy in saying there is no evidence at all that any of those treatments, individually or taken in combination, improve the mental health of the adolescents who undergo them,” said Dr. Anderson.
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“Adolescents and children who do not feel comfortable in their biological sex have a very high incidence of preceding trauma, either adverse childhood events, and/or they have an underlying mental illness. They have high incidence of depression [and] anxiety… and that can be treated. We want them to be treated so they can improve in their mental health and thrive. Those mental illnesses must be identified and must receive treatment. That’s a high priority.”
Learn what to say when someone says gender dysphoria causes the person’s depression and anxiety, rather than the other way around. Also, find out why Anderson says Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria is “clearly a social contagion” by watching the full episode on Locals. Or find only the first half on YouTube, Bitchute, or Odysee.
Ruth Institute Celebrates Real Women This Women’s History Month
How should we celebrate women this month? By congratulating biological men who say they’re women when they win swimming competitions against real women? By pretending there’s nothing wrong with a biological male entering a women’s mixed martial arts contest and breaking a woman’s jaw?
How about turning a blind eye to male sex-offenders who say they’re women so they can transfer to women’s prisons, which are rife with new victims for them to rape and abuse?
Should we also celebrate women by telling those in a Scottish rape recovery center that they must either accept biological men working there or leave?
This insanity has gone on long enough. The Ruth Institute isn’t going to stand for it any longer. With your help, we will raise funds to raise awareness and protect real women.
The Ruth Institute is a global nonprofit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. Founder and President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.