Yale Prof Makes Test Optional So Students Can Cope With Trump Win

By Blake Neff Published on November 9, 2016

A professor at Yale University has made an exam optional to allow his students to cope with their psychological devastation from Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election.

The unnamed economics professor’s email to his students was posted on Twitter by Jon Victor, an editor at the Yale Daily News:

“Dear Econ 115 students,” the letter says. “I am getting many heartfelt notes from students who are in shock over the election returns … the ones I find most upsetting are those who fear, rightly or wrongly, for their own families. These student are requesting that the exam be postponed.”

The professor then says a postponement is impractical, and a full cancellation would be unfair to those who had prepared. And so, he announced, the test would be optional for all students. Students can skip it entirely, and have its weight transferred to the final, or they can take it, in which case its score will only be used if it would improve their grade.


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