A Word to the Church on the National Day of Prayer  

By James Robison Published on May 5, 2016

Today is the National Day of Prayer and I encourage all Christians to join together in prayer for our nation and the future of freedom. Many have put their hope in men rather than God. Don’t. The Lord alone is our certain hope.

Election results may thrill some and disappoint others, but I repeat what the prophet warned, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man.” We don’t “trust in horses and chariots.” We trust in God, and if we as His people will “humble ourselves and pray and seek God’s face, turning from our wicked ways,” He has promised to hear, forgive and heal our land. I believe God is anxious to heal every heart, every home and every nation that will turn to Him in humility and brokenness.

And such a supernatural healing is the only hope for America and the freedom we’ve been blessed to enjoy. I believe in miracles and a God with whom “all things are possible” and who knows all things. We have a heavenly Father who always knows best and is able to lead us through any challenge, to climb any mountain and endure any valley, however dark. The Lord Jesus is our shepherd. He alone knows where the green pastures are.

Some say the stage is set for the total collapse of our nation. Dear believer, please trust in the Lord and know that He is able to miraculously direct us in restoring the foundation of freedom and the truths essential for it to survive.

In light of Tuesday night’s election results, some are disheartened while others are excited. We must not make the mistake of trusting political parties or any candidate for our deliverance. We trust the Lord and must not allow His body — the church — to be a house divided. Even if you disagree with others, or you didn’t get your wishes and may feel your prayers were not answered, do not be discouraged. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Let’s pray fervently with hearts filled with faith. Those who have been born again through the power of God’s Spirit and the redemptive work of Christ on the cross must stand in supernatural unity against the forces of evil.

It has been my blessed privilege to speak very directly with most of the presidential candidates. I emphasized to each one that although a national race for political office may be important, it is far more important that each of us run “the race the Lord has set before us.”

We live in a day when unreasonable, unreasoning people refuse to have a civil conversation. Never in my 72 years have I seen such unbridled anger, frustration and hatred as I have among Americans worked up about this election cycle. Only God can turn that anger and frustration into compassion, hearing hearts, and open minds.

Please pray fervently with other believers, of whatever party, crying out to God for national repentance and clear direction. Join with Franklin Graham’s cry for America to come together on our knees in prayer. And join with us. Those of us who share our heartfelt concerns and counsel on The Stream will be diligently seeking God’s direction and perfect will.

In 2 Timothy 3, the apostle Paul told the early church, “In the last days perilous times are sure to come. Men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.”

Whether those “last days” stretch for years, for centuries, or for millennia, the question is, what should we do as believers in Jesus Christ today?

Paul warned, “If you desire to live godly in Christ Jesus, you will be persecuted. Evil men and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” How should we respond? Paul said, “Continue in the things you’ve learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you’ve learned it. Hold fast to the sacred writings that give wisdom, and lead to salvation by faith in Jesus,” knowing that scripture is given by inspiration of God. In 2 Timothy 4, he said, “I charge you in the presence of God and of Jesus Christ to preach the word.” This means everyone should boldly share the Gospel.

Does that mean we’re assured of easy times? Again Paul warned, “The time will come when people won’t endure sound doctrine and they will choose for themselves teachers according to their own desires, and they will turn away from truth and seek myths.” We are seeing that! Again, how should we respond? We are to be “sober, consistent, enduring hardship, doing the work of an evangelist” — fearlessly and with hope and trust.

So that’s what we do every day we live, for as long as we live. And we have the hope in Christ that He will deliver us. He may even transform the heart and mind of the very candidate or candidates you are sure are beyond redemption. But come what may, He will deliver.

So, do not be disheartened. Read Isaiah 55:6-13 and prayerfully meditate on those verses. The church of Jesus Christ has at this very moment the potential and supernatural enabling to be the most powerful force for positive change on this earth. We must extend a clear call to return to the security and direction that God freely offers. We need to pray together in brokenness before God, seeking His face and His approval, turning from our wicked ways of indifference, and failure to release the river of His life and love on a drought-stricken world. Join me praying for the miracle and the hope only God can provide.

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