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Will ‘Menstruating People’ Sink Opposition to Texas Heartbeat Law?

And other dispatches from the front lines of the Sexual Revolution.

By The Ruth Institute Published on September 23, 2021

As Sexual Revolutionaries muster their forces to fight the Texas Heartbeat Bill, a bizarre new twist has entered the debate. How do the pro-abortion advocates describe their primary constituents, when part of their movement has erased the word “woman”?

Ruth Institute President Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., explained: “Hard-core activists like socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are driven to manipulate language to be ‘inclusive.’ Thus, instead of ‘women,’ they say ‘menstruating people.’ Instead of ‘pregnant women,’ it’s ‘birthing people.’

Yet, the network of abortion clinics suing to overturn the Texas law is called Whole Woman’s Health. The proposed Congressional legislation prohibiting states from banning abortion is called the Women’s Health Protection Act. “It’s not called the Menstruating People’s Protection Act,” Morse observed.

Abortion Groupies vs. Trans Fans

“This argument generally pits younger, more purist activists against the pro-abortion Old Guard, which has spent decades calling itself the exclusive voice of women,” Morse said. “This younger generation doesn’t seem to realize that their pro-trans rhetoric erases women.

“I hope the pro-abortion factions continue to attack each other. They’re wasting their time and resources. Their quarrel highlights the absurdity of their cause.”

At the same time, Morse cautioned pro-lifers against becoming smug. “The fact that pro-abortionists are irrational and self-contradictory does not prove they will automatically lose. They have been irrational all along. For the true Revolutionary, the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the Revolution. And the Revolution is always about power. If the latest crop of Sexual Revolutionaries devours the Revolutionary Establishment, that will not necessarily mean that we win. We could end up with both an extreme abortion license and transgenderism. Those of us who are committed to life and reason still need to continue the fight.”

Socialism is an Attack on the Family

 “A Socialist Attack on The Family,” a lecture by Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., is now available as a podcast at the Acton Vault.

In the lecture, Morse describes how the socialist vision of equality has played an independent role in family breakdown. She argues that socialism has attacked the family directly and led to demographic collapse.

“We’re pleased that the Acton Institute has chosen to highlight this lecture in its new feature, Acton Vault,” Morse said. “Although it was part of the Institute’s 2008 Lecture Series, if anything, it’s even more relevant today. Now we have a group of avowed socialists in Congress, called The Squad, led by the outspoken Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.”

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A September 2020 Hill-HarrisX poll showed that 56% of Democrats have a favorable view of socialism. “This, after the economic and human catastrophe of Venezuela!” Morse remarked.

An expanded version of Morse’s lecture is available as a Ruth Institute booklet, “The Socialist Attack on the Family,” which makes three key points:

  1. Socialists are just as committed to abolishing marriage as they were to abolishing private property.
  2. The socialist program of eliminating sex differences and abolishing marriage have serious consequences for economic and personal freedom.
  3. Christianity offers more appealing solutions to the problems socialism claims to solve.

“Socialists view the family as competition for the loyalty of the individual, which they believe should be owed to the collective alone,” Morse said. “The socialist objective is to eliminate the church and family in order to achieve a classless society.”

The 21-page “Socialist Attack on The Family” is available for a donation of any amount until October 1, or can be purchased.

Taking the Cardinal to Court

The latest Dr. J Show is an interview by Dr. Morse of attorney Ray Belair. Belair represents former seminarian Anthony Gorgia in a civil lawsuit against Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, and others, including his former seminary. Mr. Gorgia alleges that he was not permitted to continue at the North American College in Rome, despite stellar grades and numerous accolades. Gorgia claims he was kicked out of his seminary, because he witnessed an act of homosexual predation by a seminary leader. Fellow seminarians confided in him that they had observed similar behavior by the Rev. Adam Park. Gorgia alleges that this accounts for his dismissal from the seminary. Mr. Gorgia is suing for damages associated with Cardinal Dolan and the North American College’s failure to perform their implied promises.

Dr. J’s interview with Gorgia’s attorney, Ray Belair, explains the background and details of the case and how it might proceed. The interview lays out some of the possible ramifications the resolution of this civil lawsuit could have not only for the Catholic Church but also for other organizations. Many churches and other organizations have problems with sexual harassment, abuse, and the accompanying cover-up. How this case is decided could have ripple effects throughout our social system.

Learn more about it by watching the Dr. J Show.


The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. The Ruth Institute produced two reports by Fr. Paul Sullins in 2018 and 2019, showing the relationship between homosexuality in the Catholic priesthood, and the continuing problem of clergy sex in the Catholic church.

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