Will America Swallow the Bitter Pill of Socialism?

By Published on July 27, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other leftists who embrace democratic socialism avoid using Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela as shining examples. With the skill of a great illusionist, AOC makes Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland appear as great examples instead. The truth is, they sugarcoat the bitter pill with fluffy cotton candy. Only after we swallow the pill do we see the harsh realities of the bait-and-switch coming into view. 

Nordic countries are false examples of democratic socialism, according to many economists. One of them is Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman, writing in a Forbes magazine article titled Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist.

Nordic countries “are actually a poor case to cite,” he says. They “practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs.” Worth noting: these countries show a “lack of government interference in business affairs.” Of special note is the fact that “none of these countries have minimum wage laws.”

The Socialist Product

Take a quick imaginary journey with me through a giant timeworn factory. Its product? Poverty!

In his book The Problem with Socialism, Thomas J. DiLorenzo describes socialism as “a form of economic poison that destroys prosperity. He says it is the biggest generator of poverty the world has ever known.” Countries from China to Cambodia to Cuba have experimented with every flavor of socialism. It’s failed everywhere! Only free-market reforms have saved some nations from total dysfunction and disappearance. 

Almost 75 years ago, Winston Churchill defeated Hitler and saved Great Britain. Nonetheless, he was set aside in the next post-war election, as a new brand of democratic socialism called “Fabian socialism” engulfed the British Isles. This branch of socialism isn’t interested in overthrowing governments. Its approach instead was to nationalize a country’s economy through socialist control of the democratic process.

Britain nationalized key industries in the post-war period. It levied high tax rates. It enacted socialized medicine, massive welfare and government-funded pension programs. And the once wealthiest nation in the world began running out of its accrued free-market capital. 

In the nick of time, Britain  elected the “Iron Lady” to usher in free-market reforms. Margaret Thatcher privatized many of those industries again. Gold and silver followed her leadership as foreign investors poured capital back into this economic recovery. 

Dorogaya, I Shrunk the Kids!

DiLorenzo shows further that seven decades of socialism in the Soviet Union left the country with an economy around 5 percent of the size of the U.S.. 

DiLorenzo is sharing the work of a former advisor to Mikhail Gorbachev and American economics professor, Dr. Yuri Maltsev. “Soviet socialism never produced a single product that succeeded in international competition,” he says, “with the possible exception of Russian caviar which comes from a fish (the sturgeon), not a factory.”  

So what came of all the socialist countries’ puffed-up promises? “The common people were equal in their poverty while the political elite lived privileged lives.”

Karl Marx saw human history transitioning through certain stages: feudalism, capitalism, socialism and finally communism. But when someone asked a Ukrainian lecturer what comes after communism, he answered, “Alcoholism,”    

Don’t fall for it! 

We’ll have battles to wage before America swallows this bitter pill of socialism. This war is not about bullets, bombs and blood. It’s a war of words, concepts, values, beliefs and traditions. We must work together to stop socialism’s advance.


Ron F. Hale served for 25 years in several church and denominational roles in the Midwest before he returned home to Jackson, Tennessee in 2006. He served on staff at West Jackson Baptist Church for twelve years. He enjoys research, writing and serving on the SBC Executive Committee in Nashville.


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