Why Is ‘Christian Nationalist’ Hungary Enabling the Next Armenian Genocide?

If you move in right-wing circles, you’re likely to hear lots of happy talk about governments such as Hungary’s and even Russia’s. That’s because on certain key issues they resist the most demonic Western trends, such as “gender transitioning” for children. Their leaders will make the right noises about the very real decadence of post-modern culture, and the countries have adopted some sane laws that discourage mass immigration or try to boost their birth rate. And yes, we should be happy for Hungarians and Russians that their governments aren’t dumping all the same poisons into the water supply as the Biden or Macron regimes.
But are such leaders acting on deep Christian principles, or simply pursuing their country’s rational self-interests? Natural law teaches us many truths that can be applied to politics; in fact, it’s simply the instruction manual for human life, which even honest pagans can see via reason alone. So there’s no reason to start lauding some foreign leader because he doesn’t sabotage his own citizens’ lives the way our leaders do — or doesn’t surrender their sovereignty to the schemers behind the Great Reset. It just means such leaders aren’t traitors.
Allied with the Islamists
Before you buy a picture of Hungary’s Viktor Orban to hang over your mantel, consider this: Hungary is helping the same Turkish Islamist tribes who conducted the first Armenian Genocide to carry out a second one. The Stream already reported on the vicious ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Christians from the ancient Christian Armenian enclave of Artsakh by the government of Azerbaijan. Now the radically intolerant leaders of that nation are preparing to invade Armenia itself, and finish the job begun in 1915 of purging all Christians from the first Christian nation on earth.
In response, the European Union has been preparing an aid package for embattled Armenia, which was abandoned by its long-time ally Russia. Putin’s regime in Russia and Netanyahu’s government in Israel have been cozying up to Azerbaijan for cynically strategic reasons. But it’s a little more shocking to us that the loudly pro-Christian government of Viktor Orban has adopted the same Machiavellian stance. According to an Armenian news source:
After months of deliberations, the 27-nation bloc moved earlier this year to approve such “non-lethal” aid from its European Peace Facility, a special fund designed to boost EU partners’ defense capacity.
A relevant draft document seen by RFE/RL’s Armenian Service in mid-April calls for 10 million euros (about $11 million) to be provided to the Armenian military over the next two and a half years. The money would mainly be spent on creating a field hospital and auxiliary facilities for a battalion-size army unit. Its allocation requires the unanimous backing of all EU member states.
The European source that did not want to be identified said Hungary has for weeks been vetoing the decision and demanding that similar aid also be allocated to Azerbaijan. EU leaders are considering meeting Budapest’s demand in hopes of overcoming the deadlock, added the source.
In early April, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev warned Western powers against “arming Armenia,” including through the European Peace Facility. Aliyev has long maintained a warm rapport with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
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Aliyev is a fanatical Islamist with no scruples about violent attacks on Christians. But Orban apparently doesn’t care. As the Armenian news story continues:
Unlike other EU member states, Hungary has openly supported Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Hungarian Foreign Ministry reaffirmed that support three days after the outbreak of the 2020 Armenian-Azerbaijani war in Karabakh.
Armenia’s former leadership froze diplomatic relations with Hungary in 2012 after Orban’s government controversially extradited to Azerbaijan an Azerbaijani army officer who hacked to death a sleeping Armenian colleague in Budapest in 2004. The officer, Ramil Safarov, was pardoned, rewarded and promoted by Aliyev on his return to Azerbaijan.
In fact, Orban’s government actually used its EU clout to defend the genocide of Armenian Christians which Aliyev committed: “Last September, Budapest reportedly vetoed a statement by the EU member states condemning the Azerbaijani military offensive that displaced Nagorno-Karabakh’s [Artsakh’s] entire population.”
An Ancient Christian Nation on the Brink
Many self-styled “Catholic Integralists” and “Christian Nationalists” think they’re being persecuted in the West, and hold up Orban’s government as a model for Christian civic engagement. They ought to ask his English-language apologists about Hungary’s role in promoting Islamist genocide. Armenia was a thriving Christian nation 700 years before the pagan Magyars stopped plundering central Europe and converted to Christianity.
Christians in the West who don’t care about the ancient, apostolic communities of Christians now subject to persecution will have a lot to answer for on Judgment Day. In fact, we already have an advance transcript of how that will play itself out:
Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” (Matthew 25:41-46)
Jason Jones is a film producer, author, activist, popular podcast host, and human rights worker. He is president of the Human-Rights Education and Relief Organization (H.E.R.O.), known for its two main programs, the Vulnerable People Project and Movie to Movement. He was the first recipient of the East Turkistan Order of Friend- ship Medal for his advocacy of the Uyghur people. Jones was an executive producer of Bella and an associate producer of The Stoning of Soraya M. His humanitarian efforts have aided millions in Afghanistan, Nigeria, and the Ukraine, as well as pregnancy centers and women’s shelters throughout North America. Jones is a senior contributor to The Stream and the host of The Jason Jones Show. He is also the author of three books, The Race to Save Our Century, The World Is on Fire, and his latest book, The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset. His latest film, Divided Hearts of America, is available on Amazon Prime.
Armen Chakmakian is a Grammy Award-winning recording artist and composer, and works with the Vulnerable People Project as Refugee Evacuation and Resettlement Database Manager.