Why Are the Packers Helping to Fill Planned Parenthood’s Baby Parts Coolers?

While you’re stuffing gifts into boxes, Planned Parenthood goes right on emptying wombs of children, filling medical waste containers. And selling baby body parts for profit. Now the Green Bay Packers are pitching in. The Green Bay Press Gazette reports on it.
Pro-Life Wisconsin and other pro-life supporters are criticizing the Green Bay Packers Foundation for a grant it made to Planned Parenthood Wisconsin Inc. in Milwaukee, one of 192 grants made as part of its annual program.
The issue blew up after word of the grant, made earlier in December, began circulating among pro-life supporters. Dan Miller, executive director of Pro-Life Wisconsin, said his organization is opposed to money going to Planned Parenthood “ever, at any time.”
“(The Packers) have stood for wonderful things, but this is not something that’s wonderful. Planned Parenthood is an abortion provider,” Miller said Wednesday. “We’re outraged. We’d like an explanation.”
I know that it’s customary these days for corporations to cringe and prostrate themselves before the culture’s new gods. But did the Packers really have to choose Moloch? Is funding the killers of children the best way to mark the holiday season? Perhaps it’s meant to honor the pro-choice feast of Herodmas, named for that first-century Palestinian leader and his commitment to population control. Or maybe the Packers are commemorating Krampus, the horned devil figure who carries bad children off to hell in German folklore.
We Only Fund Hamas’ Food Budget, Not Its Bombs
The foundation the Packers funds claims that the money is not meant to pay for abortions. Just all that other stuff.
The Packers Foundation said Wednesday the Planned Parenthood grant was for a specific program and not a blanket donation. That program, Cuidándonos Creceremos más Sanos (CCmáS), which means “growing healthier together,” is dedicated to reaching Latino families in southeastern Wisconsin, an underserved population, with language- and culturally-specific health education they would not normally receive.
Of course, money sent to Hamas or the White Aryan Resistance can also be labeled “Lunch Money for Tots.” But the shrewd businessmen on the Packers Foundation board know better. If someone pays your food bills, that frees up the same amount of money for bombs and bullets. Or abortions and BDSM sex education for teenage girls in schools, as the case may be. There are plenty of health foundations with Spanish-speaking employees who can cater to immigrants, without recruiting them to have abortions.
If they’re going to balance out each of the good groups they fund by also supporting evil ones, the Packers Foundation needs to get busy.
There are countless health groups not founded by white eugenicist racists who cooperated with Nazis to cut down on the number of “human weeds.” Nor willing to profit from the sale of human baby parts.
Planned Parenthood, Hate Group
Those other health groups don’t take donations with strings attached, such as “only for use aborting blacks.” Planned Parenthood has. Other health missions don’t cooperate with overt sex traffickers and pimps, covering up statutory rape of underage girls (especially immigrants). Planned Parenthood does. Or pretend to offer mammograms, when most of their clinics don’t. Or help perpetrators cover up the sexual abuse of children. Live Action has captured Planned Parenthood employees on video doing all of those things.
Why would the Packers Foundation choose a “health care provider” that makes most of its income from killing? As Lifenews notes, Margaret Sanger’s old eugenics group is now “the nation’s largest abortion business that annually kills more than 330,000 babies in abortions.”
Do expectant moms seek out abortionists like Kermit Gosnell or fetus-collector Ulrich Klopfer to deliver their children alive? Not usually. Not if they can help it. It’s like hiring a serial killer as your security guard, on the grounds that he “understands violence.”
Why Fund Abortionists?
Well, the Green Bay Packers have plenty of other choices. In fact, they boast of funding many other worthy health organizations. These include:
- Hospital Sisters at Mary’s Hospital Medical Center of Green Bay Inc.
- Hospital Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis at Vincent Hospital.
- Joseph’s Hospital in Chippewa Falls, Chippewa.
- Access Community Health Centers in Dane.
- BSP Free Clinic (Benevolent Specialists Project) in Dane.
Could none of these groups find any Spanish speakers to offer immigrants “culturally-specific health education”? (Whatever that even means.)
But as I went over the list of worthy Packers Foundation grantees (lots of animal charities, bravo!), I came to a realization. There are a lot of religious institutions there. Lots of Catholic ones especially. And that’s controversial these days. Remember how Chick-fil-A came under fire, before it surrendered and switched sides?
Paying a Tithe to Herod?
Maybe funding Planned Parenthood seems to the Foundation board members like a way to politically balance out all that money spent helping Christians care for the poor and the sick. A sop to the Southern Poverty Leadership Center and the Human Rights Foundation. Protection money, if you will.
That almost seems smart. Except that if they’re going to balance out each of the good groups they fund by also supporting evil ones, the Packers Foundation needs to get busy. They need to counterbalance more of their grantees than just the Christian groups:
- Happily Ever After Animal Sanctuary Inc., with a cruel medical testing lab.
- Laura & Peter Mossakowski Family Dog Park, LTD with aid for a dog-fighting ring.
- Friends Of The Lodi Public Library, Columbia, with a group dedicated to burning books, ala Fahrenheit 451.
- Rape Crisis Center, Dane, with money that helps exploit women through Pornhub.
You get the idea.
On second thought, maybe not. Given all the ways in which Planned Parenthood exploits, uses, damages, and profits off poor women nationwide, maybe supporting it is enough to counterbalance every good thing the Packers support. It’s the tithe they pay to Herod this Christmas.
John Zmirak is a Senior Editor of The Stream, and author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism.