When It Hurts So Bad You Can’t Stand It

When it hurts so bad you can’t stand it, Jesus will ease your pain. He offers comfort, peace, and new purpose to those who take refuge in him. Here’s why.
Know That Jesus Shares Your Pain and Offers Comfort
Pain is an inescapable part of life. From scraped knees, to traumatic psychological wounds, and deep emotional loss. Jesus suffered all of this and more. He understands what you’re going through. And supports those who lean on him.
He also suffered pain and unjust condemnation. And quietly accepted it as part of his mission.
He was mocked by his accusers and executed in the most brutal manner of the day. The one reserved for the most vile criminals.
God is sovereign with an eternal plan that has your best interest in mind.
And yet, he did so willingly. To take your place and mine. Because we are guilty of sin before God.
He suffered humiliation. Agonizing torture. Excruciating pain. And finally, death. At the hands of people who hated him. But he loved in return. People that wanted to kill him. But he wanted to save.
He died so we can live. And comforts those who turn to him.
Know That Jesus Mends Broken Hearts and Offers Peace
It’s a natural question when we suffer unjustly: Why, God, did you let that happen? Sometimes it takes years to receive an answer. Sometimes you never do.
The death Jesus suffered doesn’t make sense either. Why, God, did you let your own son die? He never wronged anyone. But compassionately healed. And taught people how to live relationally with one another. How to know and find peace with God.
It’s much more than inner peace. Or lack of conflict. But an incomprehensible peace. Where you are reconciled to God.
And that is the only answer for the death of Jesus. It is our emancipation from sin.
Therefore, Jesus knows the depth of your pain. And heals the brokenhearted.
Know That Jesus Offers Joy and New Purpose
The joy of the Lord strengthens you. It doesn’t replace sorrow or eliminate hurt. But you can experience joy in spite of them.
Because joy is not dependent on circumstances. It sees beyond them and is based on God’s promise of an eternal future. Where there is no more sorrow and no more pain.
However, God’s grace is present in this life too. Because he promises to make things work out for good. When you love and trust him. And submit to his will.
Of course, none of this is easy. Or comes naturally.
You must act by faith. Believing that Jesus is God. And God is sovereign with an eternal plan that has your best interest in mind.
He is your source of strength. Provides reason for living. And hope for the future. Where all questions are answered. And healing is complete.
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and freelance copywriter. He publishes humorous Christian drama, books, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.
Originally published at ChipTudor.com. Republished with permission.