What’s Your Power Source?
Are you handling your stresses, pressures and situations just fine on your own? Then you can skip this video and God’s words showing another way. But, if you’re like most of us, you need to know where your power comes from in order to deal with those issues. And for you, read on…
Game Plan:
“I can do [handle] all things through him [Jesus] who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
“I [Jesus] am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides [remains connected to and dependent] in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit [love, joy, patience, kindness, faithfulness, courage, eternally significant influence…], for apart from me [Jesus] you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
Time Out:
Simply stated, you and I can’t do anything that is eternally pleasing or significant without God.
We were not made to operate on our own intellect, efforts and emotional resilience. Nor were we made to operate on psychological insights, extrinsic rewards, or mood-altering activities and substances. We were made to gain our identity in a dependent relationship with the God who made and rescued us. When we admit we are weak, we allow Him to be our strength. That is far more strength and power than we can muster up in any other way.
Go Deep:
Write a list of all the things you are trying to handle on your own … things you don’t invite God to deal with.
Write a list of all the techniques, approaches, activities and substances you utilize in your attempt to survive, succeed or be happy on your own? Read that list and tell yourself that you’re an idiot. You’ve been duped by the enemy.
Begin a conversation this week with God. Tell Him you’re sorry for trying to be your own power source, for leaning on your ways instead of His, for running your own life.
Ask Him to reveal to you how much He loves you and to show you how to abide in Jesus through daily connection, surrender, joy, gratitude, praise, communication and dependence. Open the Bible.
Ask God to open your eyes and heart to what He wants to say to you. Read it, journal about what you read and learn. Abide.
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Originally posted at Facing the Blitz. Used by Permission.