What is RSS?
Rich Site Summary, or commonly known as “Really Simple Syndication” is a stripped down syndicated news feed that allows us to streamline our content to you. Viewing an RSS feed will show you only the essential information of the page’s content — such as the post’s title, main text content, and any featured images.
The Stream’s RSS Feeds
The Stream Posts Feed (RSS) – 10 most recent posts
More coming soon!
Why should I use an RSS feed?
Since an RSS feed is stripped down to the basics, you can read our articles without being distracted by other information on the page. Using an RSS feed reader will also allow you to keep track of when new content is posted, rather than you having to check back to see if something new is up.
How do I use an RSS feed?
There are many RSS feed readers available, with unlimited different features and interfaces to fit a variety of people’s needs. It’s really just a matter of testing and experimenting with the different readers to find which one suits you best.
Below is a list of a few of the most popular feed reader software/utilities:
Subscribing to The Stream’s Podcasts
The Stream’s podcast, “UpNext” with Gabrielle Jackson Bosché, is launched!
RSS Link: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:228118872/sounds.rss
To subscribe, enter this link in your favorite podcast subscription program or app.
iTunes: Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes here.
Google Podcasts: Subscribe to this podcast on Google Podcasts here.