What is God Saying to You?

One of the great lessons of my life has been learning to trust God’s love for me and step out of my feelings and into His will. When we do that, I can testify, the walk of faith becomes more than we are able to ask or think. As a teen I was shy, and while I loved the Lord with all my heart, it was easy for me to see others who could and would be used of God. My feeling about God’s love, certainly misconceived, was that He probably didn’t love everyone the same. I thought He must have favorites, people who received more love, mercy and grace from Him than others.
Nothing could be further from the truth. As a mother of three, grandmother of 11 and now one experiencing the delight of great-grandchildren, I realize the depth of love I have for each one. And that reveals to us the heart of our Father, who loves each one of us equally and has plans for each life that only He can see and help accomplish.
That’s what God wanted for me as a teen, but it took time to understand and much prayer, as well as constant encouragement from James, to open my eyes to God’s full and wonderful grace. It was easy for me to see someone else as more qualified for His work in their life. Certainly, I saw the anointing on James and his ministry. It was amazing to watch him develop as a powerful preacher and communicator and speak to thousands of people. In our own times together, he always lifted me up: knew my heart and stood with me in the quest to know more of Jesus and His love.
Freedom in Christ
So when I found real freedom in Christ and understood God wanted me to be just me, it was a wonderful moment in my walk with the Lord. And it brought me opportunities I never envisioned for my life. For example, that shy teenage girl never dreamed she would travel to mission fields and see firsthand the desperate needs among the poor. She never saw herself hosting the global LIFE Today broadcast with James and sharing the goodness of God with viewers around the world.
There have been so many amazing achievements from more than 50 years of ministry, I could not begin to list them all here. But I can tell you how they came about!
I accepted God’s love for me when I realized He truly accepted me. And with that acceptance I said, “Yes, Lord,” to what I felt was His will for me. I didn’t have to live up to anyone else’s expectations or even my own. As doors opened for ministry to others, I walked through them. The result has been a life so much bigger than I imagined, with the peace and joy that come from walking in the Father’s will.
It doesn’t always need to be in words, but simply our actions, which reflect love.
So I ask, “What is God speaking to you today?” The beauty of the Kingdom of God is that every believer is called to be a “ministering saint” (see Romans 12:6-8, 13). We each have and our own circle of influence in life. One of the beautiful blessings of LIFE Outreach is the opportunity we have to work together in the Kingdom of God. You don’t have to be a missionary on the field of service. Jesus said even to offer a cup of cold water in His name is life-giving ministry.
I encourage you as we enter 2021 to do what you can to share Christ and His love with someone each day. It doesn’t always need to be in words, but simply our actions, which reflect love.
I’m reminded of the words of a beautiful worship song that sums up our daily life in Christ:
Go in My name, and because you believe, others will know that I live.
That’s our hope every day at LIFE!
Betty Robison cohosts LIFE Today with her husband James. The program reaches more than 300 million households in North America, Europe and Australia. The Robisons founded LIFE Outreach International, a worldwide media ministry and missions organization. Betty is also the author of the inspirational best-seller Free to be Me, and co-author of Living in Love.
The lyrics quoted are from “Freely, Freely” by Carol Owens.