What Do Your Youth See in You?

You are being watched. Every move and step you make is being monitored, whether consciously or subconsciously, by your youth. No matter what role you play in a childโs life, directly or indirectly, the way you live your life is on display to the young people of this nation. What do they see when they watch you?
You have a lot of input as a parent while raising your children. You nurture and give guidance as they grow so that they will be able to make wise choices in life. Although you wish it was like a website search tool where you could just delete some of those choices from their history, you still play a very crucial role in helping them through whatever choices they make.
Truth is, children glean from more than just their parents. They watch teachers, neighbors, and many people around them. They have this inner storage facility that they just drop pieces of what they see into it and when you least expect it, it rises, and they imitate the action or repeat what was said. This can catch a parent way off guard.
The Enemy is Running After Them
You may have not signed up to be a mentor. Your day-to-day routine didnโt involve trying to be a perfect role model to the kids across the street. Yet, here you are, a person of interest to a young person you may or may not know. Young people will have no problem finding the evil and bad influences in life. In fact, the enemy is constantly running after them. He is relentless in seeking them out to try to take these impressionable babies and turn them against the great plan God has for them.
When a child looks at your lifestyle, in your presence or just passing by, do they see integrity? Can young people look at you and see a person that they can admire and trust?
The enemy would love to snatch the way of life they had as a baby from them, and plant thoughts that make them believe God is shallow and outdated. A prime example is the overwhelming national push to create a viewpoint to the babies that can alter their gender by a simple decision and the world must agree. Or, just the fact that the world promotes a two-mom or two-dad household, which is never biblical or God-ordained. What message does this speak to your youth today?
Protect the Youth
What do they see when they see you? When a child looks at your lifestyle, in your presence or just passing by, do they see integrity? Can young people look at you and see a person that they can admire and trust? They see so many shady people. The world is full of people that are attacking their young vulnerable minds to pull them off safe ground and turn them into merchandise and self-playthings. This is the treacherous world you live in. These are just the real facts you face today.
Child pornography and pedophilia is a real topic that has not been adequately addressed. They are stealing your babies right off the street for personal gain and gratifying their own disgusting lust. You are living in a time that children need to see real, loving adults that will watch out for them mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Let Them See Christ in You
What can your youth see in you? People of God, let your light so shine before the young people. Share love with the children in your neighborhoods. Show them kindness and speak to them, showing them there are people in this world who care. When you shop for a gift, buy an extra gift and just give it to a child that you noticed didnโt have what yours may have had. Reach out to a parent and offer your help to tutor or just be a helping hand.
Stop running from the youth thinking they are all bad. Sometimes, they just need to see that someone else is concerned. So many young people feel like they have no one. Show them that is not true. Let the love of Christ stand out. Show them that you can love them without wanting anything in return. Show them as their parent, teacher, neighbor, or whomever you may be, that Christ is real in you. Let them know you live what you preach. Remove any dark area that may give off the scent of hypocrisy. Show them authenticity. Show them that Christ is what they need. Can they see that in you?
Janet Boynes founded Janet Boynes Ministries in Maple Grove, Minnesota, in 2006. She authored the books Called Out: A Former Lesbianโs Discovery of Freedom, God & Sexuality, and her latest: God & The LGBT Community. Janet is an ordained minister under the Assemblies of God and travels the U.S. and overseas sharing a message of redemption and hope through the power of Jesus Christ.