‘What Can I Do?’ You Can TAKE THE PLEDGE!
If faith can move a mountain, people of faith can move a nation. And we know this nation needs some moving. The question always seems to be “How? What can I do?”
You can TAKE THE PLEDGE is what you can do.
We’ve been telling you a lot about Christians Engaged, with its motto “Pray, Vote, Engage.” Christians Engaged has just launched a 50-state non-partisan “Get Out the Vote” effort and The Stream is on-board. The Pledge isn’t just about this upcoming election, though that’s important. It’s about a building a faith-based movement that can impact the shape of government both local and national.
Christians Engaged President Bunni Pounds said, “We believe the Church is the answer for America. Unfortunately, there is not much difference between Christians’ voting patterns and those of the general public. If the Body of Christ across denominational lines would fight apathy, take Jesus to the ballot box, and vote biblical values in every election including local elections and primaries, we would see a generational impact on America.”
What Happens When You Take the Pledge
Once you take the PLEDGE to pray, vote, and engage, you will receive an appeal to register to vote immediately. Within a few days participants will receive a unique activation product, the Christians Engaged On-Ramp to Civic Engagement course — a seven hour on-demand training class which equips American Christians to be activated with government from a Kingdom perspective.
Going forward, those of you taking the PLEDGE are activated with a full “Get Out the Vote” program for your applicable state. Leading up to each election, you’ll will receive four texts and four email reminders to vote and are equipped with research materials from a non-partisan Christian perspective.
So no daily bombardments. Just enough reminders and resources for you to rock your district, state and nation. And shape … perhaps even save … the coming generations.
A Network of Christians Out of the Reach of Big Tech Cancel Merchants
Bunni notes one other crucial factor about this TAKE THE PLEDGE effort. Christians Engaged is teaming with churches and faith-based organizations such as The Stream. Their system is built within a fully secure software system that can accommodate future growth to millions of people. Says Bunni, “In a time when data companies are cancelling Christian ministry organizations, this is extremely important for the future of the Church.”
Get Engaged, Take the Pledge
James Robison, publisher of The Stream and founder of LIFE Outreach International, is strongly urging Stream readers to TAKE THE PLEDGE. “I am 100% behind what Bunni Pounds is doing,” Rev. Robison said. “Christians Engaged is an organization that calls for the very thing that Jesus left us on this earth to be — ENGAGED — in what matters to God and what should matter to our families.”
Just click on the image below to enlist and engage with your brothers and sisters in Christ to impact your neighborhood and nation.