WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Smothers Comedian Michelle Wolf With Kindness: Hopes She Finds Happiness
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders turned the other cheek on Fox & Friends Thursday and responded to criticism from comedian Michelle Wolf by wishing her a happy life.
“Look, I think that evening says a whole lot more about her than it does about me,” Sanders said of the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner on Saturday.
“The people that were my friends before that evening are my friends today and I’m going to continue doing the job that I came here to do every single day,” she said. “I’m very proud of the fact that I work in this administration for this president and we’re going to keep pushing forward and doing everything we can to make America better.”
Sanders highlighted the successes of the Trump administration and said she hopes Wolf is able to find the same happiness the White House staff has in serving President Donald Trump.
“I think we’ve had a great first year and a half at doing that. A huge success story that we’re proud of,” Sanders continued. “I hope that she can find some of the same happiness that we all have, because I think she may need a little bit more of that in her life, because the rest of us here are doing great.”
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