Welcome to The Stream

A Message from our Founder and Publisher

By James Robison Published on March 19, 2015

Welcome to The Stream. It is here for you and those you love. We hope that during the early weeks of this newly birthed information portal you will be prayerfully patient with us as we grow and mature. We feel that we are attempting the impossible, except for the fact, “With God, all things are possible!”

My vision for this national daily is to bring together tributaries of wisdom that for too long have functioned in isolation one from another. I believe God is now calling us from the age of the Somebodies and back to the age of the one Body.

The Stream is where those concerned about our nation’s perilous course can now gather for news, wisdom and inspiration, and not feel as if faith must exist only on the margins. We have a God page, but really every page on The Stream is God’s. The Psalmist reminds us that “the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,” and this is why you find The Stream covering and commenting on everything from breaking news and entertainment to family issues, religion stories and the great outdoors. It’s all God’s, and The Stream winds through it all.

In the Aftermath

After natural disasters and other catastrophic events, people wisely lay some differences aside in order to deal with the aftermath of the disaster. Today we are living with the aftermath, the negative effect, of unwise choices and policies. We face greater, even catastrophic consequences on the horizon if we do not join together immediately to correct our nation’s dangerous course.

It is not our intention to address or try to settle all theological differences. Instead, we hope to inspire and influence everyone to join together to effectively address the challenges we face as individuals and as a nation.

It’s past time we came together to work together. Iron that never touches iron sharpens nothing. At the other extreme, iron that comes to blows with iron notches and dulls the blade. But where a people meet at the table of reason and discourse — spirited discourse at times, to be sure, but always thoughtful, respectful and genuinely desiring the good of all — then friction actually sharpens the blade.

We are seeking to release a stream of life filled with enriching and potentially transforming truth. We want to see divisions healed, and learn how to reason together in order to discover the best ways to effectively address problems. Together we can rise and soar as eagles on the challenges we face and the turbulence of the times.

The need is urgent. Our nation is on a perilous course. Our religious and political freedoms are eroding before our eyes, and our government seems unable to live within its means or within the proper bounds established for it by our forefathers. The book of Hosea speaks of a people “destroyed for lack of knowledge.” But The Stream is dedicated to the proposition that this need not be our future.

One note of caution: You will find that The Stream frequently refers you to other websites hosting news, commentary or events we think are important to people of faith and those committed to principles essential to freedom. If you visit these sites, you may see some things (ads or banners) that we would never post or support. We are, however, committed to passing on to you commentaries, stories and news that may help serve you and enable you to accomplish meaningful goals.

Making Glad the City of God

The Stream began in prayer and has been launched in and through prayer.

If you believe in prayer, please pray for us. If not, at least consider what we share on The Stream. Beginning with the founder, editors and contributors, there are none perfect. But together in love and with compassion we will pursue with you the most effective solutions and the best approach necessary to address those things which concern you, others and, we believe, God Himself.

Working together, we will see the promise declared in Psalm 46:4 proven true concerning this newborn site: “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God.”

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