Welcome, Baby Number 8 Billion!

The United Nations’ Population Division predicts we’ll hit 8 billion people on November 15, 2022.
Some say there are already too many of us. We disagree. Without apology or equivocation, we welcome Baby 8 Billion.
With falling fertility around the world, we need babies now more than ever. Elon Musk said, “If people don’t have more children, civilization will crumble.”
Though we’ll watch the World Population Clock to see it hit 8 billion, it’s impossible to know exactly who Baby 8 Billion will be, or when he or she will be born. Maybe Baby 8 Billion will be a boy in Nigeria, arriving precisely on November 15 at midnight Greenwich Mean Time, or a girl in the Philippines a few days earlier. Perhaps twins in France will push us over the mark several days later. No matter. We address this letter to all the babies born this November.
Dear Baby Number 8 Billion,
We’re glad you’re here. In fact, we’re so happy, we want to thank your mother and father for bringing you into the world.
Please know that we’re not the slightest bit worried about your “carbon footprint.” We’ll always consider you a gift to the world. We don’t care where you live, what religion your family professes, or what race you may be. Our wish for you is the same: that your mother and father love you and each other your whole life.
Some people worry that the world will run out of resources if we have too many consumers. Don’t pay attention to them. They forget that people don’t just consume, they also contribute. We bet you’ll grow up to make things or grow things or work hard at a desk or a workbench or on a farm. In other words, the world will be a better place for having you here.
It’s possible you may not live long or you might have medical problems that make your life more difficult. People may think you aren’t doing or contributing much. But the world will still be better for having you in it. You’ll likely teach someone how to love, just by being you.
Many who signed this letter have known children who died young or had special needs. Our little ones taught us how to love. Every one of them, every one of you, is loved by somebody!
God, especially, loves you. And that’s the real reason you’re here. God made you in His image and likeness. No one will ever reflect the image of God in exactly the same way as you. Isn’t that amazing? God wants you to be here. That’s good enough for us!
So, Baby 8 Billion, welcome to the world! We thank God for you. We thank your mother and father for having you! Whatever your life may bring, you are part of the human family. We’re glad you’re here!
Your friends at the Ruth Institute
Click here to sign your name and share with new moms and dads you may know!
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.