Web Notables (March 16, 2015)
Black hole mysteries, conservative principles outlined, the dangers of a deal with Iran, etc.
“Web Notables” is a daily feature that highlights articles readers may want to see but might have missed. It is compiled by senior editor David Mills.
Dead Stars and Deep Secrets by Michael Brooks in the New Statesman. “The study of black holes has become central to the effort to develop a final theory of physics” and explain everything, but they never supply an answer.
Watching “Interstellar” with Wendell Berry by Peter Augustine Lawler in the Intercollegiate Review. “Although we’re supposedly hardwired to serve the species, we’re not (or most of us aren’t) capable of caring about more than ourselves and those we know and love.”
The 12 Principles of Conservatism, an “infographic” also from the Intercollegiate Review. Gives the Sharon Statement adopted at the founding of Young Americans for Freedom at William F. Buckley Jr.’s Great Elm estate in Sharon, Connecticut, on September 11, 1960.
In Kenya’s highlands, a Jewish Community Struggles for Recognition by Melanie Lidman in The Times of Israel. A small group of Africans in the Kenyan highlands who considered themselves Messianic Jews wanted to find true Judaism and joined the Conservative movement, but are still not recognized as Jewish by the Orthodox in the country.
A Real Downside to Any Deal With Iran by Michael J. Totten in City Journal. “Any deal with Iran, good or bad, is likely to benefit ISIS.”
Why Are Americans Happy & Religious? by Mark Tooley in Christian Post. Americans are both more religious than people of other countries and “more hopeful about their ability to improve their future than are other wealthy countries. Americans are more prone to think hard work will uplift, to reject thinking that outside forces control their destinies, to be happy and to prioritize religion.”