We Need to Take Racism Less Seriously

It’s disfiguring, like acne, but abortion is terminal cancer.

By John Zmirak Published on August 19, 2024

I’m hesitant to say what I need to convey here. I’m taking a genuine risk β€” both pastorally and professionally. But since Great Britain fell to a hostile, anti-Christian dictatorship, with similar regimes clamping down on dissent from Canada to Australia, I can’t keep quiet any longer. Not when our own country is being herded like a lamb to the slaughterhouse, less than three months away from an irreversible takeover by far-left, autocratic bigots obsessed with aborting babies and castrating kids. Not when one of the biggest sticks swung by pro-abortion, pro-transgender, quasi-Marxist activists both inside our churches and out is the fetish of β€œantiracism.”

The Left has taken the genuine, profoundly biblical truth that racial discrimination is sinful and severed it from the rest of the body of Christian doctrine. In fact, they took it to a lab like a stolen finger, cloned it, and turned it into a cancer that’s killing every nation to which it spreads.

The pastoral risk is real: I don’t want to scandalize non-white Christians, or do anything whatsoever to suggest that the faith of Jesus Christ is somehow the property of Western civilization, of People of Pallor like me who don’t even tan in the sun but β€œlobster.” Quite the contrary: The Church was born in the Middle East, is dying out in white countries, and probably will thrive for the next few centuries only in Africa and Asia. I look forward to the election of a faithful African pope β€” and even published a graphic novel a decade ago depicting such a heroic, black African pontiff. I’m excited that my own new local pastor is a faith-filled priest from Nigeria. I look forward to befriending him.

The professional risk is obvious: As I wrote here some years ago, it’s probably less damaging to be tarred as a rapist than as a white racist. Indeed, the British government is now literally freeing actual rapists to make room in the prisons for online β€œracists.” Should Kamala Harris begin to reign from the White House, I expect the same policies to prevail in Texas and Alabama.

Which only goes to prove the point that I must reluctantly make: White racism, while certainly sinful, has been isolated as the most important evil mankind faces around the world. It’s the third rail, the Ark of the Covenant, the shibboleth and fetish and unhealthy obsession, an evil so unspeakable and appalling that any means whatsoever is justified to uproot it β€” including (as Megan Basham documents in her new book) the transfer of Christian churches to the control of the abortion industry and the LGBT movement.

A New Inverted Apartheid

Must every European country import millions of immigrants, until there’s not one single white majority country on the face of the earth, and people of European descent are minorities in a diaspora like the Jews before 1948? Fine, then make it so. Are countries like Japan and China, Rwanda and Somalia, obliged to adopt similar policies so they don’t have majorities? No, of course not.

Only eight years after the Civil Rights Act rightly forbade racial discrimination, our Supreme Court issued Roe v. Wade. Was that a coincidence? Tragically no. In key ways, it was a consequence.

Must white males remain the only β€œunprotected class” (as Jeremy Carl writes in his important new book) not covered by civil rights laws β€” so that they’re essentially second-class citizens in a new form of inverted apartheid? Fine, let’s make that happen. Whatever it takes. Let companies like Apple and major universities explicitly exclude a racial and sexual group from jobs and promotions, as if they were law firms in Mississippi in 1913 that wouldn’t hire Jews or women. It doesn’t matter. Whatever it takes.

Are Jews Just the Whitest People on Earth?

I’ve seen pro-lifers try to argue against abortion by pointing out the very real racism of Planned Parenthood’s founders, and the disproportionate death rate of non-white, unborn children. Heck, I’ve done that myself, right here at The Stream. Step back for a second, however, and think about how crazy that is, like the old joke about Baptists opposing adultery because it might lead to … dancing. They’re saying that in order to suggest we ban the practice of murdering unborn babies for sexual convenience, then selling their organs for profit, we must show that it’s somehow connected to … (drumroll please) … white racism.

Part of the reason that outright hatred of Jews and yawns at the Holocaust’s horrors are now becoming acceptable on college campuses is that the Left has decided Jews are really just white people, and perhaps even the whitest people on earth. So they don’t deserve protection, and certainly don’t deserve a country where they can be the majority. Liberal Jews are reduced to echoing old claims worthy of the Ku Klux Klan that they’re not really white, so they do deserve protection.

How did we get here? I explain that at length in No Second Amendment, No First. After I lay out the very real and hideous history of wicked, eugenicist bigotry pushed by the Darwinist fanatics of Margaret Sanger’s movement, I explain how the Christian Civil Rights movement arose and rightly prevailed:

The civil rights movement was the last true great Christian moment in America. It was the final occasion when we as a society drew on Americans’ common biblical consensus of what man is and how we should treat him: as a dignified child of God, with rights and responsibilities, equally valuable whatever his traits or state in life.

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s consistent patriotic and biblical rhetoric, grounding legal equality in America’s founding and the Church, helped not just disarm but also shame opponents. While many of his allies and rivals for leadership among black Americans looked to Communism or Islam for help, King knew better. He realized that the civic and religious faith of Americans already rejected racism. All he needed was to show people the implications of what they already believed, not win them over to dismal dialectical materialism or an alien religion founded by a slave owner. It’s a vast blessing for our country that real Christian morals, on this issue, won out over primitive white tribalism and fear. For that fact, we have Rev. King to thank.

Drive Out One Demon, and Seven More Appear

But drive out a single demon, and seven more might very well come in to infest your nation. And that’s exactly what happened here. Only eight years after the Civil Rights Act rightly forbade racial discrimination, our Supreme Court issued Roe v. Wade. Was that a coincidence? Tragically no. In key ways, it was a consequence.

The Civil Rights movement didn’t remain a force for Christian conscience, as the Christian anti-slavery movement in 19th-century Britain did. Instead, the Left used the moral high ground it had seized by rebuking stupid racial prejudice, and turned it into a sniper’s tower.

The righteous thrill of reforming a nation and changing laws became addictive.

These newly righteous activists went looking for new monsters to slay. Soon the Christians who’d fought racism began to mix with radicals who wanted to tear down much more. For instance, the antiwar movement quickly went past arguments over the prudence of our involvement in Vietnam. Many activists slid into covert, then overt, support of the Communist aggressors in Hanoi.

Others flocked to a β€œwomen’s liberation” grounded in sexual libertinism and false notions that men and women are interchangeable. The loudest demand of such feminism, and still its central tenet today, was legal abortion β€” to let women walk away from sexual responsibility, as men could do.

Soon the β€œgay liberation” movement went beyond resistance to police harassment and unjust treatment, escalating to demands for same-sex marriage, effectively obliterating the very meaning (and even purpose) of a millennia-old institution. The movement’s aim quickly moved from tolerance of homosexuality to insistence on outright approval and active support. For a time, some actually pushed for the legalization of man/boy sex β€” among them (though this is conveniently forgotten), Harvey Milk, the movement’s β€œmartyr,” who had an underage boyfriend while in his thirties. Now we have a U.S. Navy ship named for Milk.

The current vogue for transgender madness gets worse by the day, as thousands of troubled children β€” goaded by school psychologists and online enablers β€” take doses of dangerous hormones or even undergo surgery, leaving them sterile for life, all to make their poor bodies match the confusions of their minds. Meanwhile, female athletes lose scholarships and risk injury competing with larger, stronger β€œtrans-girls,” and a father goes to prison in Canada for defying a judge on which pronouns to use with his own daughter.

The Christian heart of the civil rights movement fell by the wayside the moment activists no longer needed it. What replaced it? A hunt for any trace of supposed inequality in society, without any further reference to equality’s meaning or rational limits. Or why equality even matters. Antiracism and β€œsocial justice” no longer served as mandates imposed by the God of the Bible. They became golden calves instead.

And that’s what β€œantiracism” and other β€œsocial justice” causes are today. They are idols of Baal, and woke churchmen are the priests of that now explicitly demonic cult. It’s our Christian duty to mock them, to blaspheme their new false religion, which cares no more for the lives and souls of black people than it does for the unborn babies whose organs it traffics for cash. Mock pasty-faced suburban β€œEvangelicals for Harris” and race-hustling leftist clerics who make their churches temples of racial tribalism and separatism β€” and laud corrupt prosecutors like Fani Willis because of the color of their skin, not the content of their character.

Have the courage, the love for souls, to laugh these pagans to scorn.


John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or coauthor of 10 books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. His newest book is No Second Amendment, No First.

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