Undercover Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Gets Involved in Supreme Court Abortion Case
Thomas More Society attorneys join David Daleiden in supporting Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban

Undercover journalist David Daleiden, whose videos exposed the abortion industry’s involvement with the trafficking of aborted baby body parts, has filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in the United States Supreme Court’s high-profile abortion case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The case deals with the State of Mississippi’s restrictions on abortion after a baby reaches 15 weeks of gestation.
The brief, which supports the restrictions, is filed on behalf of Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress by Thomas More Society Special Counsel Charles LiMandri and Paul Jonna through the Thomas More Society-partnered nonprofit the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund. The amicus brief gets right to heart of the matter in the Summary of Argument, which opens with the documented words of Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services, Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know, so I’m not gonna crush that part — I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” stated Nucatola clearly in the video footage taken by Daleiden during his investigation of alleged illegal acts by abortion giant Planned Parenthood and others in the abortion industry.
LiMandri, recalled “the sheer shock that so many folks felt six years ago on their first encounter with these grim and gruesome realities.”
Daleiden, who has been legally prosecuted on multiple fronts by the abortion lobby, Planned Parenthood, and elected officials whose campaigns were financially backed by abortion organizations, produced and first publicized the damning video footage in 2015.
The arguments put forth in the brief from Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress are what LiMandri labels as “simple and straightforward.”
In part, the argument supporting the Mississippi abortion ban reads, “By 15 weeks’ gestation, the human infant in the womb unmistakably manifests ‘the human form’ identical to any other member of our community. Ironically, it is precisely from this point when the fetus becomes most recognizably a fellow human being, that the fetuses vulnerable to abortion become most useful as an experimental biologic ‘resource.’”
The brief continues, “Even though four-month-old infants in the womb move, kick, suck their thumbs, hiccup, and demonstrate a readily discernable heartbeat and brainwaves, and even though the Constitution guarantees that ‘neither slavery nor involuntary servitude’ shall exist in America nor that any person be deprived of life without due process of law, these same children can be routinely killed through live dismemberment abortions or trafficked and sold for experimental use.”
Jonna added, “To put it bluntly, the children that Mississippi seeks to protect with a pre-viability prohibition are the same children most at risk of human trafficking for experimentation. These are the children whose hearts, lungs, and livers, are driving the abortion industry to do more abortions because they hold great value in the dark underbelly of the fetal tissue trade.”
In May 2021, the Supreme Court agreed to hear Dobbs and review the legal challenge that could upend the high court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion legal in America. In 2018, the Mississippi legislature passed the law that heavily restricted abortion after 15-weeks gestation. The only licensed abortion facility in Mississippi sued the state claiming the law to be unconstitutional.
The Thomas More Society also filed its own amicus brief with the Supreme Court in Dobbs with an argument rooted in the Constitutional right of Due Process. The document has no hesitation in proclaiming its ultimate intention:
“This case presents the Court with a unique opportunity to correct a judicial error of historic proportions, an error that has resulted in the deaths of more than 60 million unborn children. Roe v. Wade, should and must be overruled.”
On July 20, 2021, the Thomas More Society also filed an amicus brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health with the Supreme Court on behalf of Illinois Right to Life and Dr. Steve Jacobs.
Read the Brief Amici Curiae of the Center for Medical Progress and David Daleiden in Support of Petitioners filed by the Thomas More Society on July 28, 2021, in the Supreme Court of the United States in Dobbs et al. v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization et al. here.
Read the Brief Amicus Curiae of the Thomas More Society in Support of Petitioners filed July 26, 2021, in the Supreme Court of the United States in Dobbs et al. v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization et al. here.
The Thomas More Society is a national not-for-profit law firm dedicated to restoring respect in law for life, family, and religious liberty. Headquartered in Chicago and with offices across the country, the Thomas More Society fosters support for these causes by providing high quality pro bono legal services from local trial courts all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. For more information, visit thomasmoresociety.org.