U.N. Summit of the Future 2024: The Digital Gulag Is Coming

During Joseph Stalin’s brutal reign from 1929 to 1953, a system of Soviet forced labor camps called “the Gulag” imprisoned millions of people. Not even a century later, a new form of “gulag” is threatening Americans and freedom worldwide —a digital gulag imposed by a global surveillance state with mandatory digital identification.
The United Nations’ Summit of the Future, which will be held in New York Sept. 20-23, will attempt to usher in another round of Marxism on a global scale and aims to force us into binding “agreements,” namely through the Pact of the Future, Global Digital Compact, and the Declaration of Future Generations.
Within the Pact of the Future “agreement,” for instance, some of the declared goals are “transforming global governance” to “reinvigorate the multilateral system.” As it now stands, this agreement will greatly change how the U.N. functions, including giving the secretary-general greater powers to declare global emergencies, implementing digital ID initiatives, and other global technology mechanisms.
Also worth noting is that the draft “agreement” mentions a “new beginning in multilateralism.” As we know, dystopian realities that lead us closer toward a “one-world government” are veiled by euphemisms such as these.
One of the chief concerns with these “agreements,” however, is “digital transformation” — the threat of global surveillance state mechanisms that would be imposed through digital ID and global technology, as well as disturbing potential uses of artificial intelligence in both military and nonmilitary domains. A closer look reveals a network of shadow industries collaborating with the government to create a global infrastructure and digital framework that empowers a global surveillance state — a digital gulag.
What Is a Digital Gulag?
Imagine your location, travel patterns, vaccine status, medical history, social media, messaging, financial transactions, and more constantly being tracked, traced, and surveilled to build your unique digital identity.
Now imagine being locked out of your bank account, travel apps, or social media platforms for not conforming to the “standards” imposed by a globalist organization like the U.N., whether in the name of “public health,” “misinformation/disinformation,” or a litany of other concerns, such as religious or political affiliation.
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Just as those of us who refused the COVID shot could not travel to certain countries or even eat at certain restaurants during the pandemic, a digital gulag would maim our freedom in more personal ways that impact daily life. A digital gulag imposed through ID initiatives would allow for individuals essentially to be “imprisoned” digitally for not abiding by an arbitrary set of globalist standards.
Of course, in the name of “digital transformation” and “interconnectedness,” the endgame would essentially ban noncompliant individuals from engaging in civil society or surviving in the modern world — possibly not being able to “buy or sell,” resembling the situation prophesied in Revelation 13.
Pushing Back Against “Pact of the Future” and Other Dystopian “Agreements”
The world as we know it is changing rapidly, and the geopolitical, economic, ideological, and social landscapes are being transformed by a brilliantly marketed global plan labeled “multilateralism.”
Global leaders and partners in the public and private sector are in the process of co-opting power at the Summit of the Future through the dangerous “Pact of the Future” agreement. Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party is heavily influencing the negotiations and providing guidance on international surveillance and a potential global government framework. Though it’s not currently “mandatory,” the CCP has already instituted a social credit system that utilizes a set of databases to assign a “social credit score” to individuals with rewards and punishments to correspond with high or low scores, and this is already impacting Chinese citizens’ daily lives.
Despite the seriousness of this threat, we have seen globalist agendas defeated before, and I believe we will win again. Because of the persistence of anti-globalist groups and freedom-loving individuals against the World Health Organization’s agenda, the Pandemic Treaty finalized in June did not pass and was just a shadow of what it could have been.
But where there’s a will, there’s a way. As I warned in June, the battle is not over even though in the end, the Pandemic Treaty was not as dire as it could have been. Whether it’s through the WHO’s World Health Assembly or the United Nations Summit of the Future, globalist elites will stop at nothing to push their priorities through.
Likewise, we must stop at nothing to prevent tyranny from being imposed. Whether it’s urging more governors to oppose the WHO’s “Pandemic Agreement” (more than half of our nation’s governors already have resolved not to comply with it), supporting measures in Congress such as HR 1425,(the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act) — which passed the House on Wednesday and now heads to the Senate — or applying pressure to U.N. delegates to oppose these “agreements,” all Americans should be engaged in pushing back against this globalist agenda.
From now until Sept. 22-23, we must defeat the “Pact of the Future” and other such “agreements” that act as a Trojan horse for tyranny, making it clear that our individual liberty and national sovereignty are not for sale.
Mat Staver is the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel and chairman of Liberty Counsel Action.