Two Marches

One walks in fear. The other in hope.

By Jennifer Hartline Published on January 12, 2017

Later this month, Washington D.C. will be marched upon in protest. Twice.

In response (read: hyperventilation and meltdown) to Donald Trump’s inauguration as our 45th President, the liberal/secular feminists are organizing the Women’s March on Washington to take place on January 21st. From the event’s website:

We are confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national and international concern and fear.

In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new administration on their first day in office, and to the world that women’s rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

I have no doubt that even if the Women’s March numbers are only double-digits, they will not be ignored. On the contrary, the liberal media from the Huffington Post to CNN to People magazine will endlessly, breathlessly report on this march. I’m sure we’ll hear it called an “historic event” and the courage of the marchers will be eloquently sung. (In fact, Meryl Streep could probably milk it for another Oscar-winning performance.)

On the other hand, there will be another march in Washington D.C. to protest the total denial of human rights to over half a million people in the United States every year. These individuals are targeted and killed for a hefty price. They are torn into pieces and then those parts are sold for even more profit. But I suspect the Women’s March is undisturbed by that. I suspect the motivation behind their march is to make sure it continues.

They speak of the “champions of human rights,” but will they champion the human rights of the person in the womb?

When the Women’s March speaks of “defending the most marginalized among us,” they don’t really mean it. The most vulnerable and marginalized among us must stay that way for the sake of the “women’s rights” they are so frantic about. They speak of the “champions of human rights,” but will they champion the human rights of the person in the womb? What if she’s a girl? Do her human rights merit any defense? 

When the Women’s March speaks of human dignity, they are oblivious to their own cognitive dissonance. It is not dignified to tear a tiny child into pieces and exploit vulnerable women in the process. They are willfully blind to the perverse injustice committed every day inside abortion centers, when young girls are preyed upon first by an abusive predator, and then again by the abortion industry which gladly covers up the crime and fails to protect the victims — victims who are young women.

The March For Life

On January 27th, the 44th annual March For Life makes its own bold statement. Hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children will come from far and wide to speak for people who literally have no voice. They come to proclaim the human dignity of the child in the womb and fight for the day when our nation will finally abolish the evil of abortion as it did slavery.

The Women’s March can be summed up in one word: fear.

Women will come to tell the truth about abortion and the abortion industry, and the damage done in the name of “choice.” They will face the wrath and ridicule of pro-abortionists everywhere, but these courageous women won’t be bullied into silence.

Year after year, the mainstream national media ignores the March For Life. Even though between 250,000 and 500,000 people show up despite freezing temperatures, year after year after year, somehow this always-peaceful march down Constitution Avenue is not newsworthy. The media response is crickets.

Contrasting the Two Websites

The contrasting spirit of the two websites is revealing. The Women’s March can be summed up in one word: fear. They’re marching out of fear, acting and reacting out of fear, and perpetuating more fear. “We are confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national and international concern and fear.”

This sense of dreadful panic is widespread among secular liberals since November. It’s fed by Hollywood celebrities and even by Michelle Obama. Hopelessness and fear is the main course on liberal menus everywhere today.

At the March for Life website, there’s no talk of fear. Even after more than 40 years of legalized abortion, they press on with determination and resolve toward the goal of protecting the child in the womb, and protecting women from exploitation and abuse by the abortion industry and all its allies. They walk in hope, because they live in hope. And they simply will never give up.

The Women’s March FAQ section includes, “Is it safe to bring my children?” What an ironic question to ask. Ah, the tone-deafness is, well, deafening. (Here’s a hint, Women’s marchers: You should be more concerned about the safety of your children in a Planned Parenthood clinic.)

At the March for Life, you’ll see children of all ages everywhere with their parents. You’ll see LIFE. Smiling, joyful, hopeful, beautiful, vibrant LIFE.

The Women’s March page also makes a point of asking if their march is inclusive of women of color. Again, what a peculiar and ironic question. (One wonders why these women don’t seem to notice or mind the excessive interest in women of color by the abortion industry.) But homage must be paid to the secular mandates of “diversity” and “inclusivity.” 

We are the voice of the truly voiceless. Do you hear our voice?

The March for Life has never wasted time on such a silly question. Any person who wants to fight for the right of the child in the womb to live and be born and not be slaughtered and sold for parts is welcome to march. Simple as that.

In summary, says the Women’s March: “We call on all defenders of human rights to join us … We work peacefully while recognizing there is no true peace without justice and equity for all. HEAR OUR VOICE.”

Say those who March for Life: Does that include the child in the womb? Will you also defend the human rights of the pre-born? Will you work for justice for the most vulnerable of all?

We are the voice of the truly voiceless. Do you hear our voice?

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