Tulsi Gabbard Calls out Biden and the ‘Power Elite’ for Prioritizing Ukraine Over Americans
Former Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard accused the Biden administration of risking Americans’ safety for the benefit of Ukraine, arguing the White House’s response to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s incursion into the country was endangering U.S. citizens.
“They are so focused on how do we punish Putin that they don’t care and are not focused on what is actually in the interests of the American people,” Gabbard said in an appearance on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight.
The Biden administration imposed the “first tranche” of economic sanctions against Russia for its invasion of two eastern Ukrainian provinces on Tuesday. The actions include blacklisting two major Russian banks as well as sanctions on Russia’s sovereign debt, preventing the country from raising money by trading its debt in Western markets.
Biden/Harris tell us we must bear the cost to defend freedom in Ukraine. But while you & your family struggle with higher prices, the Power Elite won’t suffer at all. And if the conflict goes nuclear, they’ll be safe in cushy, massive bunkers while you & your loved ones fry. pic.twitter.com/ds9WnKx3FK
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 23, 2022
“So when Biden stands there and looks directly into the camera and says, you know, ‘Defending freedom will cost us’; what he really should be saying is looking directly into the American people’s eyes and saying these sanctions will cost you,” Gabbard said.
“It is the people who will suffer,” she added.
Gabbard also warned that escalating tensions between the United States and Russia, two nuclear-armed countries, could have disastrous consequences, first warning of “cyber attacks” on critical infrastructure and financial systems before raising the possibility of nuclear conflict.
“If there is a nuclear attack, the power elite, these people are gonna go hide in their bunkers,” Gabbard said. “You and I and the American people, we will be left out to deal with the consequences, to suffer and deal with that destruction and death that will come as a result.”
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