7 Practical Ways to Motivate Students to Care About Truth

By Sean McDowell Published on January 15, 2022

“How do we motivate students to care about truth?” Sean McDowell asks in his latest apologetics video on SeanMcDowell.org. Based on his experience as a teacher, McDowell finds seven things leaders can do that will open the door to meaningful conversations between students and instructors. Here are the main points:

  1. Build relationships with students.
  2. Take students out of their normal environment to teach them.
  3. Use pop culture illustrations in your teaching.
  4. Challenge students.
  5. Ask questions rather than just give simple answers.
  6. Bring back graduates to share their experiences.
  7. Have a long-term perspective. 


Sean McDowell, Ph.D. is a professor of Christian Apologetics at Biola University, a best-selling author, popular speaker, and part-time high school teacher. Follow him on Twitter: @sean_mcdowell, TikTokInstagram, and his blog: seanmcdowell.org.

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