To Save Ourselves From COVID, We’re Sacrificing Children, Part 4: Dodging Trump’s Ban by Moving to Canada
To avoid a Trump administration ban on fetal research, COVID doctors decamped to make fetal-mouse hybrids in Saskatoon.

In my most shocking discovery, I traced Ralph Baric’s gruesome BLT-L mice to the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada. There a continuous supply of hundreds of these mice is being manufactured for COVID-19 research. The inventor of a coronavirus vaccine is on the team of researchers, along with NIH researcher Kerry Lavender, an associate of Kim Haskenkrug. Note that name. Haskenkrug is chief researcher at the NIH Rocky Mountain Laboratory in Hamilton, Montana. That lab has been exposed by Judicial Watch for purchasing $18,000 worth of “fresh and never frozen” aborted baby livers and thymus for HIV research.
Lavender is an expert on BLT mice for HIV research and has co-authored several key studies involving the use of fetal liver and thymus obtained from ABR, including this Dec. 12, 2013 study and this Jan. 2, 2019 study, both conducted by NIH researchers from Rocky Mountain Lab in Hamilton, Montana. One of the authors in both studies is Ronald Messer, who was identified in the Judicial Watch documents as having purchased fetal organs from ABR.
Trying to Overturn Trump’s Ban on Frankenstein Research
In March, 2020, during the initial surge of the COVID pandemic, Science Insider reported that Dr. Hasenkrug was demanding that the Trump Administration’s ban on federal funding for fetal research be lifted. Why? So U.S. government researchers could provide special test COVID test mice models “with humanlike lungs created using human fetal tissue” for the testing of COVID vaccines and therapeutics. Hasenkrug specifically cited the 2019 Wahl et. al. study conducted by Ralph Baric and his associates at UNC-Chapel Hill.
A March 18, 2020, a Washington Post article related how UNC researchers offered Hasenkrug almost three dozen humanized mice models engrafted with human lung tissue, citing the Wahl et. al. study.
The article laments that Hasenkrug could not avail himself of the mice because of the Trump Administration ban on federal funding of fetal research. But an associate researcher from Canada, Kerry Lavender, offered to take the mice to Canada, where the government had no such scruples.
“Cute Water Wings” Made of Dead Baby Lungs
Fast forward to an August 14, 2020, article on the University of Saskatchewan website. It proudly reports that Kerry Lavender was already hard at work creating a large cohort of COVID-19 test mice with human lungs. A video of an interview with Kerry Lavender reveals how Kerry thought it was “cute” to engraft two human fetal lung patches subcutaneously on the shoulders of immunodeficient mice. She said they reminded her of “shoulder pads” or “water wings.” She recalled how it took her team a while to figure out the optimal size the “blobs” of human fetal lung tissue should be for the mice to assimilate.
The interview was recorded in the author’s backyard where the two women sound as if they’re having a cozy teatime chat, with plenty of laughter and fun. By then, Kerry had already engineered 150 mice for whom she confesses having an almost maternal and proprietary pride, calling them “my little babies.” She was planning to make many more and get them to COVID-19 researchers as quickly as possible.
Dozens of Aborted Babies, Or Hundreds?
I was able to find details of two grants from the Canadian Institute of Health Research which specifically demand the production of “BLT-L mouse model for rapid evaluation of COVID-19 therapeutics” as the project goal of the University of Saskatchewan project. It is noteworthy that an inventor of a coronavirus vaccine, Darryl Falzarano, a research scientist at VIDO-InterVac. is on Kerry Lavender’s team of researchers. Darryl completed his post-doctoral training at Rocky Mountain Laboratory in Hamilton, Montana. The close connection of this project with VIDO-InterVac, an international vaccine research center in Saskatoon, strongly suggests that the mice will be used to test coronavirus vaccines.
It must be noted that if 12 aborted babies were used to create the LOM mice in the 2021 UNC study testing the COVID-19 pill, then it is very possible that hundreds of aborted babies are being sacrificed to make the cohorts of BLT-L mice in Saskatoon. I do not know the ratio of aborted baby tissue to humanized mice. Exact numbers are not always available in the studies.
I discovered even more research projects using humanized COVID test mice and fetal organs.
11 Dead Babies’ Lungs Grafted into Mice
A large group of Boston University and Princeton researchers co-engrafted human fetal lung xenografts (fXL) and a myeloid-enhanced human immune system to construct the HFNL humanized mouse, as described in a July 9, 2021 study published on the NIH website.
In a variation on the BLT-L model, fetal lung tissue (within a gestational age range of 18 to 22 weeks) obtained from Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) was engrafted onto both sides of a midline incision on the back of each mouse. Fetal lung samples were taken from eight different “donors” in this study. Next, the researchers extracted CD34+ cells from human fetal liver obtained from ABR from three different “donors” between a gestational age range of 16-22 weeks and injected it into the mice. It would appear that 11 separate aborted babies were sacrificed for this project.
Editor’s note: Find this complete series here.
Julie Collarafi, a native of Denver, Colorado, worked as a Certified Respiratory Therapy Technician for several years before attending Christendom College in Virginia. She and her husband Robert have six adult children and currently reside in Long Island, where Julie happily spends her time gardening, crocheting, writing her series of elementary Catholic Latin textbooks (Little Latin Readers), serving as organist for the diocesan Latin Mass parish of St. Josaphat’s Church, Bayside, NY, and her newest interest: studying the issue of humanized COVID-19 test mice.