To Save Ourselves From COVID, We’re Sacrificing Children, Part 3: More Baby Parts Are Needed All the Time
Ongoing research into vaccines and cures requires ever more fetal tissue from dozens, even hundreds of dead babies.

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It gets worse, folks. Just as good actions and choices send ripples out into the world, so do evil ones. Our scientists’ decision to abuse unborn babies and plunder them for their organs continues to replicate the sin of abortion and repeat it. And God is allowing the hideous consequences of this sin to afflict us all. It ought to move us to repentance. Instead, too many leaders seem eager to deepen our complicity with this evil
One mouse model humanized with fetal tissue-derived ingredients is known as the HFH4-hACE2 mouse. This model is humanized with fetal clone serum, a hormone synthesized from human fetal tissue and the FOXj4/HFH4 antibody which is extracted from the HEK293 stem cell line. It was used in the Menachery et. al. studies described in Part 2 of this series. It was also apparently used at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in their gain-of-function experiments. Those are the experiments that likely created the COVID virus itself. Their May 21, 2020 study, published on the NIH website, claims to have “successfully developed a SARS-CoV-2 hACE2 transgenic mouse (HFH4-hACE2 in C3B6 mice) infection model.” The study states that the transgenic mice (HFH4-hACE2 mice) they used were obtained from Ralph S. Baric’s lab and cites the pivotal 2016 Menachery et. al. study conducted by Ralph S. Baric et al. at UNC, entitled “SARS-like WIV1-CoV Poised for Human Emergence.”
Little Monsters Made from Murdered Babies
This mouse model is available in the NIH-funded Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Center’s catalog for COVID-19 research. So you can order it, too, if you have a taste for Frankenstein monsters.
Along with the HFH4-hACE2 mouse, used in the 2015 and 2016 Menachery et. al. studies and at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Dr. Baric and his team of UNC researchers developed two precision humanized mice models specifically to test vaccines for the treatment of coronavirus, Zika virus and other respiratory viruses. Their findings (Wahl et. al.) were published in Nature Biotechnology magazine on August 26, 2019. This project was funded by a NIH grant.
The first model, the Lung Only Mouse (LOM), was constructed by surgically implanting two small pieces of human fetal lung tissue onto separate sites on the back of immunodeficient mice. The paper cites Advanced Biosciences Resource (ABR) as the source of the fetal lung tissue. The patches of lung tissue are not functional lungs but are living pieces of human lung tissue. They’re ideal for the in vivo replication of respiratory pathogens and the study of pathological responses and development of antidotes.
A Dead Baby Sandwich, Made with Mice
The researchers constructed the second model, the BLT-L mice (bone marrow, liver, thymus and lung) by surgically engrafting, in their exact words, a “sandwich” of human fetal thymus-liver-thymus (obtained from ABR) under the renal capsule of the mouse. It would appear that this is a gruesome insider joke inserted in the study. I have come across in my research many tweets from scientists alluding to “BLT mouse sandwiches” making them hungry.
To complete the humanization, CD34+ cells are extracted from the same fetal liver and injected into the mouse’s tail, and two pieces of human fetal lung (obtained from ABR) are subcutaneously implanted on the back.
The BLT-L model is the most humanized and specialized mouse model for COVID-19 research, engineered to be highly susceptible to the SARS-CoV2 pathogen. A 2020 Virulence article details the shortcomings of other small animal models and praises the Wahl et. al. BLT-L precision mice model developed at UNC in 2019 as the “idealized model for COVID-19 and other respiratory illness.” The BLT-L is highly significant since it has been touted as being of particular importance as a vaccine test model as noted in a November, 2019 Nature Methods article.
It Took 12 Dead Babies for Just One Study
Dr. Baric’s LOM model was used in a February 2021 scientific study at UNC to test the COVID-19 antiviral pill Molnupiravir. Dr. Tara Sander Lee of the prestigious pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute wrote an article in March, 2021 about this study entitled “A Grim Reminder That Fetal Tissue Market Is Still Open for Business.” In her article she reveals the following shocking facts: “A deep dive reveals that lung tissue from at least 12 aborted babies was used for the study. The babies were likely between 16 and 22 weeks of gestation.”
She also explains that new fetal organ fragments must be implanted again when an experiment is concluded and a new experiment is begun: “Lung-only mice are ‘one and done’ experiments. Once consumed, the body parts are discarded, and new parts from more recent abortions necessarily must be purchased to conduct more experiments.”
So the evil goes on and on. Explain all this to the next pastor who tells you taking the COVID vaccine entails only a “remote” cooperation with abortion.
Editor’s note: Find this complete series here.
Julie Collarafi, a native of Denver, Colorado, worked as a Certified Respiratory Therapy Technician for several years before attending Christendom College in Virginia. She and her husband Robert have six adult children and currently reside in Long Island, where Julie happily spends her time gardening, crocheting, writing her series of elementary Catholic Latin textbooks (Little Latin Readers), serving as organist for the diocesan Latin Mass parish of St. Josaphat’s Church, Bayside, NY, and her newest interest: studying the issue of humanized COVID-19 test mice.