The Left Is Getting Better at Cheating. Here’s How to Fight It in the 2024 Election, Starting Now

By Rachel Alexander Published on May 17, 2024

We’re barreling toward the 2024 election with few safeguards in place to stop the cheating from taking place again. Most politicians aren’t even talking about it, even though very few laws have been passed since 2020 to stop it. In Arizona, because the governor is now Democrat Katie Hobbs — even though an exit poll from Rasmussen Reports showed Kari Lake beat her by eight points — she vetoes any substantial election-integrity bills. 

The only state that appears to have successfully passed any significant election-integrity legislation since 2020 is Georgia. Surprisingly, Georgia’s RINO Governor Brian Kemp, who has been generally hostile toward election integrity, signed three major bills into law. 

Instead, states have passed a considerable number of laws this year making it easier to cheat. The massive loosening of election-integrity laws since 2020 has been staggering. The left-wing Brennan Center, which actively litigates against election-integrity measures, bragged that in 2023, “Expansive laws outpaced the number of restrictive laws passed.” 

Since legislation has been a failure, those concerned about the cheating will need to combat it by having eyes and ears everywhere. This means flooding the polls with observers. Many election-integrity experts believe the reason Virginia went red in 2021 was because thousands of GOP observers descended on the polls. 

What Can We Actually Do?

Start inquiring with election officials well before the primary and general election about the parameters so they can’t make excuses at the last minute. Corrupt officials are going to try to place observers so far away that they cannot see anything, so this may need to be litigated in advance. Look up the laws regarding poll watching, and if the officials try to weasel out of anything, figure out who can bring a lawsuit before the election — state Republican parties and the Republican National Convention have been great in this area, and the RNC under its new leadership is championing election integrity. America First Legal has also emerged as a leader in these lawsuits. Republican county and state parties often organize poll-watching efforts. 

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This includes watching ballot dropboxes. Observers must be extra careful here, since the left is getting them kicked out by pointing to small technical violations. Look up the laws or regulations here carefully, and ask election officials about them well in advance. Avoid talking to people dropping off ballots since the left will attempt to portray it as harassment or threats. 

Many election offices have livestreams from various cameras so observers can watch from home. Organizations like We the People AZ Alliance in Arizona are very organized here, and even sued Runbeck Election Services in order to get access to some of their livestreaming. After Runbeck in court denied having any video, the company finally agreed to turn over coverage from the 2022 election to the Arizona Legislature. No one tried to prosecute the company for perjury, nor were any of the Maricopa County attorneys who argued on its behalf prosecuted or disciplined by the State Bar of Arizona.  

Step Up Even If They Don’t Want You

Another significant way to make a difference is to flood the election offices and companies with employees. Those who have little to no social media presence will need to step up here, since the government agencies and contractors will not hire anyone who appears to be MAGA. Patriots need to apply for jobs at election offices and their contractors, like Dominion Voting Systems and Runbeck Election Services. Election offices hire temporary workers for the election, especially to work at the polling locations.  

The number of whistleblowers is steadily increasing, and those people are testifying in court cases about the laws officials are brazenly breaking. While most of the judges won’t do anything about it, small gains are taking place despite the mainstream media’s blackout on covering them. One brave judge in Iowa in particular repeatedly stopped election officials’ illegal actions in 2020. He said fraud is hard to discover so it’s the wrong standard of proof, and breaking the law makes it even harder to discover.   

Start Suing

It’s important to start litigation well in advance of the election if possible, so election fraud-denying judges can’t claim it’s too late when those cases are brought during the election or afterward. 

Talk to state legislators about conducting investigations. They can submit public records requests, issue subpoenas and conduct hearings — all in advance of the election. The more information that comes out, the better. Eventually, some disgruntled employee at an election agency or company is going to see the hype about the corruption and spill the beans. 

It’s important to send messages to election officials in order to hold them accountable. Tag them in posts on X, send them emails, and confront them politely in public with questions and concerns. It does have an effect. The fact that the courts are letting them get away with breaking the law doesn’t mean the people have to enable it.   

Hit the Streets

Finally, organize protests outside election offices, calling attention to the cheating and calling officials out for any illegal actions to thwart election integrity. We have a lot of average people we still have to wake up who are unaware of how bad the cheating is getting. There really should have been endless demonstrations after the 2020 election, but unfortunately people are afraid to speak out after what happened to the J6 protesters. We just have to be ultra-careful not to break any minor law, or they’ll crack down with draconian punishments using the left-wing dominated legal system.  

We need to continue efforts to chase ballots, too. But too many politicians and activists are focusing solely on that aspect while ignoring the elephant in the room. They’re getting better at cheating the more they do it, so the 2024 election is going to make the 2020 and 2022 elections look like junior varsity cheating. 


Rachel Alexander is a political columnist and the founder and editor of Intellectual Conservative. She served as a senior editor at The Stream from 2015 to 2020. Now, she is a regular contributor to Townhall and The Christian Post.  She frequently appears on TV and news radio as a conservative commentator, and has hosted a radio show on 960 KKNT in Phoenix and then on UStream.

She is a recovering attorney and former gun magazine editor. She previously served as an assistant attorney general for the State of Arizona, a corporate attorney for Go Daddy Software, and special assistant/deputy county attorney for the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. Right Wing News named her one of the 50 Best Conservative Columnists from 2011-2017, and she has received Americans for Prosperity’s RightOnline Activist of the Year award.


This piece originally appeared at Reprinted with the author’s permission.



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