The War That Leads to Other Wars
Satan wants to take away the freedom God gives.
The Stream founder James Robison posted on Facebook Monday a message about a war that leads to other wars.
In his message, James said that the war that leads to other wars is “a war against the Word of God, His truth and the freedom that He offers through His Son Jesus and the Cross. He died that we might live. It is for freedom that Christ sets us free.”
Satan wants to take that freedom, but God wants to lead us out of bondage. “God is wanting to lead us right now through the power of His Word,” said James. “If you will receive His Word, you will be fruitful — you’ll begin to experience personal freedom.”
James asks all believers to stand against Satan’s deception. “Satan has focused his most furious assault against the church — the body of believers, born again by the Spirit. He is attacking faith, family and true freedom. Let’s stand together against those gates of hellish deception and let’s reclaim the land for the glory of God and the benefit of all the people he loves so much and gave His Son to redeem.”