The State of the Union and the Congress with an Unclean Spirit
It’s rare that political events call to mind specific events from the New Testament. But this week’s State of the Union address did just that. Just this past Sunday Catholics heard an intriguing Gospel reading:
[T]here was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.” But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent, and come out of him!” And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying with a loud voice, came out of him. And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching! With authority he commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” And at once his fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee. (Mark 1, 23-28)
One fascinating fact revealed by this encounter, and similar ones in scripture: The devils are perfectly orthodox. They know, better than anyone, the cosmic facts of the matter. They knew them when they fell, and try as they must to fool themselves, they still know the truth: That God is in charge, and that they cannot defeat Him. It is envy and impotent rage that sends them after us instead.
Trump: Not a Savior, But a Catalyst
In the secular realm, we saw something analogous happen. No, Trump isn’t Christ. It’s debated whether he’s even a Christian. But a ruler who stands for crucial truths, and stands firm, can exert a similar effect on those deluded by evil. Insofar as his words and actions reflect eternal Truth (perhaps even despite himself) they can serve as a catalyst. That’s the term in chemistry for a substance that provokes a potent reaction. That releases what’s already inside another substance — and perhaps makes it explode.
Agnostic playwright Václav Havel in Communist Czechoslovakia stood for the dignity and freedom of the human person. His human rights writings helped shred the credibility of Communist party bromides. And that’s why the Reds imprisoned him, and why grateful Czechs would later elect him president.
Well, our rather secular president did America a similar good turn during his State of the Union address. He didn’t perform an exorcism, or speak with divine “authority.” But he did tell a few simple truths. And that set many Democrats scowling, grimacing, and writhing. They did everything but spin their heads around.
Only One Loyalty
One, Rep. Luis Guttierez (D-IL), reportedly stormed out of the hall when he heard the chant “USA, USA!” And fair enough. Long-time booster of a no-strings amnesty for illegals, Guttierez once told Newsweek: “I have only one loyalty… and that’s to the immigrant community.”
To whom or what are the rest of the outraged Democrats still loyal? To the country as a whole? Then why did they scowl in silence when President Trump made what in past years would have been an anodyne, clichéd gesture, and praised our flag? Our national anthem?
Crumbs for the Peons
How about the livelihoods of ordinary Americans? Dozens of Democrats sat stony-faced when Trump reported strong economic news. That’s the kind of news that can mean the difference between buying a house or renting, or having another child. But millionaires like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who dismissed a $1,000 savings for taxpayers as “crumbs” can’t bring themselves to care. Thanks to the hysterical reaction that Trump created just by showing up and winning, she can’t even fake it.
Trump didn’t perform an exorcism, or speak with divine “authority.” But he did tell a few simple truths. And that set many Democrats scowling, grimacing, and writhing.
To Blazes with Jobless Black Americans
Okay, then. But how about minorities, jobless minority Americans? Surely the American left is concerned for them. But when Trump announced record low unemployment in the black and Hispanic communities, most Democrats just glared at him. You’d have thought he’d whipped out a conspiracy chart linking Ted Cruz’s ancestor to the killing of Abraham Lincoln.
But in MS-13’s Defense …
Still, there must be something, some last shred of mainstream common ground that the Congressional Left hasn’t surrendered. Maybe the physical safety of ordinary Americans? You wouldn’t think so from Democrats’ reaction when Trump called on citizens who’d lost family members to illegal immigrant crime. In fact, Trump couldn’t even get an “Amen” from these politicians when he condemned MS-13.
That’s a horribly violent immigrant gang from Central America that mostly preys on fellow Latinos, and terrorizes whole cities in El Salvador. Surely, we can agree that MS-13 is bad. Can’t we? Crickets.
Thundering Down the Slippery Slope
The “resistance” movement to Trump’s legitimate election as U.S. president has driven the Democratic party and most of the media so far to the radical left that it’s staggering. Trump has proven the catalyst that sped up this reaction. His brash, Queens manner and bluntly populist talk has infuriated our master class. He accelerated their plunge down the slippery slopes which their premises have bulldozed.
And we have watched them charge straight ahead, snorting and squealing, like the herd of Gadarene Swine. But that’s a gospel for another Sunday.