The Olympic ‘Trans’ Ceremony Exposes More than Hatred for Christianity
Many have asked the same rhetorical question concerning the Olympics’ opening ceremony, which — by using a group of demonic- and clownish-looking transgender people to mock the Last Supper — went out of its way to spit on Christ, Christianity, and Christians.
After dismissing this “trans” ceremony as a “gross mockery” of a “very central moment in Christianity,” Bishop Robert Barron went on to articulate that question:
Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way? Would they ever have dreamed of mocking in this gross, public way a scene from the Koran?
As the bishop went on to say, “We all know the answer to that question.” To be sure, never would “they” do such a thing as mock Islam or a scene from the Koran.
But was this, as so many seem to think, due to fear that some Muslim would retaliate by bombing whichever venue dares foist such a mockery?
While elements of fear are surely there, the main reason the group that is unsatisfactorily called “the Left” would never risk mocking, but rather does everything to flatter and enable Islam, is far more sinister. To the Left, Islam is the perfect ally against its true and most hated enemy: Christianity.
Open Hostility
Let us count the ways in which this is true:
First, of all world religions, only Islam is openly hostile to Christianity, with key scriptures condemning and calling for the abject subjugation of all Christians.
Koran 5:73 declares, “Infidels are they who say God is one of three,” a reference to the Christian Trinity. Koran 5:72 says, “Infidels are they who say God is the Christ, [Jesus] son of Mary.” Koran 9:30 complains that “the Christians say the Christ is the son of God … may Allah’s curse be upon them!”
The significance of these verses can only be understood when one understands the significance of the word translated here as “infidel,” kafir. The kafir — the disbeliever — is the mortal enemy of Allah and his prophet; Muslims are obligated to war on, kill, and subjugate him, whenever possible (Koran 9: 5; 9:29).
Check for the Left.
Most Obvious
Of course, while the Left counts on Islam’s hostility for Christianity, it also covers for it, hence why the Left is the chief fount from whence flow all apologetics for Islam. Put differently, the Left knows Islam hates Christianity and, wherever possible — such as throughout the Muslim world — persecutes Christians; but it also knows that the general public must be shielded from this fact so that Islam can exercise its hostility unhampered.
Second, Islamic hostility for Christianity regularly manifests itself in the sort of mockery and desecration of Christian symbols — churches, crucifixes, statues, and icons — that the Left delights in. Wherever Muslims make for large populations in the West — in France, Germany, Sweden, the UK, etc. — not a day goes by without a church being torched, a cross being broken, or a statue (usually of St. Mary) being beheaded.
Another check for the Left.
Indeed, the Left and Muslims appear to be neck-to-neck when it comes to which group is better at desecrating and mocking Christian symbols. In Canada, which is the Western Hemisphere’s epicenter of church burnings, Leftists own the lion’s share of attacks on churches. While Leftists and Satanist certainly do attack and torch churches in Western European nations as well, they are outstripped there by Muslims, who own the lion’s share.
This is especially the case in France, which just treated us to that repulsive opening ceremony of the Olympics. It has both Europe’s largest Muslim population, as well as the highest number of Europe’s most torched and desecrated churches (at least two per day). And, as recently seen, the French government and media — the Left’s twin arms — respond to this by lying about the facts and covering for the church-destroying Muslims.
An Unholy Alliance
The Left can and does cite Muslims as pretexts to cancel Christianity from the public square. Today, in those European cities with large Muslim populations, public displays of Christianity must be curtailed, lest (so the Left claims) they offend Muslims, or merely in celebration of “diversity” and “multiculturalism.” Examples are legion; just three days ago it was reported that “Montreal city hall replaces crucifix with hijab…”
Finally, and perhaps counterintuitively, Islam is actually rather lax when it comes to sexual mores, certainly in comparison to Christianity: pedophilia, polygamy — the sexual laxity and promiscuity cherished by the Left — are permitted in Islam (at least for men).
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What about Islam’s more draconian elements? Surely the liberal Left doesn’t sponsor these? Actually, even some of these perfectly comport with the Left and its modus operandi. For example, and as discussed at more length here, neither Islam nor the Left can survive without constantly threatening the opposition about what they can and cannot say.
Check, check, check.
Et Tu, Muhammed?
Despite all the above, no alliance is, of course, ever perfect, and the Left’s reliance on Islam as its staunch ally against Christianity sometimes backfires.
Last year, for instance, in Hamtramck, Michigan — the only Muslim majority city in the U.S. (for now) — its city council
blocked the display of Pride flags on city property — action that has angered allies and members of the LGBTQ+ community, who feel that the support they provided the immigrant groups has been reciprocated with betrayal.
“We welcomed you,” former council member Catrina Stackpoole, a retired social worker who identifies as gay, recalls telling the council this summer. “We created nonprofits to help feed, clothe, find housing. We did everything we could to make your transition here easier, and this is how you repay us, by stabbing us in the back?”
These, of course, are small setbacks that come with the Left’s dalliance with Islam. That which is gained — a staunch and reliably anti-Christian ally — is by far worth the tradeoff.
In short, the real and greatest enemy of the Left is Christianity. And because the enemy of my enemy is my friend, the Left has taken Islam — Christianity’s “most formidable and persistent enemy” — under its wing as a sort of “foot soldier.”
If people are not fully understanding this unholy alliance, they are at least beginning to understand what and who the Left really is. As Bishop Barron went on to say,
I think what’s interesting here is that this deeply secularist, post-modern society knows who its enemy is — they’re naming it — and we should believe them. They’re telling us who they are, and we should believe them.
Yes, the “deeply secularist, post-modern society” are they who despise, loath, and seek to do everything in their power to destroy “its enemy,” the one which “they’re naming” — Christ and His followers.
And one of their many strategies is to empower Islam in the West — not because they fear it, but because they want its formidable aid against that which they truly dread.
Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West and Sword and Scimitar, is the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum.