The Morning Brew for Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Jon Stewart's Game Changing COVID Rant, Joe Biden's Mind-Change About Independence Day, and the Woke Come After In the Heights Creator

Good morning!
Today’s Brew is an international house of coffee: From Wuhan to Washington Heights to Geneva. Let’s get pouring.
Joe Sits With Vladimir
Joe Biden goes mano-a-mano with Russian leader Vladimir Putin today in Geneva. (Bring us back some chocolate, Joe. Let Americans get at least something out of your trip.)
Putin has pulled a slick one on Biden already. Putin was asked by NBC News about the jailing of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. He countered by accusing the U.S. of “persecuting political opinions.” “Do you know 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress?,” he said, “They came there with political demands.”
Then after denying any role in last year’s poisoning of Navalny, Putin suggested the U.S. government murdered Ashli Babbitt. “Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?”
What a set-up for today’s meeting. Imagine the exchange:
Biden: “You’ve got to stop jailing and killing off your political opponents!”
Putin: “Really? You just gunned down an unarmed political opponent in the middle of your Capitol building for protesting your fixed election, stuck numerous others in solitary confinement for trespassing … and you want to throw shade at me?”
Lord, grant the American president wisdom, strength and the right words to successfully do this nation’s business.
Trump Going to the Border
Well, if Kamala Harris won’t, somebody’s gotta. Former president Donald Trump announced Tuesday afternoon that he’s going to the border June 30th. It’s at the invitation of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who last week announced Texas will be constructing a border wall. If Biden won’t, somebody’s gotta.
Said Trump, “What Biden and Harris have done, and are continuing to do on our border, is a grave and willful dereliction of duty. My visit will hopefully shine a spotlight on these crimes against our Nation — and show the incredible people of ICE and Border Patrol that they have our unshakable support.”
TRUMP: "I have accepted the invitation of Texas Governor Greg Abbott to join him on an official visit to our Nation’s decimated Southern Border on Wednesday, June 30, 2021."
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 15, 2021
White House Hosting “Independence From Virus” Bash on July 4
Today may be rough for Biden, but in a couple weeks it’s Party Time!!
The White House is hosting a big “Independence From Virus” bash on July 4th. Biden now wants Independence Day to signal a return to pre-pandemic normalcy, ushering in a “summer of freedom. A summer of joy. A summer of reunions and celebrations.”
Just a few months ago, Biden was saying if all went well, perhaps we could have small backyard cookouts for the Fourth. (Those crazy campaign circles sold separately.) And his National Park Service was blocking South Dakota’s plans for fireworks over Mount Rushmore.
Now Biden himself will be hosting a cookout on the South Lawn for 1000 first responders and military members with their families. And he’s encouraging states and local officials to “join us by hosting your own events to honor our freedom, salute those who have been serving on the frontlines, and celebrate our progress in fighting this pandemic.”
And yes, the traditional fireworks display on the National Mall is on!
But not at Mt. Rushmore. That one’s still cancelled.
Jon and Jay Take Out Natural Origins Theory of COVID
Speaking of COVID barriers falling, comedian Jon Stewart completely blew up the natural origins theory of COVID Monday night on Stephen Colbert’s show. Not that Colbert was happy about it. You can find the clip in Jay Richard’s new article “Jon Stewart Pops the Left Wing Media Bubble on the Origin of the Coronavirus.”
The real title should be “I Told You So,” but Dr. Richards is far too much a gentleman. Jay and his co-authors of The Price of Panic explained a year ago why the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory made the most sense.
(That’s one good reason to read The Stream. You don’t have to wait a year to get the 411.)
A tip of the cup to Jon Stewart for so humorously destroying the natural origins theory. And for making Colbert look as uncomfortable as a sumo wrestler in Speedos. On the other hand, Stewart likely thought this way a year ago but didn’t want to say it for fear of helping Trump win re-election.
The Woke Eat Their Own, Part One: In the Heights Criticized for Not Having Enough Afro-Latinx Performers
Before Lin-Manuel Miranda crafted Hamilton, he created a wonderful musical called In the Heights. That musical has now hit the big screen and is being loved by audiences and critics alike. Yet as the L.A. Times reports, Miranda is being targeted by the woke mob for the “lack of Afro-Latinx representation in the film adaptation.”
Yes, even a film dominated by people of color, and celebrating the Latino community, isn’t enough to keep Miranda from the crosshairs. They couldn’t get him for “racism,” so he’s guilty of something called “colorism.” The film includes dark-skinned actors. But they’re African-Americans. Not Afro-Latinx. Not the right dark skinned characters for the never-satisfied mob.
The woke eat joy the way the rest of us eat movie popcorn.
So now Miranda — the same Miranda who turned the lily-white Founding Fathers into a racial smorgasbord for the Pulitzer Prize-winning Hamilton — the same Miranda who is of Puerto Rican and Mexican descent — is apologizing.
“I can hear the hurt and frustration over colorism, of feeling still unseen in the feedback. … I hear that without sufficient dark-skinned Afro-Latino representation, the work feels extractive of the community we wanted so much to represent with pride and joy. In trying to paint a mosaic of this community, we fell short. I’m truly sorry.”
So now colorism is a thing? Fantastic. What next? Ugly-ism? You see the trailer? Ain’t nuthin’ but beautiful-looking people.
I have just two things to say to Lin-Manuel Miranda.
First, you are a once in a generation talent. To write, direct, choreograph and star in pieces so wonderful (even historic)? We’re blessed by the gifts God has given you. No denying that.
Second, you brought this headache on yourself. Allowing your Hamilton cast to brazenly single out and disrespect VP-elect Mike Pence when he was just hoping to enjoy a show, added greatly to the wokeness that’s ruining American entertainment.
Talk about feeling “extractive.” You cast aside half the country. You coddled this nonsense in your own crib, and now it’s grown up to stomp your own neck.
Don’t let these people do that to you. (Here’s the irony. If you apologize to the Pence/Trump supporters, they’ll likely accept it. Unlike the woke.)
At The Stream Today
Catch up on your Z’s: John Zmirak’s latest is up and taking no prisoners: “Racism … in the Negative Sense.”
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl on Twitter and Parler, if his Twitter account is restored. You can also follow him @StreamingAl on Gab and MeWe.