The Morning Brew: American People Say ‘Enough of Your Mandates,’ SF Mayor Says ‘Enough With All This Crime

Are you having yourself a Merry Little Thursday?
Here’s hoping your faithful friends at The Stream can help make your Yuletide gay.
Enough With Your Lockdowns and Mandates
As liberal governors and mayors launch a new round of shutdowns and mandates over the Omicron variant of COVID, the American people are saying “Enough!”
A new poll out Wednesday shows that just under 70% of American voters want no part of any new mandates and restrictions due to Omicron. Even 54.5% of Democrats agree enough is enough.
Mark Meckler’s Convention of States Action teamed with Trafalgar Group on the poll. He says Americans get it. “Unlike government health officials in Washington, DC, Americans have already figured out that mandates and lockdowns are not the way we will beat the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Medical experts believe Omicron is less severe than earlier strains of the virus. Symptoms tend to include dry cough, scratchy throat, fatigue, congestion, and/or runny nose.
Sounds like some other illness I’ve heard about, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Enough With Not Allowing Patients to Be Treated
A Virginia hospital was found in contempt of court for refusing to allow a patient to be treated with Ivermectin. The family of Kathy Davies had been fighting for weeks to allow her to be given the drug.
Although Davies has been in ICU since November battling COVID, hospital doctors have adamantly refused. Even after a court said she had the right to try the Ivermectin, prescribed by Dr. Martha Maturi, the hospital blocked Davies’ son and a private nurse from entering the ICU with the drug.
Dr. Maturi and the Davies family continued battling with the hospital until finally forced to return to court. Judge James P. Fisher sided with the family. On Monday, the hospital, facing the contempt charge and $10,000 a day in fines, gave in.
Editor’s Note: In the interest of full disclosure, Dr. Maturi is the doctor for Stream Executive Editor Jay Richards’ wife.
Enough of Free Speech-Hating Karens
Liberals are three times as likely as conservatives to report people on social media for alleged terms and regulations violations, a new survey shows.
Ah, remember when free speech and free expression was a pillar of liberalism? Now the motto is “Cancel the People You Can’t Convince.”
The Cato 2021 Speech and Social Media National Survey also shows that 80% of strong liberals and 68% of moderate liberals admit to blocking or unfriending someone for their posts “about politics or science.” Less than half of moderates or conservatives have done that.
Enough of Swamp Liars: Schiff Again Doctors Evidence in Effort to Frame Trump and His Supporters
Believe in Santa? Great! Believe OJ is innocent? Whatever. Believe the moon landing was faked. Knock yourself out. But believe anything out of the mouth of Adam Schiff? Then you need to seek professional help.
The California Congressman — a leading voice in the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax and the Ukraine Impeachment hoax — tried pulling off another con Monday night. During a Jan. 6 inquisition hearing, he put up what he said was a text from Jim Jordan to former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows. Except it was highly edited and manipulated, crucial information deleted to change the meaning … oh, and the text wasn’t originally from Jordan anyway. The Federalist has the obnoxious details.
Here’s a wise tip: If you have to invent evidence of a Trump-led “insurrection,” it’s a pretty good bet there was no Trump-led insurrection. Because if he did lead an insurrection, it would be out in the open.
Meanwhile, Mike Huckabee has a breakdown of Trump-hater Liz Cheney’s shameful reading of private texts and the kangaroo court that is Nancy Pelosi’s “January 6 Commission.” It’s called “On Pelosi’s ‘Special Committee,’ ‘Liz Cheney is the New Adam Schiff.’
National Archives Releases JFK Assassination Documents
The National Archives on Wednesday released another 1,491 long-awaited documents connected to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
The documents from the government strongly suggest JFK was killed by COVID.
The John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection was set up in 1992 in the wake of Oliver Stone’s epic JFK movie questioning the official story of the assassination. The film sparked a demand for the release of sealed government records on the assassination. There are now over 5 million pages in the Collection. The Archives says they’ll be conducting a careful review of 14,000 redacted or partially redacted documents for release by December 15, 2022.
Democratic Senator Celebrates Anniversary of Communism Party USA
You know how it is. Say that today’s Democratic Party is run by communists, Marxists and Marxist sympathizers and your liberal friends make a face. “Stop watching Fox News,” they exclaim.
Do you know how veteran Senator Richard Blumenthal spent his weekend? He was “really excited and honored” to be handing out awards at a Communist party event in Connecticut. This wasn’t just some holiday party that happened to be hosted by some commie constituents. That you can excuse as being part of the job.
As the Yankee Institute reported, this was the Amistad Awards sponsored by the Connecticut People’s World Committee, held on the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party USA. The emcee invited those present to join the Communist Party and help create “a new socialist system.”
Enough Crime! San Francisco Mayor Announces Crime Crackdown on “All The Bull**** That Has Destroyed Our City.”
Good for you, Mayor London Breed. But I won’t go blaming what’s all over your streets on bulls.
Seriously, Democratic Mayor Breed has announced a reversal of many of the policies that turned the City by the Bay into a violence-infested sewer. Her initiatives are laid out in a column posted on Medium.
They include refunding the police, targeted illegal drug sales, targeting illegal street sales of stolen goods … one way to deter “smash and grab” robberies. She’s also “amending our surveillance ordinance so law enforcement can prevent and interrupt crime in real time.”
“I was raised by my grandmother to believe in ‘tough love’ — in keeping your house in order — and I believe we need a little of that, now more than ever.”
A Democratic mayor getting tough on crime rather than being tender with criminals. Well, it is the season of miracles!
Along The Stream
John Zmirak gets moving on his effort to truly gain empathy for “Woke Liberals” by climbing inside their minds. “Sympathy for the Liberal, Part II: How to Be an Atheist.” Just brilliant.
A wonderful article from Tom Gilson breaking down how we can determine who we can trust when it comes to science about COVID. “Believe the Science? Your Common Sense Knows Better Than That.”
And remember, LIFE Outreach International’s “Crisis Relief” drive to raise money to fund relief efforts in the tornado-ravaged areas continues. Please prayerfully consider helping out. You can donate here.
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Morning Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at Gab, Parler, MeWe and now GETTR. His Christmas single, “A Father’s Love (Joseph’s Song)” is now available! Check it out!