The Left is Off Its Rocker, But a Rock Classic Points to Hope

By Al Perrotta Published on January 28, 2019

Thank God for weekends and the Beatles, because if I spent all my time writing and thinking about what’s going on in this country, I’d be in shaggy, stinky clothes in the public square declaring “The End is Nigh.” 

30 years ago Paul Simon wrote, “These are the days of miracle and wonder.” Lately these have been the days of madness and malice. Down is up, up is down. MAGA hats are “hate.” Hate is “tolerance.” Walls are immoral, compromise is “caving,” and the simple act of smiling is now an act of aggression.

Harmless old men are treated like drug lords and drug lords are treated to an open border.

And the Freedom Tower is lit in pink to celebrate the wholesale slaughter of children. 

Welcome to last week.

The Stone Raid

Some 29 heavily armed agents, guns drawn, stormed the home of longtime political consultant Roger Stone in a pre-dawn raid Friday. Robert Mueller’s goons claim they were worried he would flee or destroy evidence. A guy who’s been expecting an arrest for months? Sure. And CNN, which employs former James Comey cronies, was on the scene because of “reporter’s instinct.” Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills and team actually destroyed evidence. No raids. No arrests. No nuthin’ but love. 

Stone was charged with lying to Congress. He was immediately blasted by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper β€” who actually, definitively, lied to Congress. Stone was also attacked by former CIA director John Brennan, who not only lied to Congress (about the veracity of Steele Dossier) but spied on Congress. No raids. No arrests. No nuthin’ but a TV close-up.

Stone was also attacked by former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who accused Stone of fixing the 2016 election. The same DWS, who it is proven fixed the 2016 primaries for Hillary Clinton; whose organization facilitated the phony Steele Dossier to unsuccessfully fix the 2016 election; who refused to hand over her computers in the Awan Brothers security breach scandal; who refused to let the FBI and DHS examine the DNC computers after WikiLeaks published their emails. The same DNC that instead hired the progressive tech firm CrowdStrike to examine the computers, a firm paid for the gig by Hillary via Perkins Coie β€” the same people Hillary had fund the Steele Dossier. 

The Steele Dossier, which included information from Russian agents gathered in Russia by long-time Clinton dirty-trickster Sidney Blumenthal. No raids on Wasserman Schultz, Perkins Coie or Blumenthal. No arrests. No nuthin’ but a wink. 

The Trump “Cave”

The nation’s longest government shutdown ended Friday after President Trump decided to reopen the government and give a bipartisan committee three weeks to work out a deal on border security. “Trump caves! Victory for Nancy Pelosi!” And all along you thought the idea was to have America win. Sorry, Chester. Winning for Americans is not on Nancy’s agenda. Not when you can have hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants pour into the country and onto the voter rolls. (Some 98,000 non-citizens in Texas alone, says Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. And 58,000 seem to have voted at some point.) 

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We used to be told a story in school that the people on both sides of the aisle and both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue would strive to negotiate and find compromise. That was the American way. Not so today. Perhaps this is also what Obama meant by a fundamental transformation of America. Throw away the values. Throw away the history. Throw away the fundamental way of governing. Just throw them away. And if you’re going to recycle, follow Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and just recycle the same ideas that destroyed Venezuela and are turning California from paradise into a pile of feces. 

But AOC has nothing on NYC.

Pink Lights and White Supremacy

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered the Freedom Tower to be lit up in pink to celebrate the state’s new abortion-til-the-baby’s-born law. The Freedom Tower. At Ground Zero. Where fanatics snuffed out the lives of thousands they decided didn’t deserve to live. Are you comparing the abortion industry to al-Qaeda? No. Of course not. Best I can tell, al-Qaeda didn’t go around after 9-11 and pick up the body pieces and sell them. 

The state legislature actually applauded, whooped and hollered after declaring that a baby can be aborted up to birth. That it is no longer a homicide to kill a baby still in the womb. Pump bullets into a pregnant mother’s belly? It ain’t murder. Pump deadly digoxin into a baby so far along she could practically walk out of the hospital unaided? It ain’t no thang. 

Heck, you can poison the water supply of poor neighborhoods with a form of RU-486 and only be charged with trespassing. 

How you are filled with joy if you are a 21st Century Margaret Sanger! New York is an abortion bonanza. Minorities are twice as likely to be aborted as white babies, making the new law a eugenics dream. A MAGA hat is slurred as symbol of white supremacy. That red hat is nothing compared to that pink Tower. 

New York has literally ripped the humanity from the unborn. The unborn can be ripped from the womb at will. And the public’s representatives applauded. I shudder to think how those cheers may trigger God’s wrath.

And yet … 

You Know It’s Going to Be Alright

Driving around this weekend, with the news of the week playing pinball in my head, dazed and crazed by the madness and malice, an old familiar song came on the radio. One I’ve heard a million times. Yet, this time, I heard it for the first time. 

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know that you can count me out.

Heard anew, the verses of the Beatles classic “Revolution” seem to have a decidedly conservative point of view. (AOC would tell John Lennon to go back to his mansion.  Read all the lyrics, and tell me I’m wrong.) Yet, as surprised as I was by that “Revolution” revelation, I was more moved by the familiar chorus: “And you know it’s gonna be alright.” 

And you know, it’s gonna be alright. 

I have that assurance not only from the late Beatle, but the Living God. In fact, I believe He was telling me through the song “it’s gonna be alright.” The madness and mayhem is, in the end, a sidebar to the miracle and wonder. 

If He knit us together in the womb, He will knit us back together in heaven.

If, through His providence, this nation was born in liberty, then rebirthed in freedom after our darkest hour, a third birth remains possible.

And even when agents of the state storm through the door, we stand protected by the One who calmed the storm.

For all the violence and vitriol, it all comes down to one promise of Jesus: “Fear not, for I have overcome the world.”


Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, and co-author of  The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him @StreamingAl.

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