The Holiday Spirit

It’s the time of year that sleigh bells ring and ’tis the season to be jolly. These familiar words come from timeless classic holiday songs that repeatedly play across our nation. These tunes set the stage for good feelings, great food and family gatherings. Secular celebrations usually drop the spiritual aspects of the season and exclude the mention of Christ or recognition of His birth. Regardless of the tradition or spiritual values, there is an expectation that this time of year has a different atmosphere which some just generally classify as the holiday spirit. That spirit is the basis for celebrations everywhere. What is this holiday spirit?
The Celebration of the Birth of Christ
Jesus remains not just the reason for the season. The Bible is clear that it is by Christ that all things exist. All things were made by Him and without Him, nothing was made that was made. (John 1:3) Somewhere in the background of the lights and trees, with the millions of gifts and great food, there is a history that includes a celebration of the birth of Christ intertwined with the holiday. While there are many schools of thought as to the exact date of Christ’s birth, the excitement remains in the Christian world of His birth. It mimics the wise men who upon seeing Jesus, fell down and worshiped Him and presented him gifts.
The child Who was born was indicative of the outstretched arms of a loving God bidding the world to come to Him instead of turning away.
In this most sacred moment of honoring the true King of kings, the excitement of His birth was glorious. The shepherds were rejoiced, and the wise men were in total admiration of this little baby boy who would not only mature into their Messiah, but was the answer to years and years of prayer. He was the fulfillment of God’s promise to all of man for redemption and reconciliation. This moment should be revered in true honor to the only wise God who is faithful and never fails in His promises to us. It is this spirit of true love that was captured in the birth of Jesus: God’s love was embodied in the form of this little baby boy, extended not just for those who witnessed it but illuminating the world from everlasting to everlasting.
God’s Love on Display
Among the billions of people who had lived and would be born in this earth, God’s love on display in that manger could never be explained or equaled. It was the unconditional love of God that released God’s only Son into this world of treacherous and vicious people. It was that deep, unmatched love that allowed Jesus to come in the midst of our evil ways, to show carnal, selfish and hard-hearted people that God’s love surpasses even the worst of us. God extended his love to us even when we didn’t realize how much we really needed him.
The Child who was born was indicative of the outstretched arms of a loving God bidding the world to come to Him instead of turning away. In Him God demonstrated how much we matter to him. Even in our lowest, most destitute condition, He reached out through Jesus to tell us He can wash it all away. Our sins can be forgiven, our hope is in Him.
The Greatest Gift
What is this holiday spirit? It is not what the secular world has made it. Great gestures and wonderful activities bring out good feelings in many people. However, behind all the giving and sharing during the holidays is the giving of God’s Son to us, who did not deserve His gift. Behind our sharing of gifts was the greatest gift that could ever be shared: eternal life through Christ.
Let God’s Light Shine
The Spirit of the holiday is the same spirit that operates day by day and moment by moment. It is God’s call to man to come back to Him, repent and believe. Along with the decorative lights, let God’s light shine and pierce the hardest of hearts. Let the bells sound an alert that Jesus is Lord, and that His love is extended to us no matter where we are in life. Let songs be sung to the nations that Christ was born and is still very much alive. If any star should guide us like the wise men, let that wisdom be to not let this holiday go by without making Jesus the Lord of our life.
John 1:4-5: “In Him was the life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness…”
Isaiah 9:2: “ The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light…”
Janet Boynes founded Janet Boynes Ministries in Maple Grove, Minnesota, in 2006. She authored the books Called Out: A Former Lesbian’s Discovery of Freedom, God & Sexuality, and her latest: God & The LGBT Community. Janet is an ordained minister under the Assemblies of God and travels the U.S. and overseas sharing a message of redemption and hope through the power of Jesus Christ.