The Demonic Origins of Planned Parenthood, Part II: Channeling Dark Spirits, Sacrificing Children

In my last column on Margaret Sanger and her movement I focused on her scientific racism, borrowed directly from Darwin and the eugenics movement his cousin Francis Galton launched. Then I discussed Sanger’s sexual libertinism, which she cloaked in racial panic about “inferior” immigrant groups outbreeding WASPs. I showed from her own writing that she concocted a sex-religion, which promised men god-like powers if they would abandon Christian morals.
Believe it or not, I was accentuating the positive. Racism, eugenics, sexual insatiability and a new pseudo-paganism were the more wholesome elements in the septic stew that was Margaret Sanger’s inner life.
Sorcery and Squalid Sexual Perversion
For what I’m writing here, I’m relying on a powerful learned essay I found on Substack, by a writer whose handle is “Schwab.” The title is “Margaret Sanger, Daughter of Sorcery.” The piece sits behind a subscription paywall. I subscribed, and I urge all of you to do the same. Anyone who’s serious about battling our current culture of death needs to know where all the bodies are (almost literally) buried. Cheap at the price.
It’s a long essay packed with intimate details. It unsettled me and convinced me. Of what? That British socialism and Bohemian sexual indulgence worked in tandem with Sanger’s trafficking with noxious spirits in the occult. Sanger sat at the nexus of these movements, and did more to popularize and mainstream them than any other figure.
I won’t give away all or even most of the fascinating information the writer has compiled. That would take too much space and be unfair to him. The laborer is worthy of his hire. My hope is that by offering a digest of what this dogged researcher has uncovered, I might drive thousands of people to go ahead and subscribe.
Abortion and the Occult
The writer opens with these alarming observations:
The Greek word for sorcery or witchcraft throughout the Bible is pharmakea. This is also the term used in ancient literature for abortifacient. There is, then, a direct Scriptural connection between sorcery and abortion. Considering the occultic backdrop of Baal and Molech worship and their sacrificial elements, the parallels made between abortion and child sacrifice should not be surprising. What I do find surprising is that there seems to be no awareness that Planned Parenthood is an occultic organization, and its founder Margaret Sanger, was the proxy of a sex-magic sorcerer.
Margaret Sanger Was Sexualized as a Child
Schwab writes:
The child of a poor, socialist rabble-rouser, Margaret later described her father’s radicalism as “the spring from which [she] drank”. Those bitter waters surely filled her and possessed her— Sanger related an abnormal experience she recalled having with him when she was only nine years old. Margaret, sick with typhoid and barely conscious, awoke to find him pressed against her in bed. She described a sense of falling that accompanied the event and labeled it as her first “sex awakening.” This was her initiation into the realm of weird and desperate perverts.
Another initiation came shortly after the death of her four-year-old brother, Henry. She accompanied her father on a midnight procession to the cemetery where Henry had been buried. There her father dug up the boy’s cadaver, formed a plaster of Paris form of his head and shoulders, and used the mold to create a death mask of Henry, with a lock of hair in the plaster, for presentation to his wife. This crude form of necromancy surely made an impression on Sanger, it is no coincidence that she would seek out greater conjurers of the dead to spite her pathetic father.
Sanger’s Depraved Guru, Havelock Ellis
Sanger found another father figure in “sexologist” and radical social reformer Havelock Ellis. An essay at the Margaret Sanger Papers Project at New York University reports:
Clearly inspired by Ellis, Sanger sought him out in 1914 while in exile in England. They quickly became intimate friends and probably lovers, and began a rich correspondence that spanned twenty-five years without a prolonged interruption. In 1914, Ellis guided Sanger through historical and scientific publications on contraception. More significantly he served as a constant source of intellectual support as Sanger expanded her crusade both ideologically and geographically. She, in turn, celebrated Ellis’s life and achievements with the same zeal and devotion Boswell had to Johnson. She turned the Birth Control Review over to tributes to Ellis every February to mark his birthday, instigated biographies and essays about him, dedicated much of her own work and several publications to him, and invoked his name in small-town newspaper interviews and at historic international conferences. From the mid-1920s until his death she also gave him considerable financial assistance … .
Ellis was a highly influential Victorian socialist and sexual libertine, who presented himself as a “scientist” merely “studying” human sexual behavior. But in fact Ellis was more of a sexual hobbyist, who used “research” as his fig leaf. The Substack essay recounts:
By certain credible accounts, Henry Havelock Ellis was the main founder of the Fabian Society. Ellis is attributed with coining the term “homosexual” and was one of the first people in history to reveal a supposedly “academic” interest in pedophilia.
The essay next quotes an authoritative history of Planned Parenthood, Grand Illusions, by George Grant. This offers further insight into the perversions of this man whom Sanger idolized and popularized:
Ellis was the iconoclastic grandfather of the Bohemian sexual revolution. The author of nearly fifty books on every aspect of concupiscence from sexual inversion to auto-eroticism, from the revolution of obscenity to the mechanism of detumescence, from sexual periodicity to pornographic eonism, he had provided the free love movement with much of its intellectual apologia. Much to his chagrin however, he himself was sexually impotent, so he spent his life in pursuit of new and ever more exotic sensual pleasures. He staged elaborate orgies for his Malthusian and Eugenicist friends; he enticed his wife into innumerable lesbian affairs while he quietly observed; he experimented with mescaline and various other psychotropic and psychedelic drugs; and he established a network for both homosexual and heterosexual encounters.
Schwab continues on Henry Havelock Ellis:
Havelock’s “case studies” were most likely delivered to him by the members of his occultic circle of literary perverts. There was no scientific process applied to these reports, they were given to him in the form of diaries which he published uncritically. The literary format and styling of the reports are noted by academics, glossed over, and dismissed. Apparently, passing off the erotica of the most rarefied perverts the world has ever witnessed as scientific reporting, projecting it into the psyches of the foundational generation of psychologists and sexologist, isn’t worthy of much more than a footnote.
Ellis’ most fanatical disciple was Margaret Sanger, who viewed the desperate pervert as a living saint.
Transgenderism and Spiritualism
Schwab continues:
Havelock molded Sanger closer to his heart’s desire and influenced her ideas about sexuality. Sanger became a vessel for Havelock’s strategy — Margaret would have to tone down her wolfish hunger for fetal sacrifice. She would also, instructed Ellis, have to distance herself from revolutionary rhetoric. …
Much of the current incarnation of transgenderism finds its origin in spiritualist circles, sourced from the ideation of pedophilic prophets, onanistic oracles, and salacious seers who spoke in a trance state with a supernal authority.
Next Schwab quotes a history of 19th century Spiritualism, of a sort that directly influenced Sanger (as you will see):
Nineteenth-century American spiritualists coined the word sexism long before its modern incarnation in order to refer to a complex of ideas about human sexuality and reproduction that were consonant with the general advancement of women’s rights. Among these ideas was the belief that spirit and mind were ascendant over matter and could act directly on it. In their view, a woman’s sensitive spiritual nature gave her the power to join spirit and matter. She could provide a way for exalted spirits to enter the world through her, in the mental character and even the physical form of her offspring, by focusing her own and others’ spirits into the embryo growing within her, as if she were making a photograph. The goal of enhancing this ability would justify changing law and custom to ensure women’s autonomy and freedom, especially to protect their decisions about sexual relations in order to regulate favorable and unfavorable impressions on the embryo.
Channeling Spirits and Killing Babies
Okay, to summarize so far: An influential strain of Spiritualism, to which Sanger was exposed by her long friendship with Havelock Ellis, taught that pregnant women can mold their unborn children. If women in distress, poverty, or believers in “reactionary” religions such as Christianity have children, those babies will be marked by their negative spirits. Hence the need for eugenics.
But if women of a “superior” sort, in contact with “advanced” spirits reproduce, they can produce a “higher” sort of child. A super-race, if you will. What advanced spirits would in fact be available for such a procedure? Certainly not the angels obedient to God. When occultists summon spirits, spirits often do answer. Ones with names like “Moloch,” “Belial,” and “Mammon.”
This Spiritualist claim makes sense of Sanger’s otherwise murky promises that unleashing our sexual energies can produce a race of virtual gods on earth, inhabiting a worldly paradise. Schwab find an apposite quote of Sanger’s to illustrate this:
When the womb becomes fruitful through the desire of an aspiring love, another Newton will come forth to unlock further the secrets of the earth and the stars. There will come a Plato who will be understood, a Socrates who will drink no hemlock, and a Jesus who will not die upon the cross. These and the race that is to be in America await upon a motherhood that is to be sacred because it is free.
Of course, such power to remake the human race comes at a price. The price is sacrifice, blood-sacrifice of “inferior” children who must be destroyed. Schwab offers more citations to prove this point:
So in a very real sense, in the message of Margaret Sanger, the aborted fetus was a sacrifice that would allow for the manifestation of “new woman”, and the incarnation of an inverted Christ figure. In Woman and the New Race, Sanger openly argues for the universality of infanticide and child sacrifice as “the efforts of the feminine spirit to liberate itself”, literally using Canaanite and pagan Greek societies as an example. She speaks constantly of the peculiar “feminine spirit” whose need for infanticide and fetecide was an implacable expression of its nature. She plays coy, writing of a “secret order” of radicals and repeatedly frames women who have abortions as “martyrs” who were “making a sacrifice”, hinting at the unspoken belief that murder of the fetus is a sacrament.
Which is exactly what the Temple of Satan is asserting today, in formal legal briefs submitted to U.S. courts, claiming that abortion is a religious rite, protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Now we know where they’re getting that from.
John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of “God, Guns, & the Government.”