THE DECEIVER Has Taken Over the Nation

Our current national leadership has opened the gates of hell and invited the deceiver with all the dissention, division, defeat and destruction possible to come in. The problem is the deceiver, “the father of lies.” It’s not liberals, conservatives, Democrats or Republicans. It is deceived liberals, conservatives, Democrats and Republicans. Deception along with all the damage it brings is in control of national leadership and direction.
This is now clearly visible to anyone who has not been totally blinded by Satan. When highly visible figures in the sports, entertainment, and media world are forcefully exposing the foolishness that Progressive Liberalism has produced we can know the enemy has overplayed his hand. Listen to undeniable, proud Progressives such as these reject the official “narrative” imposed by our censored media:
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on the power-grabbing agenda of the Climate cult.
- Naomi Wolf on how Pfizer knowingly endangered millions of unborn Americans.
- Bill Maher on the suffocating nature of “cancel culture.”
The Stage is Set for the Rebirth of Freedom
The stage is now set for the greatest spiritual awakening in history. Yes, greater than the one that led to the birth of this nation. The stage is set for the rebirth of freedom. But the move to correct our course must be led by the family of the perfect Father, the Creator, Divine Providence – the Body of Christ, the Church, adorned in glory and revealing our Lord’s majestic, powerful, transforming truth and power to a world groping in darkness, defeat and death. He is not coming to get us out of trouble, to free us from prison. He’s coming to receive a bride adorned in His glory that looks like Him.
The awakening producing such a manifestation can occur very rapidly … just as it did with the New Testament Church. When the Kingdom power the disciples could not explain overflowed in them, they went out in the world and expressed it with indescribable transforming power to every area of life on God’s planet. Because the Kingdom had in fact come and was in them in resurrection power, when it was demonstrated, it changed the world. Not one area of life on earth was untouched. All deception and defeat by the enemy was exposed.
When those who had turned the world upside down had come to another community, everyone was shaken as they proclaimed another King than Caesar (Acts 17:5-8). They proclaimed the King of kings and revealed Him with Kingdom demonstration power. That is what we are invited to do at this moment in human history. The Church must now arise and shine, radiating the fullness of His glory.
James Robison is The Stream’s Founder and Publisher. He is Founder of LIFE Outreach International and co-host of LIFE Today. He’s the author of many books, including Indivisible (with Jay Richards) and Living Amazed.