The Dangerous Confession
When I was a teenager the big question at church youth camp was whether it was possible to know Jesus as Savior and not as Lord. Many of us wanted the assurance that we were “saved” from the penalty of our sins, but we weren’t sure we wanted Jesus to be the Lord (Boss) of our lives. Little did we know how dangerous it is to confess Jesus as Lord.
The first gospel sermon after Jesus’ ascension was proclaimed by Peter who spoke at the Pentecost event. Extraordinary signs were taking place and some were accusing Jesus’ disciples of being drunk at 9:00 AM.
Peter explained that the same Jesus the crowds had known as a man from Nazareth, who had taught and done many miracles, was now sitting at the right hand of the Father as Lord over all His kingdom. He had lived a perfectly obedient life; died as the sacrifice for sins; been resurrected from the grave; and now was both the Lord and the Christ. The signs were evidence of the gift of the Spirit that the King was sending to His people.
Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified. — Acts 2:36
That was a subversive confession at that time. Rome was the ruling authority, and the Caesars were claiming divinity. “Caesar is the Lord.” Many Christians died because they wouldn’t recant their confession of Jesus as Lord.
It is not Caesar or Hitler, but a form of secularism that demands total submission today.
Jesus is Lord
Albert Mohler in his recent book, Prayer That Turns The World Upside Down, compares the rise of Hitler in 1942 to such a time. Many Christians and Jews lost their lives because they would not confess that Hitler and his Nazism was Lord.
It is becoming clear that we are approaching such a time in our own culture. Christians who hold to orthodox beliefs about a personal relationship with Jesus are being mocked regularly in public. Already we are being criminalized in public discussion for believing in the authority of Scripture, the atonement of Christ, the gifts of the Spirit and final judgment.
It is not Caesar or Hitler, but a form of secularism that demands total submission today. To believe and declare that Jesus is Lord is viewed as not only primitive superstition but subversive.
Culture-Ruled Religion
How does a culture come to such a stance? The climate conducive to false and destructive “lords” to arise is a culture-ruled religion. When true religion begins to accommodate the culture for the sake of gaining respect and influence, it loses both. It is the perfect “greenhouse” atmosphere for tyrants. Culture-ruled religion does not satisfy the cry of the human soul, designed by God for a passionate faith, an extraordinary vision and a sure hope for eternal significance.
Humans can’t long abide a passionless faith. We are made to trust and risk. We long for an adventure that only faith can provide. We are uniquely created to enjoy the uncreated God. Anything less than knowing and living with him is less than our souls demand.
The Jews of first century Israel had accommodated their once strong monotheism with Rome’s polytheism just to get along. Even the Romans were restless. They had it all yet they were not satisfied with countless gods and multiple rituals. Caesars rule in such an environment.
Germany had experienced the awakening of the Reformation as well as the Renaissance and there were churches in every town, yet they had lost their passion. Propositions replaced personal intimacy. They were ripe for the tyrant.
The American civil religion of 2018 is similar.
Morals Without Relationship
Just a few years ago, the culture and the church were so much alike that public schools were as good as private schools in upholding morals and virtue. In my hometown, the same teachers that stood to teach science in the school on Monday had taught Sunday School down at one of the churches the day before. Parents could trust the teachers and the schools.
Sadly, though, it was mostly morals without relationship. Without the vigorous promotion of the gospel from the churches, passion was left out.
The message of the churches accommodated the standards of the culture and promoted the good life, without God. The extraordinary vision of daily walking and talking with God in our assignment to bless the world through service was lost to a much lesser vision. We gave ourselves to self-fulfillment and self-improvement. We concocted doctrines that magnified our soon-coming escape from trouble and settled for a deadening pessimism for the future of the world. Our culture told us that any meaning we might find must be found in us — and we bought it.
We were no longer awed by the privilege of knowing God and being his partner in world affairs. We began to doubt heaven and hell and decided to find our hope in our own achievements and large central governments.
Notice that there are no more Caesars. Hitler is dead. Secularism in all is atheistic forms will fall in on itself. But Jesus still reigns.
Jesus Still Reigns
There is good news. Jesus is Lord.
Regardless of the seeming success of secularism’s claims, we are assured that “God has made him both Lord and Christ.” He rules now and forever and is ready to work with His people who joyfully take up the task of extending His rule.
We are promised that His word will not fail, servants eventually rule, the last word is His, and darkness always retreats from light. It might become illegal to confess that Jesus is Lord, but it will never be illegitimate. He is Lord and we are His people.
Notice that there are no more Caesars. Hitler is dead. Secularism in all is atheistic forms will fall in on itself. But Jesus still reigns. It is true — and dangerous.