The Brew: Who’s ‘One-Eye’ and What’s He Have to Do With Biden Inc.?

Happy Friday!
The first weekend of spring is upon us!
And boy, do we end the week with a doozy!
Report: Hunter Used FBI Mole Nicknamed “One-Eye” to Tip Him Off About Probes of His Chinese Business Partners
Nelson DeMille, John LeCarre, James Patterson? They’ve got nothing on the Bidens.
The headline from the New York Post gets us going. “Hunter Biden used FBI mole named ‘One-Eye to tip him off to China probes: tipster.”
So who’s the tipster? He’s a former Biden associate and Israeli energy expert, Dr. Gal Luft. He was popped last month on gunrunning charges in Cyprus. Luft claims he was busted to prevent him from testifying against the Bidens about this “One-Eye” FBI mole.
According to Luft, this mole tipped off Hunter (and Joe’s) Chinese business partners that the FBI was investigating the Chinese energy company CEFC. Luft claims CEFC was paying Hunter and Joe’s brother Jim for their FBI connections and using the Biden name to help with China’s “Belt and Road Initiative.”
Luft says he told the DOJ about it in 2019, but the department didn’t act on it. We do know from bank records, released last week by House Oversight, that CEFC paid Biden, Inc. millions of dollars.
We also know Luft was in a position to know, since he had his own business relationship with Hunter’s Chinese partners Patrick Ho and CEFC chairman Ye Jianming. From 2015-2018, he organized international energy conferences in conjunction with Ho’s think tank, a non-profit funded by a front group of CEFC.
We also know Jianming fled after getting wind the FBI was closing in. According to Luft, Jianming was warned by the Bidens. Heck, according to a Senate report, Hunter claimed in filings to be Jianming’s attorney.
Luft, through his lawyer, said Ye confided that Hunter had an informant in the bureau or “formerly of the bureau, extremely well placed, who they paid lots of money to [provide] sealed law enforcement information.” This would be the mysterious “One Eye.”
So Who’s “One-Eye”?
There really can’t be a very high ranking FBI official who is known to be tight with Hunter and might be nicknamed “One-Eye” … Right? That would be impossible, right? Al, you’ve wrapped your head in tin foil.
Well, what if I told you Hunter describes former FBI director Louis Freeh in an email as a “close friend”? That emails on Hunter’s laptop also show Hunter was a conduit between Freeh and Joe Biden, and Freeh was salivating at the prospect of “future work” with Joe?
Still a stretch? How about if I told you Freeh has the use of only one eye after a bad car accident?
C’mon, Al, gimme something more! Okay. Not proof, but certainly strange: A couple weeks ago, the story broke that Freeh had donated $100,000 to a trust fund set up for Joe Biden’s grandchildren. Specifically, the children of Beau and Hallie Biden.
Kanekoa The Great has a nice thread that’ll lead you to more details.
#1 Hunter Biden used FBI mole named ‘One-Eye’ to tip him off to China probes…
Ex-FBI chief gave $100K to Biden grandkid trust as he sought future work…@TheJusticeDept, you’ve had this since 2019 — isn’t this a crime?
— (@KanekoaTheGreat) March 23, 2023
Things Start to Make Sense
Is it possible that one reason the FBI refused to act on Hunter’s laptop … indeed, worked tirelessly to convince Twitter and Facebook it was Russian disinformation … was to protect former director Freeh? Or, to be fair, whoever this “One-Eye” mole is? That news of connections between Joe Biden and CEFC had to be called a lie because high-ups at the FBI were in on it? Has the FBI been compromised by Chinese money?
Always seemed a bit strange they’d do it just to elect old Joe.
Meanwhile, Congressional Republicans are said to be looking into Luft’s claims.
Trump Grand Jury Put Off Until Next Week
Looks like Donald Trump won’t see an indictment this week … if ever. The Grand Jury now won’t be meeting about the case until next week, with one more witness perhaps being called to testify Monday, ABC 7 in New York reported.
Fox News reported Wednesday that major divisions have erupted within the office of Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg over his pursuit of Trump. Bragg’s case was rocked again Wednesday with the revelation that a lawyer for key witness Michael Cohen told the FEC in 2018 Trump was not involved in making the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels. Attorney Stephen Ryan wrote the FEC:
In a private transaction in 2016, before the U.S. presidential election, Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford [Stormy Daniels]. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment directly or indirectly.
Trump called the letter “totally exculpatory.”
We are very close to the point this case falls under the First Law of Snake News. “Any story about Trump that has the media salivating will be proven false … usually within 24 hours.”
DEI’s Bad Week
Stanford Law School DEI Queen on Leave After Sighting With Mob Against Guest Speaker
Stanford Law’s associate dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is suddenly on leave. Tiriean Steinback made national news for attacking Judge Kyle Duncan after a bunch of protesters violently disrupted his speaking engagement at the school. She claimed his work had “caused harm.” And wondered if the “juice was worth the squeeze.” That is, allowing him to talk worth all the rancor and division.
Stanford Law students shouted down Fifth Circuit appellate judge Kyle Duncan while he was trying to speak.
When he asked for an administrator to control the situation, Stanford’s “associate dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion” got up and lectured him for nearly 10 minutes
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) March 11, 2023
So what did Judge Duncan do that was so wretched? Seems he wouldn’t let a pedophile change his sex in prison. John Zmirak will have the whole story later in the morning.
Racial Equity Director Accuses Black Officials of Racism and Using the “Weapons of Whiteness”
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion racketeers are exposing the lunacy of the DEI ideology. Take Tyestia Green, Minneapolis’ just departed racial-equity director. She’s now claiming she’s a victim of “anti-black racism” … from Black city council officials. It gets funnier. Green accuses them of using “Weapons of Whiteness” to undermine her. What, were they members of the National White Weapons Association? I’ve heard of throwing your weight around, but throwing your pigment?
Seriously, Green was fired/forcedout/quit after the Star-Tribune reported how she lied to the city council about a fundraiser. So, Tyestria is pushing back against lies as a “white thing”?
Kudos to City Council President Andrea Jenkins for not putting up with Green’s cry of “racism.” “I am not anti-Black,” she told the Star Tribune. “But I am anti-incompetent.”
Small Victory for Kari Lake: AZ Supreme Court Forces County to Examine Signature Verification in Disputed 2022 Gubernatorial Race
The Arizona Supreme Court rejected 6 of 7 claims made by GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake over the botched 2022 race. However, the court did give Lake a victory over a doozy. Lake asserted Maricopa County did not follow signature verification procedures and that Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer accepted a “material number” of ballots that were not verified.
This would be the same Stephen Richer who had co-founded a PAC to target Lake’s candidacy. But I digress.
Lower courts got sneaky, claiming Lake was challenging the policy, and would have had to file suit before the election. The state’s Supreme Court agreed with Lake that those claims were ridiculous. She was challenging the application of the policy. Thus, “Lake could not have brought this challenge before the election.” The court ordered a county judge to look into the signature verification effort.
After the court decision, Lake tweeted Luke 8:17. “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.”
On Thursday, Lake released a full statement. She called signature verification the “third rail” for Maricopa County and shared that three whistleblowers who were involved in the verification process came forward and said “Maricopa County WILLFULLY ignored the law and procedure.”
Added Lake, “When we verify these allegations, there will be no doubt this election was compromised and its results fail to meet the level of security as outlined in Arizona law.”
My statement on the Arizona Supreme Court ruling in favor of our case ⤵️
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) March 23, 2023
So how many ballots were not legally verified? In January, Lake put the number at up to 130,000.
.@KariLake: “We have 3 whistleblowers in the signature verification department in Maricopa… Who said that they were rejecting tens of thousands of signatures to the tune of up to 130,000 ballots that were being rejected… Somebody above them was sending them on through anyway”
— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) January 14, 2023
According to the “official” count, Soros-funded Katie Hobbs won by a margin of 17,116 votes.
Attorney General candidate Abraham Hamadeh “lost” his race by only 280 votes.
The 130,000 does not count the Republican voters disenfranchised on election day by the deliberate use of wrong-sized ballot paper, which jammed up machines, causing complete havoc in GOP strongholds in Maricopa.
Speaking of tough, interesting Arizona politicians …
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Challenges Sen. John Kennedy … for Title of Funniest US Senator
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema still caucuses with the Democrats even though she has become an Independent. However, she won’t go to their weekly lunches. The “lunches were ridiculous,” she reportedly told some GOP lobbyists. “Old dudes eating Jell-O, everyone is talking about how great they are. I don’t really need to be there for that.” She also noted that the “Northerners and the Westerners put Cool-Whip on their Jell-O and the Southerns put cottage cheese.”
The moderate’s habit of thinking for herself and reaching across the aisle has made her a target for the left. Remember her being followed into a bathroom by protesters?
Sinema’s up for re-election next year, and will be facing a very tough primary. She also may be facing a challenge from Arizona gubernatorial winner … I mean, candidate Kari Lake, who has given hints she may be interested in the Arizona Senate seat.
A Lake-Sinema campaign would be more entertaining than anything we’d be binge watching this weekend. Those two tough, funny characters would be fighting off the left as much as they’d be fighting each other.
Have a spectacular weekend!!!!!
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.