The Brew: Trans Summer Camps Trending as Teen Made Famous by MTV is Detransitioning
A good Friday morning to you.
We kick off first by offering our prayers to the family and friends of those lost on the Titan submersible. We wrestle with the awful agony of five souls lost on their way to explore the Titanic, including the husband of a woman descended from two lost on the massive ship’s fateful journey.
Debris from the Titan was found only 1,600 feet from the bow of Titanic.
Tomorrow Marks 1st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Being Overturned
One year ago, the once unimaginable happened. Roe v. Wade was overturned. A monumental victory for the cause of life. A forceful rebuke to the culture of death.
Thanks to the brave justices who decided to follow the Constitution, rather than the spirit of the age, precious lives are being saved. Here’s to the Dobbs Graduating Class of 2041! We welcome you and can’t wait to see what you do.
John Zmirak marks the anniversary of Roe’s fall with “When Our Berlin Wall Came Down: One Year After Overturning Roe v. Wade.”
As the “Conversations With Christians Engaged” podcast series “LIFE in Post-Roe World” explored, the work has just begun. The true victory comes in the hearts, not the courts. Kamala Harris, while bemoaning the Roe anniversary, claimed her goddaughter called her after Dobbs, telling her, “Do you know what’s happening? My friends — whatever gender — are starting their decisions about where they will go to college depending on what’s happening in that state.” Knowing they can get rid of a baby with ease is more important than getting the best education. For the guys, a hook-up culture “get out of responsibility” card.
Please Support The Stream: Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic, and Moral Issues of Our Day.
Politically, 28% of registered voters say they will only vote for candidates who agree with their abortion position. Some 56%, according to the Gallup poll, consider abortion position among other facts when choosing a candidate.
The abortion industry propaganda is to be combatted, as much as state laws. And yes, we must confront the spirit of Moloch.
The decision to overturn Roe led to rage and a tidal wave of violent attacks against pro-life churches, pregnancy centers, the Supreme Court Justices … to say nothing of the lawfare launched by the Biden Justice Department against pro-life activists and the DOJ’s willful oblivion to terror groups like Jane’s Revenge. Who can forget Attorney General Merrick Garland excusing the lack of movement against Jane’s Revenge by saying it was difficult to pursue them because they act at night.
Merrick Garland says that the DOJ has prosecuted more pro-lifers for peaceful protests at abortion clinics than domestic terrorists firebombing pregnancy resource centers because the pro-lifers are doing it during the day and the centers are being bombed at night.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 1, 2023
Dobbs wasn’t the Court’s only historic decision on June 24, 2022. They also gave religious liberty two massive wins, including a resounding victory for Coach Joe Kennedy, the high school football coach booted for praying on the field after games.
First Liberty Kelly Shackelford talked to The Stream last year about the significance of Coach Kennedy’s victory.
Transgender Camps for Tots as Young as Four Years Old?
This is the first weekend of summer, and you know what summer means. Summer camps for millions of kids. Sadly, radical trans indoctrination can’t help but spoil the innocence of this treasured tradition.
Yep, transgender-themed camps are popping up around the country, including camps welcoming kids as young as four years old.
Spencer Lindquist of the Daily Wire has the heartbreaking story.
BREAKING in @realDailyWire: Overnight summer camps for transgender children as young as 4 are cropping up all over the United States.
Counselors reinforce campers’ gender dysphoria with voice training, makeup sessions, and other “trans-centered activities.”
A Thread 🧵
— Spencer Lindquist 🇺🇸 (@SpencerLndqst) June 21, 2023
According to Lindquist, several of the camps won’t publicize their location “out of what they characterize as safety concerns.” Really, now.
It may be a lot harder to buy that after reading about the next horrific story.
Boston Horror: Police Uncover Hellish Scene of Men in Drag, Drugs, Sex Toys and Dead Body … With Children Hidden Away
Last Saturday morning, the Boston Herald reports, police in South Boston responded to a 911 call about a man who’d gone into cardiac arrest.
“This is sickening,” said Boston At-Large City Councilor Michael Flaherty. “I was informed by people at the scene that there were drugs, alcohol, sex toys all around the apartment as well as a dead body on the floor.”
And six men — some in drag — and “four children in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”
Perhaps you’re thinking the men wanted to spare the kids aged 5-to-10 the dead body. No. “All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment.”
“Inhumane and horrific,” said South Boston politician Ed Flynn — who, incidentally, sponsored the Boston City Council resolution recognizing June as Pride Month.
Let’s be praying for those poor children.
MTV Poster Child for Sex Change Expresses Regrets
“I completely regret everything I have done.”
In 2016, Milo became a TV celebrity — MTV’s face for transgender youth, celebrated in their documentary Transformation for her female-to-male gender change.
Where’s MTV now? Seven years later, Milo has announced her bitter regret at transitioning, saying it has left her scarred, hairy and her uterus so atrophied by the drugs she had a hysterectomy last year. “It turned out to be a big mistake.”
In a YouTube video posted Wednesday (and now private), Milo describes how she was a shy, vulnerable, autistic girl who was uncomfortable with her developing body. “I just hated how I was seen. I didn’t like how I was looked at by boys. It made me very self-conscious.”
The Daily Mail reports, “She found radical gender ideology online and came to believe her boyishness was really gender dysphoria.”
And, she says, “I think I was misguided. I think I was rushed into treatment before I explored all possible avenues of my feelings. I was also afraid to admit that I was uncomfortable with sexuality.”
Milo was only 16 when she appeared in the documentary, already on testosterone since 14 or 15. Removal of her breasts would come soon after. Her mother Kristin was right beside her in the film, telling the very familiar tale that her daughter would commit suicide if not allowed to transition.
Milo has begun detransitioning. “I keep thinking about how, if I ever want to be perceived by society as a woman, I now have to do vocal training, and I need laser to get rid of my facial hair. But I’m just so tired.”
Can you join the Stream in praying for Milo’s healing and restoration, along with strength and energy to overcome what has been done to her? Pray also that her story will reach the countless girls and boys being stolen away from their true selves by online gender ideology predators?
Along The Stream
Keep your eye on The Stream. Sometime really soon we’ll be posting a video of John Zmirak interviewing Jim Caviezel about his new film on child trafficking, Sound of Freedom. You know John. He’ll take the interview where normal interviews wouldn’t think to go.
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.