The Brew: The Senate Goes Casual, A F-35B Goes Missing, and Boebert Goes to the Theater … For a While

By Al Perrotta Published on September 20, 2023

It’s Wednesday morning? Do you know where your F-35 is?

So much going on let’s jump right on it.

The Military Finds Its Missing F-35B

It’s always in the last place you look.

The F-35B Lightning II that disappeared near Charleston Sunday was discovered crashed 80 miles from where its pilot ejected, about 60 miles north of Charleston. So much mystery remains. For those wondering how on earth does the U.S. military lose a plane? Libs of TikTok offers a wry answer.

More seriously, what was the β€œmishap” that compelled the pilot to eject? (The military is now using the word β€œmalfunction.”)

As Byron York noted,

Obviously, bailing out of an airplane over a heavily populated area is something a pilot really, really, really does not want to do. It is, needless to say, of great concern to the public. It’s particularly relevant in this case because there was, nearby, a very large ocean into which the pilot could have ditched the F-35. But for so far unknown reasons, the pilot bailed out over North Charleston, and the plane kept flying.

That means the pilot abandoned an aircraft that is 51 feet long, with a 35-foot wingspan, that weighs at least 35,000 pounds, with who knows what kinds of armaments, over a metropolitan area with more than half a million people in it. It is hard to imagine anything more dangerous.

Take a step further. How weak does it make the U.S. look globally that the Marine Corps had to ask the public’s help in finding a $100 million aircraft? Like our most sophisticated military weaponry is a lost puppy. This comes not long after China was able to fly military spy balloons over our sensitive sites without punishment.

And yes, days after the U.S. agrees to unfreeze $6 billion dollars for Iran’s terror-loving, America-targeting mullahs to secure the release of 5 Americans.

But at least Joe Biden could go before the United Nations yesterday and project American strength. (Or not.)

Joe Biden at the United Nations … While Invasion of Nation Continues Unabated

Joe Biden opened the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday. No surprise he offered a blooper reel full of embarrassing verbal stumbles and mumbles, like discussing the importance of β€œaccelerating the climate crisis.”

But more significant is his insistence on protecting Ukraine sovereignty …

… while insisting on undermining our own.

Just check the headlines from the past couple days.

A cargo train filled with hundreds of jubilant people hoping to enter illegally rumbles toward the border.

Over 2200 illegal immigrants cross the border near Eagle Pass in one night.

A Border Patrol agent in San Diego tells illegal immigrants pouring off a bus, β€œyou’re free to go” anywhere in the U.S.

Friday-Monday saw 35,000 illegal immigrants cross the border, not including the gotaways. Crossings have spiked again, and are potentially going to break the records set in May.

Biden is considering raising the β€œrefugee” caps in the next fiscal year.

The Biden Administration is fighting an effort to have the government release information on illegal immigrants being considered for arrest and deportation, including their gang, cartel or terror ties. They cite β€œprivacy” rights.

First Impeachment Inquiry Hearing Set for September 28

The first hearing in the House impeachment inquiry into Biden Inc. is scheduled for next Thursday, September 28. According to Fox News, the hearing won’t be breaking new ground, but will β€œsimply be a review of the existing evidence and explain the status of the inquiry.”

How many Democratic leaders have you heard in recent days echo the White House talking point that there is β€œno evidence” tying Joe Biden to any wrong-doing? I wish they knew enough history not to hang themselves out there so much. Remember how many of Bill Clinton’s cabinet members and other Democratic lawmakers came out and insisted β€” based on Clinton’s word β€” that nothing happened between him and Monica Lewinsky? Hillary herself famously mocked it as a β€œvast right wing conspiracy.” They ended up looking like idiots.

Hoodies? What Next, Bikinis?

Two stories in the news have us wondering, β€œWhat happened to Congressional decorum?”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer dropped the dress code for Senators in order to accommodate Sen. John Fetterman’s disinterest in wearing anything other than hoodies. The only good news is Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema will likely keep the fashionistas busy for months with whatever eclectic garb she decides to show up in. Otherwise, the dumping of the dress code is merely a further symbol of disrespect for the institution of the Senate. To say nothing of the disrespect for the people, since the dress code remains in place for staff. (Kinda like those COVID-era parties where the powerful went mask-less, but the catering staff was masked to the hilt.)

Rep. Lauren Boebert’s Bad Night at Theater

Then there’s the saga of Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert, tossed out of the musical Beetlejuice over the weekend for being loud, out of control and ignoring requests from ushers and patrons to settle down. She was also vaping and engaging in some inappropriate touching with her date.

First off, we have to always remember Members of Congress are people too. It’s unreasonable to expect them not hit a mulligan sometimes. Second, of course a conservative woman is going to be shredded publicly for any sin real or concocted. A double standard certainly applies. Third of all, acting like a giddy teenager on a hot date β€” however unseemly and ill-advised β€” is not in league with sleeping with a Chinese spy or paying hundreds of thousands in campaign cash to your boyfriend or, yeah, marrying your brother to illicitly skirt immigration laws. Fourth, Boebert has profusely and sincerely apologized for her behavior, saying she’s learned some β€œhumbling lessons.” β€œI simply fell short of my values,” she said. And promised to do better.

However, beyond the singing, vaping and touchy-feely, Boebert did something during the incident that is particularly troublesome. While being tossed out of the theater, the Congresswoman used the old β€œDon’t you know who I am?” and β€œI’m going to call the mayor!” ploy. Using your position to try and intimidate? Making a power play? Not good. Not good at all. Human, we get. Haughty? That’s one to keep an eye on.

Boebert’s Ex Steps Up

The story took an interesting twist Monday when Boebert’s ex-husband issued a huge β€œMea Culpa.” Jayson Boebert blamed himself entirely for their β€œdevastating divorce.” In a Facebook post to the people of Colorado’s 3rd District, Jayson shot down rumors that Boebert had left him β€œover fame or a new life style.” β€œI deeply regret the choices I made that led to the breakdown of our marriage. … My actions were selfish and thoughtless, and I failed to consider the consequences they would ultimately have on the person I hold dearest to my heart.”

He even took some of the blame for Rep. Boebert’s weekend stumble.

β€œLauren, if you’re reading this, please know I am dedicated to doing everything in my power to rebuild the trust that has been shattered. I stand behind you. You are the hardest working person I know, selfless and overflowing with love,” Boebert wrote. β€œI hate the attacks that are coming your way. In part, this is my fault and you don’t deserve this.”

He asked people to show β€œgrace and mercy towards Lauren in this troubling season. She deserves a chance to earn your forgiveness and regain trust. I have broke her down in so many ways, but she will come out stronger as she always does, and so will I.”

What a saga of the damage of divorce. What a touching call for grace and mercy.

Along The Stream

The new “Conversations with Christians Engaged” podcast is up! In the finale to the series on our foundational documents, guest host Ben Quine is joined by author, speaker, and Constitutional scholar Cynthia Dunbar, who shares her insight into the foundation of America.

Tom Gilson’s just posted “‘It Sure Feels Strange Here Now’: Why American Christians’ Situation is So Unique, and Why That Matters.”


Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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