The Brew: The National Day of Prayer is Upon Us
It’s the National Day of Prayer.
This year’s theme is “Pray Fervently in Righteousness and Avail Much,” which comes from James 5:16b.
While prayer events are happening all day, the National Prayer Gathering takes place at 8 p.m. Eastern, and can be found at this link.
Featured speakers include Samuel Rodriguez, Tony Evans, Jentezen Franklin and Jack Graham. For more info, including where to find events in your city or community, check out the National Day of Prayer fact-sheet.
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The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance, created by Congress in 1952, inviting people to pray for the nation. Nancy Flory spoke with Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States Action about the history of prayer in our nation and how we can be praying for the culture. Read that interview here.
We hope you will join The Stream in this day of prayer. Even the briefest of glimpses at the headlines will prove how desperately we the people need to be on our knees before God.
A couple quick examples, starting with Dr. Michael Brown’s “Reflections on the Satanic Conference in Boston.”
Navy Enlisted “Drag Queen Influencer” to Attract Young Recruits
The U.S. military is having a dreadful time recruiting these days. Only 13% of those 18-29 are “highly willing” to join the service, and recruiting numbers are way down. The Pentagon’s pushing of wokeness and vax mandates is making the military a hard sell for patriots.
The latest? The U.S. Navy approached a “drag queen influencer” working in the ranks to persuade new recruits to join up. It’s Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who goes by the stage name “Harpy Daniels.” Kelley announced in November he’s a Navy “Digital Ambassador.”
A Navy spokesperson told Fox News the initiative was “designed to explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates.” The Digital Ambassador program is needed because the Navy is navigating “the most challenging recruiting environment it has faced since the start of the all-volunteer force.”
And a drag queen is going to help? “From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, we will fight our country’s battles while dressed like Minnelli … ”?
Meanwhile, Iran’s Navy has seized a second oil tanker in a week in the Strait of Hormuz.
State Dept. Paying for “Transgender Makeup Entrepreneurs” in Nepal
For years, I have laid awake at night worried that we, as a nation, are not doing enough to help transgender makeup entrepreneurs in Nepal. Finally, I can rest. The State Dept. has authorized a $2,315 grant to “provide financial support to conduct English language classes to professional transgender women makeup entrepreneurs.”
Just out of curiosity: How much money for women makeup entrepreneurs in Nepal?
WaPo: Charging Decision Nears in Hunter Biden Case
Hunter Biden may soon learn if he’s being indicted. The Washington Post reports the DOJ is nearing a decision on whether to charge the First Son with assorted tax evasion and gun charges. They’ve only been looking into the matter for four years. In fact, frustrated Federal agents told the Post last year that they had enough evidence to charge Hunter.
Recently, an IRS senior investigator accused the DOJ of interfering in the Hunter Biden investigation for political purposes.
Hunter’s lawyers met with prosecutors last week.
Along The Stream
Yesterday brought a two-fer from Mark Judge. He declares, “Conservatives are Not Ready for the ‘Hot War’ Against the Supreme Court.”
And for a delightful change of pace, Mark celebrates the Godly joys of reading in, “Reading for the Love of God — Why Christians Should Be Good Readers.”
And finally, our Tom Sileo pens a beautiful ode to Mattel for its new Barbie with Down syndrome. “Down Syndrome Awareness: More Than a Barbie Doll.”
Al Perrotta is Managing Editor for The Stream and chief barista for The Brew.