The Brew: Tenured Radicals to Taxpayers: ‘Shut Up and Pay Us.’ How Pfizer Shoved the Vax Down Our Throats

Al Perrotta has the day off.
Maybe it’s time to straight-up defund the universities. Or at least everything but the STEM departments, which at least train professionals in tasks that actually benefit us. But the arts and humanities and social sciences faculties at school after school seem to have turned into professional propagandists, whose targets are our country, the Church, and everything sane and decent. Here’s the latest instance, according to Fox News:
Hundreds of professors at the University of North Carolina signed a public letter Tuesday opposing legislation that would require university students to take courses on America’s government and founding documents.
The 673 UNC Chapel Hill professors revealed the public letter Tuesday, arguing the new courses and another bill in the North Carolina House of Representatives would constitute an infringement on the university’s “academic freedom.”
The first piece of legislation, House Bill 96, would require students to take a 3 credit-hour course covering America’s founding and history. Required reading for the course would include the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation, at least five essays from the Federalist Papers, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail and the Gettysburg Address.
The professors argue the legislation “violates core principles of academic freedom” and “substitutes ideological force-feeding for the intellectual expertise of faculty.”
These coddled, tenured academics want vast pots of taxpayer money, with absolutely no input from the taxpayer’s democratically chosen representatives as to how they spend it. They even object to basic, apolitical courses on history and civics. Meanwhile, they make a lifestyle out of “ideological force-feeding” leftist madness to vulnerable students. Maybe it’s time for their departments to be shuttered, so these anti-American intellectuals can learn ask a different kind of question: “Do you want fries with that?”
I Trust Sudan With My Health, Don’t You?
The State of California just passed a law punishing doctors who dissent from the official government line on future pandemics. That effectively gives the China-linked globalist hacks at the World Health Organization and the Big Pharma allies at the National Institutes of Health control over patient care in that state. Should that make us nervous? Well, let’s see what else the NIH has been getting up to. Now one of the most trustworthy news sources available, War Room, reports:
Sudan’s National Public Health Laboratory – whose recent seizure by militants has prompted warnings of causing a “huge biological risk” – received financial and personnel support from U.S. government bodies including the Department of Defense, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency, War Room can reveal.
The stunning revelation follows Nima Saeed Abid, the World Health Organization (WHO) representative in Sudan, admitting the situation was “extremely dangerous” because “we have polio isolates in the lab, we have measles isolates in the lab, we have cholera isolates in the lab.” U.S. federal funding has directly supported research conducted by researchers from the high-risk laboratory into cholera.
“There is a huge biological risk associated with the occupation of the central public health lab in Khartoum by one of the fighting parties,” he added.
The lab, which is based in the country’s capital Khartoum, is a recipient of support from a variety U.S. government agencies including the Department of Defense (DOD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), and United States Agency for International Development (USAID). During Dr. Fauci’s tenure as a National Institutes of Health (NIH) agency leader, he also allocated funds to support research involving scientists from the controversial laboratory.
The revelations about U.S. government involvement in Sudan’s NPHL follow similar scrutiny over support from a Hunter Biden-linked company for Ukrainian Biolabs working on “extremely dangerous pathogens.” It also follows Dr. Fauci allocating millions of taxpayer dollars to support gain-of-function research on coronavirus strains strikingly similar to COVID-19 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
But hey, we’re sure there’s nothing to worry about, right?
Pfizer-Funded Front Groups Agitated for the Vax Mandate
Especially about the influence of Big Pharma on public policy. The Children’s Health Foundation reports that Pfizer poured money into sock-puppet organizations to lobby for vaccine mandates — which forced millions of Americans to purchase the company’s rushed, untested, abortion-linked mRNA jab:
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer in 2021 made numerous grants to medical associations, consumer groups and civil rights organizations for the purpose of creating the appearance of widespread support for COVID-19 vaccine mandates, investigative journalist Lee Fang reported.
As the vaccine mandates rolled out in 2021, Pfizer stayed quiet on the question of mandates — but public health groups, patient advocacy groups, doctors’ associations, community groups and others, along with the Biden administration, actively advocated for vaccine mandates as a key measure to protect public health.
New disclosures from Pfizer, posted by Fang on his Substack, show that many of these same groups were taking money from Pfizer while they promoted the idea that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were “safe and effective,” despite a lack of scientific data to back those claims.
No Tucker Carlson Didn’t Quit TV to Open a Bait Shop
Mediate reports that there was nothing “mutual” about the decision of Fox News and Tucker Carlson to “part ways”:
Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News was not voluntary, multiple sources told Mediaite.
Fox News shocked the media world Monday morning with a statement announcing the network and its top-rated host “have agreed to part ways.”
Carlson’s final show that aired Friday night showed no indication he expected it to be his last, with the host signing off by telling his audience “we’ll be back on Monday.”
A source who spoke with Mediaite on condition of anonymity revealed that Carlson was in fact shocked by the news. “He was totally surprised,” said the source. “He had no idea.”
“It was a firing,” the source added, and Carlson “was informed today” — explaining why he had closed Friday’s show saying he’d be back Monday.
The Fox News newsroom is “in a state of shock,” the source said, confirming reporting by Mediaite’s Aidan McLaughlin that multiple sources within the network said the news “hit like a bomb inside the network, shocking even staffers close to the ex-prime time host who had no idea this was coming,” and found out not from any internal communication, but when the news broke online.
No, Carlson’s firing was much more like what happens in Third World countries when the newscaster gets dragged off the set on camera, and replaced by a colonel in battle fatigues and sunglasses, to read off communiques from the ruling junta. The Los Angeles Times reported that the order to fire the network’s top-earning personality came from Rupert Murdoch directly. Keep that in mind when considering whether to patronize any other Murdoch-owned business.
Nikki Haley Slams De Santis, Cozies Up to Disney
The Stream reported today on presidential hopeful Nikki Haley trying to position herself as a moderate on abortion. Now she’s shifting leftward on the Woke, increasingly Satanic indoctrination of children promoted by Disney. She volunteered on Twitter that Disney should consider moving from Ron De Santis’ Florida to South Carolina, boasting “We’re not Woke, but we’re not sanctimonious about it.”
Hey @Disney, my home state will happily accept your 70,000+ jobs if you want to leave Florida.
We’ve got great weather, great people, and it’s always a great day in South Carolina!
SC’s not woke, but we’re not sanctimonious about it either.
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) April 26, 2023
Along The Stream
Don’t miss Mark Judge’s poignant recollection of what it felt like to work for Tucker Carlson, and pursue serious journalism into the whitewashing of pedophile behavior among fashionable literati whose work is taught at most leading colleges.
If you have young people heading off to college, you can’t afford to skip Tom Gilson’s advice on how to vaccinate their souls against apostasy during their four-year sojourn to Sodom.
John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of “God, Guns, & the Government.”