The Brew: Talking Turkey, Travel and Another Record-Breaking Trans Swimmer

Turkeys Liberty and Bell walk the South Lawn before their pardoning, Monday, November 20, 2023, on the South Lawn of the White House.

By Al Perrotta Published on November 21, 2023

Happy Tuesday!

Let’s put today’s Brew in a to-go cup as Americans hit the road for Thanksgiving. And it’ll be a rough one weatherwise for much of the Eastern half of the U.S. The Southeast and Middle Atlantic, in particular, are looking at potentially severe weather. This could also mean flight delays. So let’s pray for a little extra dash of grace on the roads and in the airports.

And let’s share a bit of thanks in advance to the folks working the travel stops, gas stations and fast food joints along the way. I know I’m not the only one given an extra boost of energy on the road by a friendly face at the cash register after a long stretch of driving. Works better than a Red Bull. And who knows? Your demeanor can help make some harried cashier’s day. Or break it.

Surviving Your Loony Leftist Relatives at Thanksgiving Dinner

So you’ve arrived at your relatives safe and snug, but now have to deal with the leftists in the family at Thanksgiving dinner. Eddie Scarry at The Federalist offers a three-point survival guide:

First, β€œInvite them to relax, cheer up, and share in the joy of the season.”

Second, β€œWith caution, engage the conversation.”

And if that doesn’t work …

Three, β€œBelittle, debase, and denigrate the cheerless sourpuss.”

Now, as Christians, belittling, debasing and denigrating shouldn’t be our cup of cider. No matter the temptation. However, a bit of grace-filled, humorous ribbing of their positions, can help prevent things from getting ugly. Perhaps.  

If things do head south, writes Scarry, β€œSimply shift focus to another guest.”

This all seems so cheeky and unnecessary, but leftist blogs and the media go out of their way to offer instructions on how to educate your conservative family members at Thanksgiving dinner. Or better put, tear into those racist, homophobic, Islamophobic Red-State simpletons you’re ashamed to be related to. Or put best, how to ruin Thanksgiving, because after all, all Thanksgiving is a celebration of β€œracist genocide.” (That was from the Pennsylvania Capital-Star last year.)

Joe Biden Pardons Turkeys, Turns 81

Two turkeys named β€œLiberty” and β€œBell” won’t be turned into leftovers. The fowl were pardoned Monday by Joe Biden at the White House.

“These birds have a new appreciation of the word, ‘let freedom ring,'” Biden declared. (I didn’t pay much attention in math class, but I think that’s three words.)

The idea of presidential turkey pardons dates back to President Lincoln. The story β€” likely apocryphal β€” has Lincoln’s young son asking his dad in 1863 to spare a pet turkey that was set to become a Thanksgiving dinner.

However, it wasn’t until John Kennedy 60 years ago that we find first documented case of a president pardoning a turkey. The pardons didn’t become the norm until Ronald Reagan in 1981, and then was formalized into an annual White House tradition by until George H.W. Bush in 1989.  

The Biden’s actually started their Thanksgiving festivities Sunday night when they helped serve men and women what they call β€œFriendsgiving” dinner aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USS Gerald Ford at the Norfolk Naval Station in Virginia.

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Monday was also Biden’s birthday. He turned 81. NBC News didn’t exactly give him the warmest birthday gift with a new poll showing the president having his lowest approval rating yet. Only 40% approve of the job he is doing. 57% disapprove.

Even more eye-opening, Biden is currently losing to Trump 46-42% among voters 18-39. In 2020, Biden carried that age group by 26 points.

However. There was a bit of bright news in the poll. Biden’s advantage with dead voters remains steady. (Yes, I made that up.)

Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump β€œHas to Be Eliminated”

Just days before the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a sitting Member of Congress told Joe Biden’s former press secretary that former President Donald Trump β€œhas to be eliminated.” Not defeated. Eliminated.

Watch Re. Dan Goldman’s exchange with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki on Sunday.

On Monday, Goldman apologized.

A bit weak. Goldman is a trained lawyer and Congressman. His apology came a full day after he made the statement. It comes on the heels of similar rhetoric from Joe Biden and Barack Obama about Trump’s supposed β€œthreat to democracy.” A question you heard a lot Monday: Did he just say the quiet part out loud?

My question: Was Goldman’s apology enough? Should Secret Service get involved? 

Another question: Was Goldman even self-aware enough to realize the hypocrisy of criticizing Trump’s rhetoric while calling for his β€œextermination”?  

Trans Swimmer Shatters School Record After Competing as a Dude for Three Years

Meghan Cortez-Fields has just shattered school records in women’s swimming at Ramapo College. That is, after spending three years on the men’s swim team before deciding to follow Lia Thomas’ path to swimming success: Throw that male body into the pool against females.

Ramapo College celebrated Cortez-Fields’ β€œaccomplishment” on Instagram until swimmer-turned-activist Riley Gaines drew attention to the story. They then pulled the post.

“Those who choose to remain blind to the injustice of allowing mediocre male athletes to become record-breaking female athletes are either incompetent or misogynists. There is no in between anymore,” Gaines told Fox News. “Women are being asked to smile and step aside and allow these men onto our teams all the while stripping us of opportunities, privacy and safety.”

Along The Stream

Raymond Ibrahim takes on those taken in by Osama Bin Laden’s β€œLetter to America,” with β€œUBL’s Other Communiques Make Clear the Ultimate Reason for Muslim Hostility Toward the West Has Nothing to Do With Israel.”

John Zmirak interviews scholar Mark David Hall in β€œHow Do We Respond to the β€˜Christian Nationalist’ Dog-Whistle?

And for Thanksgiving, Stream contributor Janet Boynes offers a touching β€œJust Thankful.”  


Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Streamco-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism

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