The Brew: Random Thoughts and Rants

Happy Tuesday!
Monday was a day of airports, so today’s Brew was done on the fly. Get it? On the fly.
Seriously, we’ve got a grab bag today, including the kind of thoughts that come to mind when sitting around an airport.
Thoughts From a Concourse
The woke director of the next Star Wars movie once said in an interview she “enjoys making men uncomfortable.” What’d she do? Design airline seats?
The Pentagon said Monday that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has no plans to resign. “But even if he did, he wouldn’t tell anybody.” (Yes, we made that up.) The White House announced Biden wasn’t going to fire Austin or accept his resignation if he did resign. Keeping this Administration’s amazing record intact. The only ones to be fired by this president are his dogs.
Wow. I just realized there will be people voting in the 2024 election who were born after 9/11.
Big deal. There were people who voted in the 2020 election who died before Pearl Harbor.
They tell us Mother Earth is in danger of dying within the next 12 years.
What they don’t tell us is Mother Earth moved to Chicago.
We respect the Washington Examiner, but sometimes even the best leave you scratching your heads.
Las Vegas man who leaped over bench to attack judge reportedly wanted to kill her
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) January 7, 2024
What else would he be doing? Going in for a sniff? Doing a Superman impression? Auditioning for Wrestlemania?
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While looking around Sunday for new photos of Joe Biden, I went to the White House Flickr page. Notice anything peculiar about photos from the last month?
Where’s Joe? Where’s Kamala? One question after perusing the pics: Did Jill Biden know that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was in ICU? Not trying to suggest anything. I mean, it’s not like they’re playing “Hail to the Chief” when she enters the room. Yet.
UPDATE: Biden Administration Changes Mind, Won’t Erase Pennsylvania Founder William Penn
The other day we told you the National Park Service planned to erase Pennsylvania founder William Penn from a park built at the location of his home, Welcome Park. A park named for the ship that brought Penn to our shores. His statue gone, the replica of his house gone, even panels outlining his life helping birth the nation. However, after massive outcry, the Biden Administration announced it was shelving its plans to “rehabilitate” the park by dumping Penn in order to make the park more “inclusive.” They claim the original announcement was released prematurely before an internal review.
Meet the New Election, Same as the Old Election.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton’s campaign created the Trump-Russia hoax to deflect, in part, from the millions in Russian cash that poured into the Clinton Foundation to garner Hillary’s approval of Putin buying the Uranium One uranium company.
Meet the new election, same as the old election.
Last week, House Democrats released a report claiming Trump made about $7.8 million from foreign governments staying at his properties while president. The Daily Caller makes short work of that report, pointing out a great percentage of that money — about $5.5 million — came from a Chinese bank that had been leasing space in Trump Tower since 2008. Leaving $2.3 million over two years. I’ve spent $25 for a dessert at Trump International Hotel. Admittedly, it was reaaaaaallly yummy. $2.3 million? That’s a dinner party.
Now we all know the point of the report: The idea is to muddy up the allegations that Biden Inc. took millions from China. The difference is you can point to the services and goods Trump’s properties provided. Only thing you got from Biden Inc. is access to the Big Guy. Oh. Okay. Maybe one of Hunter’s paintings.
Speaking of Hunter, House Republicans announced a resolution Monday to hold the First Son in contempt of Congress for defying a lawful subpoena.
A Week Out From Iowa Caucus
One week from today, the fine folks of Iowa will gather in their communities for the Iowa GOP Presidential caucus. The contenders have been spending so much time in Iowa that corn’s starting to grow out their ears. I’d say Shoeless Joe Jackson will show up, but since he’s been dead 72 years, he’ll more likely vote in the Democratic caucus March 5. For those who weren’t paying attention to primary news last year, the DNC dumped Iowa’s traditional status as the first state to have voters pick their nominee to give South Carolina the honor. A state that was very, very kind to Biden in 2020, thanks to the efforts of powerful congressman Jim Clybourn.
Biden himself was in Charleston Monday, trying to shore up his crumbling support among black voters. He spoke at Mother Emmanuel AME Church, site of the horrific 2015 mass killing of 9 church members by a young white supremacist. Kind of interesting how many family members of the victims publicly forgave the killer. And yet, Biden has yet to forgive 75 million Americans for not voting for him.
Harry Potter Sales Up Since Effort to Cancel Author J.K. Rowling
Yeah, she’s a big liberal, more likely to be found riding a sea serpent that attending CPAC, but famed author J.K. Rowling has been under siege from the LGBTQA+ radicals over her insistence that women are women and men are not. But it looks like the calls for boycotts and efforts to cancel Rowling have failed. Sales for her Harry Potter series were up about $5 million in 2023.
Final Random Thought From the Airport
If everyone agrees Jesus was a great teacher, why don’t they allow him in schools?
Along The Stream
Pastor Shane Idleman is back with, “Brace for Impact: Are You Ready for War in 2024?”
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.