The Brew: Pride … in America

Happy Pre-Independence Day!
Or if John Adams had had his way, Happy Day After Independence Day. Adams thought July 2nd, the day the Continental Congress actually voted on Independence, would be the day with fireworks and parades. It wasn’t the only thing Adams got wrong. Adams told his cousin Samuel, “You want to be a beer maker? You’ll never make a go of that!” Okay, we made that up.
What we’re not making up is — if all goes according to plan — The Stream will have an exclusive interview tomorrow with none other than George Washington himself.
“Extreme Pride” in America at Only 39%
Heading into Independence Day, Americans aren’t feeling the same love for Uncle Sam. Only 39% of Americans express “extreme pride” in the USA, according to a new Gallup poll. The good news? That’s up one percent over last year’s record low numbers.
The tireless, soulless work of the progressives to teach our children to despise America is working. Only 18% of those between the ages of 18 and 34 say they’re extremely proud to be Americans.
In a Fox News poll, nearly half of Americans say the nation’s best days are behind us. It’s easy to understand why, given all that’s gone on the past three years. And the fact that empires tend to last only about 250 years and our clock is ticking.
However, let me offer a bit of optimism on a Monday morning. Don’t be surprised if that “extreme pride” number is way up near the post- 9/11 record of 78% by the time of the 2028 election. Two major reasons: First, the lingering buzz from 2026’s 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. If the U.S-despising-progressive-crowd currently running the show is tossed out on its collective keister, the anniversary should be a massive patriotic lovefest. Trump is already promising a year-long celebration if he wins, and let’s be honest, Trump will want to top the Bicentennial celebration just for the sake of saying he threw a bigger party.
Second, the United States is hosting the 2028 Summer Olympics. Nothing gets you more stoked for your country than hosting an Olympics. The downside is Los Angeles will be the primary location. And we’ll have to deal with new Olympic events like the 100-meter homeless hurdles. But no, let us have faith the city — and the nation — will have cleaned up its act by them.
Museum of the American Revolution Vandalized
The Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia was vandalized last week. Why? Because the museum was hosting an event for the Moms for Liberty.
The vandals spray painted “**** you” on a mural depicting Washington crossing the Delaware River, and on a plaque and broke a window on a museum door.
We are devastated to see @AmRevMuseum targeted last night by hateful vandals who broke windows and destroyed historical symbols of our country’s freedom.
The core of a free republic is to allow for the peaceful discussion of different ideas.
We pray for peace in the days…
— Moms for Liberty (@Moms4Liberty) June 29, 2023
Pulling down statues of Founding Fathers is sooooo 2017. Attacking mothers who care for children is the thing.
The vandalism came mere weeks after the radical, but still worshipped by the media and government, Southern Poverty Law Center declared the Moms a “hate group.”
SPLC is same outfit that inspired an attempted massacre at the Family Research Council in 2012. Floyd Lee Corkins II pleaded guilty to a terrorism charge in the wounding of an FRC guard. Corkins said he selected his target based on a “hate map” found on the SPLC website.
DeSantis Nails It
Remember last week we told you how NYC wants to crack down on wood-and-coal pizzerias in the city, which will likely put a lot of pizzerias out of business and mess with the taste of the pizza for those shops that survive?
Ron DeSantis had a thought about it that sums up so much of today’s activist Left. “They just don’t want people to be happy and make their own decisions.”
Could it really be that simple?
This next story is a perfect example.
Good News: NFL Star’s Charity Event at Trump Course Back On After Protests Got It Cancelled
Imagine hating Trump more than you like improving the education of underserved populations. Buffalo Bills star Jordan Poyer was throwing a charity golf tournament to raise money for the Erie County Medical Center and to help the Buffalo community. This year he decided to hold the event at Trump National at Doral. Oh, no. You can’t have that! Orange Man Bad more bad than charity is good! The pressure came down on a big tournament sponsor, players withdrew, and Poyer was forced to cancel the event.
However, good news. Other sponsors quickly offered to jump in, Poyer’s wife Rachel Bush posted. In the end, PublicSq stepped up, offering to sponsor the entire event. The charity tournament will go on as planned July 10 at Doral. List of celebrities and pros taking part to be announced..
PublicSq is proud to partner with Poyer, founder and CEO Michael Seifert told Fox Digital:
We’re glad to see he’s standing against the cancel-culture mob that tried to shut down this charity event, and we will always support freedom-loving Americans like Jordan whenever there is an opportunity to do so.
In a tweet, Seifert was more direct: “We’re not a bunch of babies.”
Jordan Poyer from the Buffalo Bills had to cancel his charity golf tournament because of liberal sponsors pulling out due to it being hosted at Trump Doral.
Well, at @officialpsq, we care about raising money for charity and we're also not a bunch of babies.
— Michael Seifert (@realmichaelseif) June 30, 2023
Another example of what DeSantis was saying.
Climate Change Activists Block London Pride Parade
My woke is more woke than your woke. A Pride parade in London was briefly blocked by climate protesters Saturday. The nuts from Just Stop Oil laid down in front of a double-decker and sprayed black and pink paint all over the street.
More ominously …
Michigan House Votes to Make It a Felony to Use the Wrong Pronoun
Thanks to last week’s Supreme Court ruling, we know this would be struck down as unconstitutional. But it’s scary there are people in elected office so deluded, sooo eager to control thought and speech they’d spend their time coming up with this. But, the Michigan House has passed a bill that would make using the “wrong” pronouns a felony. You could be fined $10,000 a pop for calling a he who says he’s a she a “he.” You could even end up in prison
So, Michigan Democrats, what pronoun do you use for the biological male who identifies as transgender who was photographing women in a Burlington, Massachusetts dressing room while clearly aroused? (No, we’re not going to link to the photos.)
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.