The Brew: Patriotism and Praise Beating Back the Devil and ‘Death to America’ on Campus

Happy Monday!
Let’s call today a celebration of the Red, White and Blue and the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
The times, they are a-changin’ back. Or at least we’re seeing glimmers that the current secular, progressive road is “rapidly aging.”
USA! USA! USA!: College Students Rebel Against Anti-American Classmates and Agitators
Has the flame of liberty been relit by frat boys?!
Last week, fraternity brothers at the University of North Carolina went viral for their protection of the American flag against a horde of America-hating pro-Palestinian protesters. Their brave act seems to have inspired an outbreak of patriotism at other campuses.
For example, at Rutgers, students stood up the mob by singing the national anthem and chanting “USA! USA! USA!.”
PROUD AMERICANS: Patriotic students drown out anti-Israel mob with loud chants of "USA" at Rutgers University.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 3, 2024
At Ol’ Miss, students also sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” to drown out the radicals.
PROUD AMERICANS: Anti-Israel agitators silenced as Ole Miss students gather to sing the Star Spangled Banner.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 4, 2024
Same at Cal Poly Tech, Humboldt, another scene of virulent anti-Israel protests.
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Patriotic students sing the Star Spangled Banner at Cal Poly Tech Humboldt.
Hundreds of students showed up to show their love for their country in response to anti-Israel campus protests.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) May 4, 2024
At the University of Chicago, where Barack Obama taught and he and Michelle got extra-cozy with domestic terrorists Bill Ayres and wife Bernadine Dorn back in the day, students marched with the American flag.
In this time when so many campuses are run by progressives, where you’re more likely to find space aliens among the faculty than conservatives, standing up for America is a revolutionary act. A fight against the power. On campuses, these students are truly the antiestablishment rebels. The counterculture warriors.
May the “chimes of freedom” and love of country consume our nation’s campuses the way the same way the radicalism of the 1960s came to own our university system today.
Which Side of Campus Struggle Would Barack Obama Be On?
Not for nothing, but which crowd do you think Barack Obama would join if he were still a member of the University of Chicago faculty? The one with the American flag chanting, “USA! USA! USA!” or the one with the Palestinian flag shouting, “Death to America”?
Biden? Depending on who he was talking to, he’d say he led both sides of the protest. Then he’d boast about having been beaten to death, “no lie,” by local cops — and then eaten.
No wonder we’re in the fix we’re in.
And Trump? He, of course, would be “USA all the way.” Then, unfortunately, he’d throw in some remark about, “Besides, the anti-Israel girls are too ugly for any real man to want to side with.”
Singer Selena Gomez Caves to Mob, Apologizes for Drinking at Starbucks Rather Than Supporting Anti-Israel Boycott
Singer-actress Selena Gomez got brutally attacked online for the simple act of going to Starbucks. She didn’t know the famously woke coffee giant is now being targeted for cancellation by the anti-Israel mobs for not hating Jews enough. There are no Starbucks coffee shops in Israel, but the corporation sued one of its unions for trademark infringement after it tweeted support for Palestinians (aka Hamas) after the October 7 attacks.
Selena Gomez can't speak on palestine to her 428 million followers because "it makes her sick" and she wants to "change the world, but she can buy and advertise for starbucks that gives lots of money to israel to kill children. Selena once again proves how disgusting she is
— Hagar (@therealhagarr_) May 3, 2024
So the mob went after young Selena for posting about her presence at Starbucks. Unfortunately, rather than tell her critics to stab themselves with coffee stirrers, Gomez apologized, saying, “I did not know. So apparently I am that stupid. I’m sorry.”
Selena Gomez apologizes after being called out for posting photos with Starbucks to her Instagram story:
“I did not know. So apparently I am that stupid. I’m sorry”
— Buzzing Pop (@BuzzingPop) May 4, 2024
Oh, Selena, Selena, Selena. You were able to endure and ignore the hate of millions of young girls when you were dating Justin Bieber. These online haters are just as bratty and immature.
Meanwhile, another singer stands strong for Jewish students.
Powerful Words from John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting
We started today with the words of Bob Dylan. In the early 1960’s, Dylan was a voice of the protest movement. He wrote how the “Chimes of Freedom” were “tolling for the luckless, the abandoned and forsaked.”
Today, Jewish students are feeling abandoned and forsaken. And another singer has stepped up to capture their heartbreak and say, “We have your back.”
Five for Fighting singer/songwriter John Ondrasik spoke at UCLA Friday, the site of some of the most violent anti-Israel protests and virulent antisemitic behavior. A 1988 graduate of UCLA who hails from a family of distinguished Bruin alumni, a choked-up Ondrasik apologized to the current Jewish students for what they’ve had to endure and for school administrators and faculty abandoning them, but assured them “a majority of Americans have your back.”
However, before his apology came a devastating indictment, in the form of a question to UCLA Chancellor Gene Block and faculty. In passionate, gut-wrenching detail, Ondrasik asked, “What if” the slaughter of October 7 had been perpetrated on Muslims and groups set up a camp at UCLA to celebrate those who carried it out?
I have one questions for @UCLAchancellor Gene Block, the Board, and the majority of administrators/faculty at my alma mater @UCLA. I'm at your disposal to meet and discuss your answer. A message to the Jewish and non-Jewish students under siege across our nation as well.…
— John Ondrasik (@johnondrasik) May 4, 2024
Not Just Patriotism, the Power of the Lord
We’ve talked about the outburst of patriotism on campus, but under the radar we’re also seeing an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to former Streamer Alan Eason for the heads-up about his alma matter, the University of Tennessee.
Local 10 News in Knoxville reported, “Over 5,500 students gathered at the Food City Center on Wednesday to praise and worship Jesus Christ.” According to event organizers, UniteUs, hundreds committed their lives to Christ that night, with more than 120 University of Tennessee students getting baptized right outside the arena.
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The UniteUs movement began last September at Auburn, before moving to the University of Georgia. In a Facebook post about the night in Knoxville, the group writes, “God is doing something special at college campuses across the country, and we believe there is even more to come.”
Along The Stream
Art makes a difference. The Stream’s Aliya Kuykendall has “‘Why Do I Hate Israel?’: Israel Hosts Murals Supporting Iran’s Female Protesters.”
Professor, Berkeley grad, and Stream contributor Alex Chediak will weigh in at 9 a.m. today with “What College Should Be: The Question Lurking Behind the Current Wave of Campus Protest.”
Al Perrotta is The Stream’s Washington bureau chief, coauthor with John Zmirak of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration, and coauthor of the counterterrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.