The Brew: Our 2022 ‘Woman of the Year’ … and a Peek Under the Christmas Tree
Happy Boxing Day!
This comes after Being-Given-the-Cold-Stare-By-Your-Woke-Relatives-Over-Christmas-Turkey Day. Seriously, here’s hoping your Christmas was festive and your travel burdens not too burdensome. How cold was it? Liz Cheney went to Mar-a-Lago. So cold Kamala Harris went to the southern border. So cold even prices froze. (We wish.)
Santa Deliveries
How about we try to warm things up with a little harmless jesting. Did Santa bring our favorite politicians and celebrities what they needed? Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky posted, “I don’t need Santa. I’ve got Biden and the U.S. Congress.” He then demanded NATO bomb the North Pole because Santa made some stops in Russia.
Did Santa bring … Liz Cheney a Donald Trump blow-up doll so she can still berate him in the privacy of her inevitable obscurity?
… Joe Biden some tissues? Maybe all that “sniffing” is because he has a cold.
… Jill Biden some furniture fabric for her 2023 dresses?
… Kamala Harris a robot? Seems no human can work with her for more than a few weeks.
… Elon Musk an itch to buy YouTube?
… Dr. Fauci an orange suit that doesn’t chafe?
… Prince Harry the backbone he used to have before meeting Meghan Markle?
… Nancy Pelosi a door lock? And a dictionary? The other day in her final speech as Speaker she wished everyone a “Happy Shwanza!” You make Christmas ornaments and cookies. She makes up her own holidays. Seriously, love her or hate her, Pelosi has had an historic run and going down as the first female Speaker in U.S. history is no small feat.
’22 in Review: The Brew’s Woman of the Year Runner-Up, Kari Lake
As we head into 2023 and the years beyond, I believe two women who emerged in 2022 are going to be impactful in tremendous and profound ways.
The first is Kari Lake. If Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan had a daughter, she’d be something like Kari Lake. She terrifies the establishment, beats the media at their own game, inspires her growing supporters and articulates her vision and beliefs with clarity and strength and fearlessness and humor. The fact that so much effort has been undertaken to defeat … and, yes, cheat … her out of the Arizona governor’s gig points to the danger she poses to the corrupt elite.
Yeah, an Arizona judge tossed her election suit Saturday because she didn’t prove the screwing up of the election in Maricopa County was “intentional.” But she is vowing to appeal and fight on.
However, Lake is not our Woman of the Year. The Brew’s vote goes to Chloe Cole.
’22 in Review: The Brew’s Woman of the Year, Chloe Cole
18-year-old Chloe Cole is not yet a household name, but she could end up a revolutionary figure in shattering the transgender madness. Saving countless kids from being mutilated and castrated on the altar of transgender cultism. Holding medical professionals to account.
Chloe has detransitioned, is sharing her story, and has launched an organization to stop the butchering. Chloe torches the medical professionals who, rather than treat her mental issues, told her parents they had to approve Chloe having her healthy breasts cut off or she was going to commit suicide. No other options. No treatment for the underlying issues. At a mere 15, she had a double mastectomy. At 16, she realized she was, in fact, female and detransitioned. Now she’s dedicated to save others.
Chloe’s poignant, powerful tale, of the rush to pump her with drugs and take a knife to her breasts, of her heartbreak over never being able to breast feed her children — of perhaps never being able to have children — makes you wish Dante envisioned another ring of hell. But it also offers hope because Chloe is giving voice to those who are detransitioning. Who realize the cruelty and negligence of the race to mutilate (for big money) youngsters who are having gender issues … or have been sold a bag of goods that they are not the sex they were born with.
As Chloe tweeted last week, “If I was born about 5 years earlier, I’d probably still have my breasts. I would’ve been nothing more than a tomboy.”
If I was born about 5 years earlier, I’d probably still have my breasts. I would’ve been nothing more than a tomboy.
— Chloe Cole ⭐️ (@ChoooCole) December 21, 2022
She is a lovely young lady. An enormously brave young lady. She is bucking the cultural winds with tremendous courage and eloquence. And she’s got the fire in her eye that says she will help lead a generation out of darkness. For that, she is our Woman of the Year.
One prediction we can make for 2023. While it would be great to have Chloe speak at schools coast-to-coast, she will not be welcome at many. She’s too great a threat to the demonic propaganda being peddled in schools. But we can pray that all strongholds keeping her from speaking wherever she is led to speak will be torn down.
Chloe is being welcomed at the Heritage Foundation. She’ll be speaking there on Tuesday, January 10.
Please join for this event with @ChoooCole on January 10. Free lunch afterwards for everyone who attends in person: Detransitioner Talks Protecting Children from Gender Medicine via @Heritage
— Jay W. Richards (@DrJayRichards) December 22, 2022
Follow our own Jay Richards’ link to see how you can attend in person or watch online.
If you can’t wait, check out her PragerU interview posted last week.
NEW: @ChoooCole was 12 years old when she decided to be a boy. At 16, she regretted her decisions but must live with the irreversible choices she made as a child. She sits down with @StreitMarissa for this all-new episode of Real Talk.
— PragerU (@prageru) December 22, 2022
Along The Stream
Did you catch our Christmas greeting? Nice chance to get a glimpse of the folks who work so hard to put The Stream together each day. And a chance to see John Z. be John Z. Plus, you get an off camera appearance by our new puppy Clancy!