The Brew: Oh, Mamma! Barron Joins the Fray, Trans Witch Teaches Kids About Dating

By Al Perrotta Published on May 10, 2024

Let’s down our Brew and head to school!

But first, news on a young man a week away from high school graduation.

Barron Trump Dipping Toe in Politics; Ivanka May Return

Donald Trump’s towering young son Barron is dipping his toes into the family business, and I don’t mean real estate. Eighteen-year-old Barron, who is set to graduate from high school next Friday, was selected Wednesday night by the Republican Party of Florida to be an at-large delegate this summer at the GOP convention. (Emphasis on large. The kid’s 6’7″ and destined for heartthrob status.) In fact, Barron will be the one to officially put forth his father’s name for the nomination.

A campaign source tells ABC News that Barron, who reportedly speaks five languages and is off-the-charts smart, is “very interested in our nation’s political process.” (Okay, so maybe not that smart if he wants to go into politics.) Seriously, if you’re an 18-year-old American male, have Trump and Melania’s blood coursing through your veins, and you’ve had the FBI raid your bedroom for political purposes, your interest isn’t political — it’s personal.

Barron has been largely shielded from public view since Trump got into politics, but now that he’s of age it looks like he’ll be joining his half-siblings in publicly standing with his father. Don Jr., Eric, and Tiffany Trump will also be part of the Florida delegation.

And what about Aunt Ivanka? She had been pretty adamant about staying out of her father’s political life this time around. However, Puck alleged last week that she is warming up to the idea of serving again with her father. A source told the outlet that Ivanka, who was a White House advisor, is “privately not ruling out having some sort of role. She is no longer ‘H***, no!'” A second source concurred, “After a longstanding position of ruling it out, she’s more open to it. It’s getting more real, it’s revving up.”

Elementary School in Florida Cancels Christian Club Under Pressure From Atheist Pests

What’s the difference between cicadas and the Freedom from Religion Foundation? One makes an ear-piercing ungodly swarm that disrupts and disturbs anything in its past. The other is a bug that pops out of the ground every few years.

The latest? An elementary school in Florida was forced to shut down a new student-led Christian club after the FFRF, an atheist group, wrote the Hamilton County School District after learning an elementary school was hosting the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

FFRF argued the Establishment Clause bans school employees from organizing or leading a religious club for students, and thus the activity was unconstitutional. The school capitulated. The U.S. Supreme Court, however, has been pretty clear that schools can’t ban religious groups from activities it allows nonreligious groups to engage in.

But where is the FFRF when it comes to pagans and witches?

Pennsylvania School Brought in “Genderqueer Witch” to Talk to Kids About Dating

It might not be easy to talk to 14-year-olds about dating, but do you really want to leave that to self-described genderqueer witches? Apparently the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District in Pennsylvania did.

According to the Daily Wire, the school district brought in “practitioner astrologer” Deni Tobin, who goes by male pronouns, posts topless pictures of herself to show how she’s had her breasts removed, and works for an organization that hosts “queer witches,” was bought in to talk about “safe dating.”

Of course Tobin’s idea of talking about safe dating includes distributing pro-abortion materials and handing out sex surveys.

Good News: School That Expelled Two Boys Accused of Wearing Blackface (When It was Acne Cream) Forced to Pay Each $500,000

Never has having acne paid off so handsomely — and this time, a woke private school is the one paying. Two students in the Bay Area were expelled, accused of performing in blackface after photos of them showed up on social media. Turns out, however, that the substance on their faces was just a dark green acne cream. In fact, the day before getting in trouble, the boys had posted photos of them wearing white acne cream.

The families sued the Saint Francis High School for defamation — and won. Each student has now been awarded $500,000.

NY Gov. Apologizes for Saying ‘Black Kids’ in Bronx Don’t Know the Word ‘Computer’

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul expressed “regret” for her “inartful” comment that “black kids” in the Bronx don’t know the word “computer.” Hochul was talking about her $400 million AI initiative at a California conference when she said, “Right now we have, you know, young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is. They don’t know, they don’t know these things. And I want the world opened up to all of them.”

Good, Gov. Hochul. You’ve apologized for a comment that would have gotten a conservative canceled. And we get that you were exaggerating to make a point.

But how about you and your party now apologize to black kids in the Bronx for wrecking their public education? After all, who has been running the school systems in the Bronx? Why wouldn’t kids there know the word “computer”? But it’s a good bet they know the words “gender identity” and “antiracist,” along with many others too salacious to print here.

On The Stream Menu

In this week’s “Service and Sacrifice,” Stream editor and bestselling military author Tom Sileo asks, “Will the Gaza Pier Work?”

And if you missed yesterday’s serving of Al’s Afternoon Tea, it’s called “Blunders, Betrayals and the Bewildering.” We feature Biden’s decision to deny Israel weapons in the midst of its war and how his tale of the Green Bay Packer-drafted theology professor is another example of his willingness to say whatever comes to mind without regard for truth.


Al Perrotta is the Stream’s Washington Bureau Chief and proud uncle to Coach Dan, who today celebrates the big 5-0!

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