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The Brew: Obama Eye-Balling a Constitutional Loophole to Take Over Biden’s Last Two Years?

"If I did, whatchu think you can do about it, sucker?"

By Al Perrotta Published on April 12, 2022

Happy Tuesday!

Today’s blend includes a throwback to 2008.

The Return of Barack?

Yes, it’s Holy Week. But it’s also 202 days to Halloween. Close enough to conjour up a fright, courtesy of Andrea Widburg over at American Thinker. (Here’s the link. Children may want to cover their eyes.)

Widburg saw all that fawning over Barack Obama last week. How he brushed aside Joe Biden like a piece of lint on his fancy suit. How he called Biden “Vice President” … lamely passing it off as a joke.

Widburg posed “an admittedly wild theory about how Obama may intend to fix things: Obama’s aiming to get back into the Oval Office.” Crazy?

Not so crazy. The 22nd Amendment says a person cannot be “elected more than twice.” And cannot serve more than two years of another’s term. So in reality, a president isn’t limited to two terms. They’re limited to 10 years. Meaning, Obama has two years, if he can arrange it.

Widburg imagines Harris getting dumped first, with Obama being named VP, and then Biden resigning. It could work the other way too. Biden out, Obama named Harris’ VP. Certainly Obama could figure some way to push Harris out. Obama’s made a career out of disposing of politicians who stand in his way … by any means necessary.

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Gov. Mike Huckabee comments on Widburg’s theory in the context of the media’s sudden interest in the Hunter Biden story: “Who pulled the switch and got the mainstream media in gear on this story. Our thought is that it’s none other than former President Obama pulling the strings.”

See “Watch Out: How the Left Will Play the Biden Scandal.”

The Guv is right. The media is now in gear. The latest? Yahoo! News reporting on the curious business ties between Biden, Inc. and the criminally charged Chinese businessman Patrick Ho. “New Hunter Biden revelations raise counterintelligence questions.” Note the article is co-written by Michael Isikoff. If this longtime DNC asset is going after Hunter, that’s a good sign the word has gone out.

Hunter Laptop Reveals More Goodies … and the White House Lies About It

“Oh, but Al. My friends on Twitter keep saying, ‘Hunter’s business has nothing to do with Joe!’” Sure, that’s the White House line too, despite the evidence.

Take a new revelation that Joe Biden wrote recommendation letters to Brown and Georgetown Universities for the son and daughter of a Chinese business associate of Hunter’s named Jonathan Li.

When asked, the White House emphasized repeatedly that the letters were written when Biden was a “private citizen” in 2017.

Except … Hunter introduced Li to Joe Biden in 2013, when Biden was VP. That was on the trip where Hunter flew with the Vice President to China. Days after that trip aboard Air Force One, Peter Schweizer reported, Hunter’s firm Rosemont Seneca signed a deal with the state-owned Bank of China to create BHR, which still lists Li as CEO.

So Hunter and Joe fly to China together, meet Li, and Biden, Inc. inks a deal with the Communist Chinese to form a company headed by Li. A couple years later, this family business associate Li hits up Joe for letters of recommendations for his kids. Biden complies. But Biden has “no involvement” with his son’s business or business associates.

They count on you (and your friends) being ignorant of the underlying facts.

Incidentally, the NY Post reports the two kids did not get accepted into Brown and Georgetown. If Biden can’t even convince a school to accept a couple students, how’s he going to convince Putin to give up his quest for Ukraine? If he didn’t have enough juice to sway a couple admissions boards, how’d he have enough juice to sway 81 million voters? (Answer: He didn’t.)

Where’s a Special Counsel?

95 Republican congressmen have sent a letter demanding Attorney General Merrick Garland appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden (and Biden, Inc.)

“It is increasingly clear that Hunter Biden took advantage of his father’s position as Vice President to develop business relationships with clients in Ukraine, China, and Kazakhstan,” the House Republicans wrote.

“It appears that Hunter Biden used his position as son of then-Vice President Biden to gain wealth and influence in foreign countries, using questionably sourced money to pay tax liabilities, and lobbying on behalf of foreign entities without proceeding through the proper channels.”

Jen Psaki insists the DOJ can fairly, impartially and independently investigate their boss — aka “The Big Guy” — and their boss’s son.

Fauci: People Will Have to Live With COVID and Make Their Own Decisions

Funny. If you said this two years ago, you were demonized and attacked by this guy and tossed off Twitter.

On ABC’s This Week, Dr. Tony Fauci said COVID “is not going to be eradicated, and it’s not going to be eliminated.” Duh. Real scientists were telling us in 2020. Now comes the kicker from the guy who forced upon our nation and children vaccinations and boosters and lockdowns and masks, sabotaged any inexpensive therapeutics and cut the throat of any scientist who suggested a different course:

“And what’s going to happen is that we’re going to see that each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take.”

A little too late for the people fired for refusing to take the jab or suffered severe consequences after being forced to take the jab.

The big question: Now that you have said the choice is up to each individual, is your boss going to continue tossing out our best-trained warriors by the thousands because they won’t take the jab?

Krispy Kreme Takes a Bite Out of Inflation

Experts now believe there’s a 28% chance the U.S. will slump into a recession by 2023. That’s up from 13% from last year. The Wall Street Journal survey also saw economists reduce their prediction for the GDP growth in the fourth quarter from 3.6% a full point to 2.6%.

The downward projection for the economy stems from the staggering inflation we’re experiencing under the Biden Administration.

Krispy Kreme is doing its part to fight inflation, though our waistlines may soon argue otherwise. Every Wednesday between now and May 4, Krispy Kreme will charge the week’s national average gas price for a dozen donuts. For example, this week, AAA puts the average price of gas at $4.11. A dozen original glazed Krispy Kreme donuts will usually run you at least $10.

Along The Stream

As the week moves solemnly toward Calvary, we have a reflection from Jim Tonkowich called “Memento Mori: Remembering Death During Holy Week.”


Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and real soon at TRUTH Social.

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