The Brew: No, Virginia, Winston Churchill Wasn’t the Villain of World War II

Tucker Carlson has been touching one cultural third-rail after another for the past several years, usually to great acclaim and effect — but now, even he may have grasped the wrong one.
Recently, he did a podcast interview with historical revisionist Darryl Cooper, who made the case that Winston Churchill was wrong not to make peace with Hitler’s Germany in June 1940.
Cooper is not the first to make such claims. For decades, some on the right have argued that fighting the Nazis instead of cutting a deal with them against the Soviet Union was a tragic mistake, encouraging rather than stopping the Holocaust, and handing half of Europe to Stalin’s control. Indeed, had the U.S. not developed the atomic bomb just in time, it’s likely that Communism would have conquered the whole continent. (See the grim history Stalin’s War for the evidence that Stalin was the chief architect of the Second World War, and its only real winner.)
Pat Buchanan made a case against Churchill at book length in 2008. I reviewed the book respectfully, but concluded that he was wrong: There was no decent option open to Western countries except to resist the neo-pagan, totalitarian regime Hitler created, as Churchill and the British heroically did.
The blowback against Carlson from this interview has been unsurprising; people are eager to “cancel” him as some kind of “Hitler apologist” for letting Cooper state his views. Rather than jump on that bandwagon, I recommend instead that people acquaint themselves with the actual history — which doesn’t match up with Cooper’s attention-grabbing “revisionism.” Conservative historian Victor Davis Hanson does a good job of refuting Cooper’s claims here.
Much of the “received wisdom” we’re taught in schools is left-wing agitprop. But not all of it is. Thousands of Christians martyred by Hitler (who hunted God’s people, the Jews) testified to that with their life’s blood.
Russia, Russia, Russia!
Remember when we were told that Vladimir Putin had rigged election machines in 2016 to get Donald Trump elected? How about the months-long investigation into the so-called “Russian collusion” that paralyzed Trump during his tenure in office, which turned out to be based on fake, invented evidence and third-hand gossip? Or how about when Hunter Biden’s crime-diary laptop was solemnly certified by bipartisan intelligence hacks as “Russian disinformation” and truthful stories about it censored by Facebook at the instruction of the CIA?
Now it’s déjà vu all over again, as the Democrats apparently are panicking that Trump might actually not only live through the election, but win it. They’re playing what seems to be the only card in their deck: claiming again that Russia again is trying to subvert our democracy. CNN reports:
The Biden administration announced a sweeping set of actions to tackle a major Russian government-backed effort to influence the 2024 US presidential election on Wednesday, including unveiling criminal charges against two Russian nationals, sanctions on 10 individuals and entities, and the seizure of 32 internet domains.
At Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direction, three Russian companies used fake profiles to promote false narratives on social media, US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said in a statement. Internal documents produced by one of those Russian companies show one of the goals of the propaganda effort was to boost the candidacy of Donald Trump or whoever emerged as the Republican nominee for president, according to an FBI affidavit.
All this is supposed to persuade us that Putin is pulling strings for Trump, even though he just endorsed Kamala Harris:
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin says, in an interview, that he will support US Vice President Kamala Harris in the November US presidential election.
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) September 5, 2024
Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Crimes Found on “Russian Disinformation” Laptop
Oh yes, and that laptop which our intel panjandrums dismissed as Russian disinformation? It was cited as evidence by the FBI itself in its prosecution of Hunter Biden, which has resulted in nine guilty pleas, we just learned. Of course, Hunter won’t see the inside of a cell before the election, leaving plenty of time for his dad to pardon him. Because January 6 protestors who waved flags outside our Capitol, unaware that it had been quietly deemed off-limits, are the real threat to America. Not influence peddling, tax-evading drug addicts who illegally buy guns, while advising the White House.
…He will now be sentenced in December. Notably, that will be after the election but before his father leaves office. It would allow weeks for President Biden to change his position and issue a commutation or pardon after sentencing.
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) September 5, 2024
Farming and Ranching Are “Genocide,” Claims World Economic Forum Speaker
In case Kamala Harris’s plans to ration food (by controlling grocery store prices) and outlaw fracking for affordable energy don’t scare you sufficiently, listen to what the elites supporting a Democrat win for the White House are saying among themselves: That farming and ranching are crimes against the environment, and need to be harshly restricted. The Stream’s Jason Jones already reported on the thuggish restrictions on food production and “green” seizures of family farms in Europe. But check out the rhetoric of WEF panelist JoJo Mehta, who compares food production to genocide:
WEF Insanity: Davos Panelist says farming and fishing is “ecocide” and should be considered a crime
Communists have repeatedly and reliably always led to starvation for millions when they gain power.
Jojo compared farming and fishing to genocide and she wants to see these…— Camus (@newstart_2024) September 5, 2024
The same people who believe in 47 genders also think that producing food is somehow criminal. But remember — we’re the religious crackpots with dangerous, fringe ideas.
Florida Attorney General Sues Over Biden/Harris Releasing Violent Aliens
Another delusion that the Left has been promoting is the claim that the nearly 10 million illegal immigrants the Biden/Harris regime has waved into our country are all hard-working, honest refugees fleeing violence in search of the American Dream — and anyone who complains about that policy or their presence is simply a racist. Evidence of the harm these migrants are doing gets swept under the rug, as Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody complains in a new lawsuit. Gateway Pundit reports that Moody
filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the Biden administration, demanding accountability for its failure to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The request, which was originally submitted by the Attorney General’s office back in March, seeks documentation regarding the Biden regime’s policies that allow dangerous criminals to be released into U.S. communities straight out of prison.
Attorney General Moody expressed her frustration with Biden’s regime, stating, “In addition to flat out refusing to secure the border, reports indicate that President Biden and failed Border Czar Kamala Harris refuse to deport dangerous illegal immigrant prisoners once they are released from prison…” She continued, “This administration has made it clear they will not turn over documents showing this dangerous and unlawful scheme in a timely manner. Now, American cities are suffering in a very public way. I will not stand idly by and allow this dereliction of duty, that is why I filed suit today.”
But as Groucho Marx once asked, “Who are you going to believe — me, or your own lying eyes?” Below is just one of many recent violent incidents involving illegal immigrants welcomed by Harris as border czar, right here in Dallas, where I live:
Violent illegal alien gangs are taking over American cities. Watch as a group of Venezuelans beat a helpless man in Dallas as gunshots are fired off in the background.
This is Kamala’s America.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 3, 2024
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How do things like that happen in American cities? The police are ordered to give wide berth to migrants in “sanctuary cities,” as this video documents:
This Citizen tries to report a crime on an Illegal Alien to law enforcement and asked them to collect the information they’re giving them about this crime and to report it, “so you are gonna allow a person who went to prison, he committed a crime in America, who is Illegal right…
— ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể (@TheThe1776) September 2, 2024
Coming soon to an apartment complex near you: Armed Venezuelan gangs.
Colorado law firm report claims Venezuelan gang has “stranglehold” on apartments, takeover began in 2023:
“CBS News Colorado also obtained internal Aurora Police documents from June that appear to support some of the law firm’s conclusions.”
“An officer reported responding to…
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) September 5, 2024
When Al Perrotta and I wrote The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration back in 2018, we had no idea things would get this bad. But count on it, they can get a great deal worse if the architects of such policies hold onto power.
What Really Went on in the Secret Service Unit That Guarded Donald Trump?
Whistleblowers from inside the Secret Service have gotten information to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) about the gross incompetence which prevailed in the detail guarding Donald Trump when he was almost assassinated two months ago. You will have to decide for yourself whether conspiratorial malice or criminal cluelessness is to blame. Maybe someday we’ll all find out:
Along The Stream
Don’t miss Michael Brown’s astute comments about the wave of non-Christian dissenters (such as Joe Rogan and J.K. Rowling) from the most insane claims of the woke movement: While natural reason can indeed expose the dangers of evil movements and policies, only a firm faith in God the Creator can ground us and teach us to respond in a balanced, compassionate fashion.
Meanwhile, Al Perrotta walks into the darkness of the latest mass shooting at a U.S. school to explore the roots of such evil and remind us of the only answer — not an idea, but a Person.
John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or coauthor of 10 books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. His newest book is No Second Amendment, No First.