The Brew: If You Live in Minnesota, and Aren’t a Somali, Leave While You Still Can

Seriously. If you live in the state of Minnesota, you should sell your home and get out, because the North Star State’s highest court has just ruled that you may not even brandish a weapon at people who are threatening you or actually attacking you. Instead, it’s your duty to flee, to leave behind whatever property the felon is trying to take from you, and go hide and hope to survive:
BREAKING: Minnesota Supreme Court rules that even when a person is actively being attacked and at risk of death they cannot defend themselves and brandish a deadly weapon if it is “reasonably possible to retreat”
— Clarity (@covid_clarity) August 1, 2024
Now, I know what you are thinking: Will the hundreds of thousands of Somalis whom the Bush and Obama administrations recruited to colonize that state and create a congressional district for Ilhan Omar run and hide if (for instance) some Islamophobic white person threatens or robs them? No, they won’t. They will rightly defend themselves, and no charges will be brought against them. That’s how Anarcho-Tyranny works. And if the Democrats win in November, expect a newly packed U.S. Supreme Court to impose similar rulings on Texas, Mississippi, and every other red state.
For a principled Christian defense of using deadly force to protect both yourself and your property, see this column of mine which I wrote during the George Floyd riots. Here’s a snippet:
Think of some guy in Kenosha, Wisconsin, who spent 40 years working in his family’s convenience store, building up a livelihood. If a bunch of angry thugs barge in and burn the place, they’ve turned all those hours into slave labor. They’ve made him a slave. And slaves have the right to rebel, to fight back, to resist using whatever force is necessary against those who would put them in chains.
When looters and thugs attack a shopping center, they aren’t “precious human lives” who outweigh mere “bricks and mortar.” They are criminals using force, trying to enslave other human beings. So we ought to resist them by using proportionate force. Ideally, police would do that, being trained in de-escalation and legal, moral norms.
The lives of the innocent matter more than the lives of the guilty.
Or just read my new book, where the argument is reprinted and expanded.
Stream Contributor Warns Denmark Against Muslim Conquest
Raymond Ibrahim, a Coptic Christian and scholar of Islam, issued a sober warning recently to an audience in Denmark:
“I see chaos and violence and criminality and rape-grooming in England — that’s what always happens under Islam.
Wake up … understand the history and the doctrine of Islam; what Islam is all about.
Islam is unequivocally hostile.”
— Fr Calvin Robinson (@calvinrobinson) August 1, 2024
Speaking of jihadis, the Biden-Harris regime is now cutting deals with terrorists who behead American Jews (remember reporter Daniel Pearl?) and mastermind terror attacks on our country:
BREAKING: The architect of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and two of his accomplices have reached a plea deal, according to the Department of Defense.
— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) July 31, 2024
But the Biden-Harris regime remains tough on dangerous “extremists” such as nonviolent January 6 defendants. Read this heartbreaking account by former J6 prisoner Lt. Col. Larry Brock, hosted at the Substack of the heroic journalist Julie Kelly. Here’s a snippet:
J6 patriots have … endured loss of careers, destruction of marriages, loss of personal savings, alienation from children and extended family, and many other ramifications. The primary cause of many of these extra-judicial punishments is Christopher Wray’s labeling J6 protesters as domestic terrorists.
I fought for this country for over 18 years on Middle-Eastern battlefields, yet I am designated as a terrorist by the government I served. This label empowered the Federal Aviation Administration to revoke my airline transport pilot license. Prior to J6, I was a 737 Captain and the FAA seizing my licenses destroyed a career it took a lifetime to build.
As a “domestic terrorist,” bank accounts have been canceled and I am unable to get new credit. These extra-judicial punishments are additional to the loss of the rights to vote and to bear arms, and the loss of state-issued professional licenses. The most grievous impact on my life however was to be felt by my friends and family.
They say when you enter prison, you go alone, but that is not true. Your family enters with you, and along with incarceration, J6 families endure seeing every aspect of their loved one’s life twisted by a media hell-bent on narrative creation regardless of truth.
Kamala Hid Video of Planned Parenthood Trafficking Baby Livers
Persecuted journalist David Daleiden has released videotapes of Planned Parenthood selling baby organs for profit, which then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris seized and kept secret. Share this with your moderate friends who find Donald Trump … distasteful:
▶️WATCH: In new full undercover video, Planned Parenthood NYC seeks $1,500 “financial incentive” per aborted fetal liver, which can be harvested from “intact D&Es”—criminal partial-birth abortions.@KamalaHarris seized this footage to cover up for
— David Daleiden (@daviddaleiden) July 31, 2024
It’s Okay to Hit Girls Now
At least the Gadarene Left is consistently demonic. The pagan-themed Paris Olympics just witnessed a biological male pummel a female boxer into submission:
Angela Carini (blue, female) abandons fight against Imane Khelif (red, male) a few minutes into fight /1
— FairPlayForWomen (@fairplaywomen) August 1, 2024
Woke gulag escapee Naomi Wolf made a trenchant comment on this spectacle:
Dr Naomi Wolf on X: “Every survivor of male on female domestic violence is triggered.”
But for a more in-depth commentary, see this fine essay at Clear Truth Media on the candy-coated poison that is “equity.”
Transgender madness continues to rip families apart across the world:
BREAKING: Swiss parents who had their child taken from them by authorities for refusing to give her puberty blockers have lost their court case.
Under threat of criminal charges, they are now forced to hand over documents for her legal ‘sex change.’
— Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@BillboardChris) July 31, 2024
One thing the partisans of sexual “freedom” don’t like to mention is that their chemical castrations ruin the lifetime sexual function of those who endure them as children:
Watch Marci Bowers who is the president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) admit that ZERO boys aged 9-11 who received puberty blockers were able to achieve orgasm later in life. She also says there isn’t a difference between a penis & clitoris
— Champagne Joshi (@JoshWalkos) May 31, 2023
They Win by Cheating, and Imprisoning Those Who Report it
How does the Left stay in power, given all the infernal and counterproductive causes it shamelessly champions? If you’ve been watching the short films from election integrity activist David Clements we’ve featured here on The Stream for the last month, you know the answer: Massive voter fraud. One way the Left gets away with such fraud is by prosecuting whistleblowers, as former Stream columnist Rachel Alexander reports:
In the trial of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, who made a copy of a Dominion voting machine’s election database since she was concerned there was fraud and the Colorado Secretary of State was about to write over the database with a software upgrade which would violate 22-25 month…
— Rachel Alexander (@Rach_IC) August 1, 2024
Do Bears Now Poop in the Vatican?
Earlier this week, I suggested that Pope Francis didn’t condemn the pansexual pagan Olympics rituals because he secretly enjoyed them, and they suit his plan to “queer” the Catholic church. Here’s more sad evidence for this, as Francis blesses a retreat of gay activist Catholics.
Catholics seeking encouragement should follow the Substack of illicitly removed Bishop Joseph Strickland. As he writes:
This time in which we are living is indeed a time of unparalleled evil. And to see the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, so infiltrated by evil can make us feel that the very ground under our feet has become shaky. This is all the more reason that it is so important in these times to realize that we are not on shaky ground at all – instead we are standing on a firm foundation within His Church – because our cornerstone is Jesus Christ!
If, like me, you admire Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, excommunicated for questioning whether Francis is really sufficiently Catholic to be the pope, check out this detailed legal argument against the charge that Vigano is a “schismatic.”
Along The Stream
Later this morning, don’t miss Raymond Ibrahim’s analysis of why Kamala Harris now forbids any reference to the Islamic nature of jihadi terror attacks.
Yesterday, I explained why we should vote for the Borat Party against the Hamas Party, and cited my two favorite planks in the new GOP platform:
- Trumpistan is greatest country in the world. All other countries are run by little girls.
- Trumpistan #1 exporter of potassium. Other countries have inferior potassium.
John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or coauthor of 10 books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. His newest book is No Second Amendment, No First.